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Task 5 Pre-Production Planning

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Page 1: Task 5 Pre-Production Planning

Plan – storyboard, schematic or design pack Resources Schedule

What you have to produce. What you need to produce your work. The time in which you have to do it.

Contractual Ethical Health and safety Budget

What conditions are you working under – freelance, paid employee, collaborator? Have you checked your proposal for decency, representation of race, gender religion and sexuality? Have you included relevant risk assessment? What the project will cost.

Plan: The project I am going to produce is a story detailing the heavy a character in team

fortress 2 who is captured by the enemy team and has had his most prized possession

stolen, his sandwich. The initial animation will be shorter than planned due to problems

with rendering and a shortage of resources but I aim to make the best animation I can with

the time given and my skill with the program. The animation will start with the heavy

ordering commands to his team and him dominating his enemies in general and eventually

being captured and held by the blue spy and his team mates. The heavy will then be seen in

a locked room with his captors having suffered a knife wound and therefore being unable to

move. The blue spy proceeds to tell the heavy this is the last time he will ever see him

before shooting him in the face. The following scene will be a slight remake on the scene

already available from Valve titled “meet the heavy” this can be seen here -


Resources: The resources I need to make this possible will be a mixture of Source Filmmaker

and team fortress 2. Source Filmmaker will be used for all the animating and this will be how

I piece it all together and do most of the posing and talking. I will be using team fortress 2

primarily for the models so I have them to work with in SFM but I can also use team fortress

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for some in game recording to send directly to the timeline of the SFM animation, this is

done by pressing f11 in SFM. I also need team fortress 2 for the audio files so I can use music

and make the characters talk. I also will be using a free version of cyber link power director

to tidy up all my scenes and make them flow better scrubbing out any light issues and

muffled sounds.


Contractual: I am working in collaboration with Valve to make my trailer. This means any

revenue generated by my animation will be shared with Valve as they own the programs I

will be using to make the animation. Valve own both Source Filmmaker and Team Fortress 2

this means all the intellectual property belongs to them and all I will be doing is just making a

new animation based on the programs already put to me by the company. Any money

generated will be done so via purchases of the expansion and through how many views it

gains on YouTube. This also means a cut of the profit will be shared with YouTube and

Google as the terms state that they get a share of the money as I will be using their website to

showcase my trailer. YouTube will get money from a formula which can be seen

here.Earnings Potential = (Number of subscribers x £0.05) + (Total number of channel views x £0.01) money is generated based on advertisements placed in the video. The money I make will be split with YouTube and then the money left over will be shared with Valve.

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Health and Safety:

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Steam is a free to use program and so is Source Filmmaker so the cost of using both

programs is nothing

I spend around 6 hours in college per day It costs about £20 a week for college and I will be

working for 8 weeks 20x8 = £180 for the full 8 weeks just based on my time.

The animation will be put up onto YouTube when it is complete and that will begin to

generate revenue. The formula for generating money on YouTube is Earnings Potential =

(Number of subscribers x £0.05) + (Total number of channel views x £0.01). This makes it hard for me

to determine just how much it will make but I can work off how much it would roughly make if it was

on Valves official YouTube channel. Valve has 330,626 subscribers and 80,211,790 video views this

is only a rough guess and as YouTube states there is no direct agreement on how much you will be

paid or if you will even be paid at all.

Due to my Knowledge of Source Filmmaker I would charge an hourly rate of £25

£25x30 =£750 (30 = the amount of hours a week I would work) £750x8 = £6000 for the 8

weeks work

Computer with enough power to work productively -£1000

Food = £200 p/m rent = £450 p/m Supplies = £100 Bills = £100

£6000 - £1850 = £4150