Taking web apps oine [email protected] @pedromorais morais on app.net GDG Portugal DevFest March ’13

Taking Web Apps Offline

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Takingweb appsoffline

[email protected]@pedromorais

morais on app.netGDG Portugal DevFestMarch ’13

Offline webapps - why?

no network connection requiredfaster startupkeep data local

The Road to Offline

user data


1. user data

localStorage*and sessionStorage


Simple API

window.localStorage[‘hello’] = ‘world’;


Can store a JSON string

window.localStorage[‘helloJSON’] =

JSON.stringify({‘key1’: ‘world’,

‘key2’: ‘Lisbon’});


localStorage limitationsStorage Limits

Spec - 5 MbFirefox - can adjusted

Chrome - 2600k chars (5 mb in UTF-16)

IE - 5000k chars

localStorage limitations

Sync API

window.localStorage[‘sloooow’] = ‘imagine a 1 MB string here’;

sql storage

sql storagework stopped November ’10

sqlite was used in all implementations(webkit, opera)

mozilla & microsoft: “not gonna happen”


sql storage


indexed db polyfill over websql

indexed db

indexed dbAsync API

var request = indexedDB.doStuff();

request.onerror = function(event) {



request.onsuccess = function(event) {



indexed db

Opening a database

var request = indexedDB.open("MyTestDatabase");

request.onerror = ...

var db;

request.onsuccess = function(event) {

db = request.result;


creating the schema

var request = indexedDB.open("MyTestDatabase", 5);


request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {

var db = event.target.result;



creating the schema# student: cardNumber, name, email, ...

request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {

var db = event.target.result;

var studentsStore = db.createObjectStore("students",

{ keyPath: "cardNumber" });

studentsStore.createIndex("nameIndex", "name",

{ unique: false });

studentsStore.createIndex("emailIndex", "email",

{ unique: true });


adding datavar transaction

= db.transaction(["students"], "readwrite");

transaction.oncomplete = function(event) {

  alert("All done!");



// transactions go away when you

// return to the event loop

// without making a request

adding data...

var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("customers");

aStudent = { ‘studentCard’: ‘44124’,

‘name’: ‘Pedro Morais’,

‘email’: ‘[email protected]'}

var request = objectStore.add(aStudent);

request.onsuccess = function(event) {

  // event.target.result == aStuddent.studentCard


updating data...

var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("customers");

aStudent = { ‘studentCard’: ‘44124’,

‘name’: ‘Pedro Morais with updated name’,

‘email’: ‘[email protected]'}

var request = objectStore.put(aStudent);

request.onsuccess = function(event) {

  // event.target.result == aStuddent.studentCard


deleting data


var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("customers");

var request = objectStore.delete(‘44124’);

request.onsuccess = function(event) {

// deleted


getting data

var transaction = db.transaction(["students"]);

var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("customers");

var request = objectStore.get(‘44124’);

request.onsuccess = function(event) {

console.log(“Name is “, request.result.name);


using a cursor....

var request = objectStore.openCursor();

request.onsuccess = function(event) {

var c = event.target.result;

  if (c) {


("Student " + c + " is named " + c.value.name);


  } else {




using an index


var index = objectStore.index("name");

index.get("Pedro Morais").onsuccess = function(event) {

  console.log("Email=" + event.target.result.email);


// if name is not unique

// you get the first entry that matches

using an index + cursor...

var index = objectStore.index("name");

var request

= index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only("Pedro Morais"));

request.onsuccess = function(event) {

  var c = event.target.result;

  if (c) {

    // c.key is a name, like "Pedro Morais",

// c.value is the whole object.

    console.log("Name: " + cursor.key +

“Email: " + cursor.value.email);




cursor key ranges

IDBKeyRange.only("Pedro Morais")


IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("Pedro", true) // don’t inc Pedro

IDBKeyRange.upperBound("Pedro", true) // don’t inc Pedro

IDBKeyRange.bound("Pedro", "Vanda", false, true);

// include Pedro, don’t include Vanda


2. assets

offline web apps


offline web apps<!DOCTYPE html>

<html manifest=”cache.appcache”>


cache.appcache must be served astext/cache-manifest

cache manifestCACHE MANIFEST# this is a comment



cache with fallbackCACHE MANIFEST# this is a comment


FALLBACK:/ /offline.html


network accessnot using appcache

• user navigates to http://test.com/app.html

• browser check if file “app.html” is in cache

• browser check if it has not expired

• browser checks validity of file using etags (optional)

• browser renders the cached or downloaded app.html

network accessusing appcache

• user navigates to http://test.com/app.html

• browser renders app.html from appcache

• in the background:

• browser checks if manifest has changed

• if it has, browser downloads all files in the manifest (expires, etags still apply)

• user only gets new version of app.html the next time!

cache manifest versionsCACHE MANIFEST# version 50



cache manifest versionsCACHE MANIFEST



+ far future expires

cache manifest versionsCACHE MANIFEST



+ far future expires


Available today

localStorageIndexed DB (+ polyfill)


Take your web apps offline


[email protected]@pedromorais

morais on app.netGDG Portugal DevFestMarch ’13