Speeches of the students from La Solana (Spain): Trip to Poland

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Page 1: Speeches of the students from La Solana (Spain): Trip to Poland
Page 2: Speeches of the students from La Solana (Spain): Trip to Poland



Hello everybody, my name is Gloria and we are from Spain and it´s a pleasure to stay here.

First at all, I am going to present my teammates, Our names are: Pilar (Hello), Leticia (Hi!) and Rosa (what´s up!).

Wait to Pilar, Leticia and Rosa

Hello again, I am going to speak about “The language of bees”.

As we know that the ….Bees have between them one coded language very precise.

The dance: obviously, this dance is not like the human dances, and it is performed by the scout bees when they arrive to the hive and informs the other bees about the place and the distance of a source of supply.

Honeybees communicate with sophisticated “dances” to tell other bees where to find nectar and pollen.

There are two types of dances: I. -The dance in circle or round dance means that there is a source of supply very close

(within 25 meters). II. To further afield to ten kilometers, the waggle dance indicates depending on the

abdominal oscillations and vibrations emitted, the distance of the loot to collect. The direction is expressed relative to the position of the sun. The distance is expressed by the number and speed of the turns made by the bee on itself.

….To end up

Scout honeybees go out in search of good nectar and pollen sources.

When they come back, they do a dance that tells the other bees not only how far the nectar is, but also the direction in which to travel using the sun as a reference point.

And you must know a curiosity….

If the nectar is in the direction of the sun, the dance will be performed straight up the walls of the hive: if the map were a clock, they would dance toward 12:00. If the nectar is 30 degrees to the right of the sun, the dance will be performed at about 2:00. If the nectar is distant from the hive, the scout bee does a figure-eight dance (Waggle Dance).

Now I leave you with my teammate Leticia, an amazing girl…

ADVICE TO FINISH: If bees didn't transfer pollen from flower to flower we would have a difficult time growing fruit.

Page 3: Speeches of the students from La Solana (Spain): Trip to Poland


We have done a puzzle that you must complete, each country have got two pieces.

You have a minute to do it. Please, German and Polish students raise your hand. Your two pieces.

Wait to Rosa and Pilar

Hello again, my topic is about THE KIND OF BEES…

The bees live in colonies of 50 000 individuals. The bees make hives where each one performs a function. The bees can live in hives made by them or in hives created by beekeepers.

The different types of bees are:


The function of the queen bee is put eggs, more than 1000 daily. Of these, some will become males or drones and the other females.

The majority of the female larvae become worker bees, but five or six will be fed with royal jelly and get to become queen bees.


Remember maybe it is the same in the human society (It´s a joke)…They are male bees that don’t work. They feed by the workers and their function is to fecundate the queen bee. When they make this function, the drones are expelled from the hive; they can't feed by themselves so drones die.

And finally I would like to finish with the workers bees….

WORKERS BEES, we must know their characteristics: They are infertile female bees. They only live a few months. When they are young their function is to clean the cells, feed the queen bee and the

drones, etc. Twenty days later they become adults bees and they can working outside the hive. When the bees look for food, they are guided by the sun and the environment…. like said

before Gloria…, for not to be lose and can return to the hive.

Now, it is a pleasure to present Rosa…

ADVICE TO FINISH: People also eat honey and use wax to make candles and other products.

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Turkish and Portuguese if you don´t mind put your hand up, two pieces both.

First…Italian,… and now Greek students raise your hand, please… two pieces for you.

Wait to Pilar

Gloria Speech, Leticia Speech (5 minutes)

Now I will speak about the behavior of the bees, like Leticia….but I will add their behavior with the human…

To start…

The aggressiveness is hereditary, it is different by race and different colonies of the same race, and it is somewhat higher in colonies with young queens.

When Beekeepers work with ruffles and a large number of deaths, the bees become more aggressive and remain alert for several days. At that time they prevent us to approach draw near.

Secondly….I would like to explain that

When bees are away from the colony and its mission only grab nectar or useful elements are completely peaceful…

I would like to advice you that….

We can be cherished with care not to crush them under these conditions if something bothers you go to another site

Near the hive is aggressive when we stand in their flight paths, especially since they are very attentive to movements and smells.

…At the end

Inside the hive bees handle more prepared to defend the hive.

Bees alter their rate of work when they perceive any of four reasons:

- Vibrations picked.- Jerking.- Unpleasant odor perception for them.- Adverse weather conditions.- Pitched sound emitted by a bee flying around us is due to his anger and precedes

puncture attempts.

Now I have the pleasure to present the last speech with Pilar….

ADVICE TO FINISH: Bee venom is used to make medicine to cure arthritis, too.

Page 5: Speeches of the students from La Solana (Spain): Trip to Poland


Lithuanian and Italian, to finish, your pieces.

Now, you have two minute to put in order this puzzle.

Please, get up and put here your puzzles pieces.

Wait to finish that everybody put the jigsaw

Wait to Gloria, Leticia, Rosa speeches (8 minutes)

Image that Albert Einstein said: “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live”….only four years, unbelievable!!!! Isn´t it?

For that reason…we have to be worried about the bees’ population


In the last few years beekeepers began to notice a decrease and disappearance in their honeybee’s colonies. More than 30% of the honeybee colonies have been disappearing each year.

WHAT ARE THE CAUSES?I. The principal cause is the use of pesticides.

II. Other causes are the spread of diseases and viruses, habitat loss and stress factor.And we can ask to us

WHY IS THE DECLINE IN HONEY BEES A SERIOUS ISSUE?I. Human rely on them to pollinate crops.

II. Bees are the most important pollinators of flowers. III. Without bees our produce sections in supermarket would look bare with up to 50% less

fruit and vegetables. Remember that

In Europe was banned the use of pesticide but we don't know if this can save them.

And we would like to finish our presentation with these advices:


PILAR: Bees are very important animal. Humans rely on them to pollinate crops.