[email protected] Richard Friedman Jason Kinner Brian Robinson Bill Reichardt 1 “Harness the Power of Social Networking” For Your Website and Community

Social Network Overview Ringside Networks

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Ringside Networks East Coast 2008 Learn all about the first Open Source Social Application Server. This is a participatory training session, bring your laptop and leave with Ringside running on your machine!

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Page 1: Social Network Overview Ringside Networks

[email protected]

Richard Friedman Jason Kinner

Brian Robinson Bill Reichardt1

“Harness the Power of Social Networking”For Your Website and Community

Page 2: Social Network Overview Ringside Networks



• The Value of Social Networking

• Social Application Examples

• Social Application Platform

• Facebook Integration

• Advertising Alternative

• Next Steps


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Business Overview

• Social Networking

– prompting next generation of the Web with social applications

– enable website visitors to come together around shared interests

– become active contributors rather than just content browsers

• Ringside Networks focus

– bringing the power of social networking to your business

– enabling your global community to connect and interact like never before

• Ringside Social Application Server

– first open source platform

– enables website owners to build and deploy social applications

– seamlessly integrate with social networks such as Facebook


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Benefits of Social

• Engage

Websites move beyond simple personalization

Transformed into social applications

Accelerates meaningful user generated content

Encourages vibrant community dynamics

• Viral

Website visitors participate in a network effect of interactions

Building relationships and experiences

Vastly more meaningful than search engine advertisements

• Loyal

Customers transition from website visitors into active and ongoing contributors improvement in customer and brand loyalty.


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Breadth of social

• Every site, page, network fuels

– People coming together

– Sharing of common interests

– Organic relationship building

– Taking sites beyond content

• Finding your communities

– Maximizes existing investments

– Adding social incrementally.

– Customize to engage your community

• Ownership

– Your brand, look and feel

– Applications

– Data ( industry and firm data)


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Approaches to Social Networking

• Social Networks – Facebook, MySpace, Hi5,

• Social Apps – YouTube, Forums, Blogs, Polling Widgets

• White Label Social Networks – Leverage, Ning, Kickapps

• Social Application Platform -Ringside

• Ringside is not:

– Ad biz social network

– White label social network

• Ringside is:

– first social application platform

– Provide social middleware, “the guts” for a complete integration

– Use open source model


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Social Application Platform

• Social Networking – natural part of the web– Every web site will have a social aspect as part of their presence

– Every web application will look to integrate your social network

• Social Application Platform– Engagement, Virality, Loyalty

– The platform used to integrate social networking

• Deliver social applications to any site

• Build incrementally socially aware apps

• Seamless integration with your existing infrastructure

• Integrate with other social networks


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Technology Overview

Understanding Social Applications via Facebook

Social Application Servers

Extensible platforms


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Social Application

• Users (#1 Request)– Make Request

– Pick Applications

• Social Network (#2 Integrate)– Builds Context

– Access Social Graph

• Applications (#3 Process)– Executed through Social Network

– Passed the context

– APIs for more information

• Response (#4 Render)– Application returns social response

– Social Networks renders this


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Social Architecture

• Common Features

– Scale and Scope

– Caching

– Application Isolation

– Single User security models

• Limitations

– Apps don‟t talk to each other (no interoperability)

– Lack‟s customization of security

– Social data at hub

– Application Portability


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Social Applications Anywhere

• Application or Data Portability

– Global Social the set of locations where your profile exists. Data is not very portable and neither are applications

– Site Social the profile for the site you are engaged on, applications have access to the data, but no interoperability between apps.

– Application Social the data set the application is legally allowed to access relative to the Site and maintain.

– Application and data – The application can maintain its own data but access to the layers above is not portable.

• Social Data rights and privileges

– Who owns the data

– Site and Global put restrictions on what you have access to and what you can do with it.


Global Social

Site Social

Application Social



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Your own social application

• Social Application Server

– Provide social context

– Identity Mapping/Management

– Handles requests to applications

– Process the response and Render

• Design Principles

– Expansion

– Specific networks

– Users, Communities

– Applications

– Application Integration



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Receiving the request

• User Request

– Browser

– Widget

– Flash

• Social information

– Users id

– Network id

– Reference to server

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Getting more information

• Client

– Manages details

– Maintains context

– Multi-network

• API Support

– Facebook compatibility• User.getInfo

– Ringside Extensions• Comments.get


– Select interest from friends where uid = 567372

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Create and send response

• Domain Specific Language

• Social DSL ( FBML )– <fb:friend-selector />

– <rs:suggestions … />

• Web, Mobile, Flash, …– Working towards transformation


• Or straight HTML

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Communities are everywhere

• What is a community

– Sets of sets

• One Piece of content– Multiple communities

– Purpose

• Social Preferences

– Cultural

– Technical

– Regulatory

• Applications and Communities

– Social Context more than• User, name, network


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Pages, Sites, Wikis, Networks..

• Social Everywhere

– Every part of the web or web applications can have a social aspect.

• Pages

– Entirety or Contextual

– All, Group, Federated

• Sites

– Federated

– Profiles

• Wiki‟s (Content Mgmt)

– Socially aware content

• Social Networks


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Social Interoperability

• Mode 1: Extended– Run with Ringside Server for other


– Support facebook as well

– Run multiple instances

– Or build custom identity mapping

• Mode 2: Federated– Built in Identity Mapping

– Application can be joined everywhere

– Apps can get context of • User

• Network

• Identity


Mode 2: Federated

Mode 1: Extended

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What about my own network?

• Application‟s Network– More than a facebook


• Community Engine– Bring a network face to the


– Thin layer using API and SOCIAL

• Components– Developer Console (adding your applications)

– User Profile application

– Registration/User Application

– Customizable Menu Application

– Side bar Applications

– Control Panel (not available


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Connecting applications in

• Social Network -> Social engine

– Networks Protocol

– Identity Mapping

• Third Party -> Social Engine

– Websites use protocol

– User Mapping/Integration

• Social Engine -> Application

– Ringside Protocol

– Facebook Protocol

• Application -> API containers

– Clients

– Calling a server

• Trusting the connections

– Defined endpoints

– Security Models

– The web is not secure


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Ringside Enabled Applications

• Your application as the social network

– Users (#1 Request)

– Social Network (#2 Integrate)

– Applications (#3 Process)

– Response (#4 Render)

• Extending the application

– Your APIs

– Your DSL

• Putting it together

– <app:show attribute=„value‟ />

– App.Method(…)

• Other Applications can now integrate


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• Suggestions

– APP• Single location for suggestions


• addSuggestion(..)

• rateSuggestion(..)


• <rs:suggestion topic=“kids names” />


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Key Aspects of the Ringside Social Application Server

• Social Application Engine: – Quickly build, customize and deploy social


• Social Applications: – Standard social applications such as user profiles,

friends, groups, comments, ratings, favorites, events, etc.

• Social Graph– Gain Insight

• Facebook Compatibility: – API and FBML Compatibility

• Federated Social Graphs: – Federated Identity Management


•Extensible API and Tag Library:

–Extend and Go

•Pluggable Domain Specific Languages:

–FBML or YourML

–Render flexibility

•Open Social Compatibility Intelligence:

– [in plan] Open and Integrated

•Rapid, Scalable Deployment:

–Simple Deployment

•Open Source:


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Get Involved


Committed to

Committed to Open Source and

transparent development process

•Issue Tracker–http://jira.ringsidenetworks.org/

•Forums –http://forums.ringsidenetworks.org/

•Mailing Lists–http://lists.ringsidenetworks.org/

•Wiki–You are here. (http://wiki.ringsidenetworks.org/)

•IRC –on freenode it is #ringside

•Source Code–View SVN -http://ringside.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ringside/

–Check out - svn co https://ringside.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ringsideringside

•Sourceforge Project–http://sourceforge.net/projects/ringside

•Blogs–Blog Roll -http://www.ringsidenetworks.com/socialbusiness/


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Hands on!

• http://wiki.ringsidenetworks.org/display/ringside/Getting+Started

– Trail 1. Download and Install

– Trail 2. Hello World

– Trail 3. Writing Suggestions App

– Trail 4. Using APIs

– Trail 5. Writing Custom APIs

– Trail 6. Customizing my own Tags

– Trail 7. Social on a website (in progress)