Skills 3 p1

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I found the font/logo of the band that I was using on dafont.com I decided to use their own logo because, as shown in this rock magazine they use the bands’ logo, which may stand out to the audience more than just a list of bands that the reader will have to take time over and read before deciding they are interested in buying the magazine. Where as using the logo on the front cover, I think is a good idea because it’s the most important part of the magazine as it will ultimately decide whether someone will pick up the magazine and buy it or not, so the logos here catches your eye straight away from a distance and you’ll recognise the bands instantly rather than having to physically pick up the magazine and read them all.

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To use font, after taking a screen shot of the text there is obviously a white background, in order to remove this and have purely the text, I used colour range tool , selected white area and then deleted it

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This is what the font looked like with no flash box behind hit. It looked more like a album cover than a cover of a magazine. I added flash boxes by using the shape tool and putting it under the text layer.

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I decided on the white flash box, but to add depth to the cover I changed the blending options, like previously, to white outer glow

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As I wanted to put the cover image in front of the mast,I quickly put in the mast head, that I had earlier created so I knew where it was going to be.

Firstly I duplicated the image. I then used the quick selection tool to select the areas of the image that I wanted to be moved in front of the mast head using the shift and alt keys to add and remove areas I didn’t need etc to make as accurate as possible

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Once I had ‘cut’ out the image that I wanted to go over the mast head, I moved it into place onto of the original image.

To make it go over the masthead, I selected the layer that I had just created and put it above the masthead layer.

Masthead layer

Cover image

Cut out cover image