SHOPLOVERS Shopping ex2erience 2.0

Shop lovers Shopping experience 2.0

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SHOPLOVERS  Shopping  ex2erience  2.0  

Page 2: Shop lovers Shopping experience 2.0


ALICE  MORONI  Master  degree  

scholarship  in  Mass  Communica;on,  PhD  student  and    coordinator  of  the  “NFC  and  Mobile”  research  group  at  


SERENA  SPOSATO  Postgraduate  scholarship  in  

Computer  Science,  developer  (Java,  

JME,  Java  Card,  Php)  and  member  of  the  “NFC  and  Mobile”  research  group.  

MANUELE  TAMBURRANO  Master  degree  

student  in  Computer  Science,  developer  (Java,  JME,  Java  Card,  Php)  and  member  of  the  “NFC  and  Mobile”  

research  group.  

VALENTINA  VOLPI  Postgraduate  

scholarship  in  Mass  Communica;on,  mobile  usability  analyst  and  

member  of  the  “NFC  and  Mobile”  research  group.  

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CATTID  –  SAPIENZA  UNIVERSITY  OF  ROME  C.A.T.T.I.D.   is   an   Italian   research   centre   for  Informa;on   and   Communica;on   Technology  inside  the  University  of  Rome  Sapienza.    The   Centre   was   founded   in   1979   to   support   the  teaching   methodologies   using   every   type   of   IT  tools.   Over   the   last   years,   it   has   become   an  innova;on   centre   in   digital   technologies:   it   now  works  in  close  contact  with  other  Departments  of  “Sapienza”   University   of   Rome,   as   well   as   with  other   Universi;es   both   in   Rome   and   in   other  ci;es.    The   scien;fic   work   of   CATTID   has   also   drawn  aWen;on   of   many   na;onal   and   interna;onal  companies   and   also   led   to   several   collabora;ons  with   important   na;onal   and   interna;onal  industries   and   research   organiza;ons,   among   as  Ericsson  Italia.  

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SHOPLOVERS  WHAT  IS  IT?  ShopLovers   is   a   social  n e t w o r k   p l a X o r m  connec;ng   real   and   virtual  world   in  order   to  obtain   the  best  shopping  experience.    

Thanks   to   ShopLovers  people  can  connect  with  the  objects   they   buy   and   love,  play   with   them   and   gain  some  kind  of  reward.    

ShopLovers   deals   with   the  “word-­‐of-­‐mouth  adver;sing”  basic   principle   from   a   social  2.0  point  of  view.    

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HOW  SHOPLOVERS  CONNECTS  THINGS  ShopLovers   connects   people  with   the   products   they   buy,  share  and  love.    

If  Facebook  asks   the  ques;on  “What’s   on   your   mind?”,  Tw iWer   wonders   about  “What’s   happenings?”   to   the  users,   and   the   loca;on-­‐based  social   networks   Gowalla   and  Foursquare   asks   “Where   are  you?”  ShopLovers   answers   the  ques;on  “What  did  you  buy?”  connec;ng   users   with   their  favorite   products,   shops   and  brands.      

RFID   and   NFC   technologies  help  to  do  this  in  an  easy  and  automated  way!    

TAG  ID:  042B6723EE  

TAG  ID:  0534C725F3  

TAG  ID:  03DC67EE45  

TAG  ID:  274C67G465  

TAG  ID:  02AF69G4E8  

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HOW  IT  WORKS?  The   ShopLovers   system   is  composed   of   four   main  sofware  components:    

•  a  mobile   applica;on   that  can   be   installed   on   the  Android  device    

•  a  social  network  plaXorm  

•  a   C++   applica;on   to  manage   the   contactless  communica;on   at   the  retail’s  POS  

•  a   Java   applica;on   that  provides   high-­‐level   User  Interface   (UI)   to   the   C++  applica;on  

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AT  THE  SHOP  The   customer   checks   in   at  the   retail   Point   of   Sale  t a p p i n g   o n   i t   t h e  ShopLovers   NFC   s;cker  aWached   on   his   mobile  phone.    

Thanks   to   contactless/NFC  h e   i s   a u t o m a ; c a l l y  iden;fied  by  the  system.      

Before   the   purchase   the  customer   can   receive   and  share  adver;sing  news,     so  that   he   can   update   his   SN  profile   about   the   latest  purchases   and   get   some  discount.  







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SHOPLOVERS  ONLINE  The   shopping   experience  con;nues   on   the   Social  Network   site   of   ShopLovers,  available   via   web   or   mobile  applica;on.    

Inside   the   community   of  friends   user   can   share   the  pleasure   of   a   good   buy   and  s p r e a d   l o v e d   b r a n d s  prompted   by   a   program   of  customer  loyalty  rewards.    

Friends   can   comment   on  p u r c h a s e d   p r o d u c t s ,  exchange  coupons  and  virtual  items,   making   the   shopping  experience  even  more  fun!  











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MAIN  SECTIONS  OF  THE  ANDROID  APPLICATION  ME:  the  user  profile  page  with  the  latest  friends’  posts    

COUPONS:  the  virtual  gif  coupons  gained  by  the  user    

PRODUCTS:  the  list  of  the  user’s  purchased  products    

SHOPS:  :  the  list  of  the  shops  visited  by  the  user    

BRAND:  the  list  of  the  brands  loved  by  the  user    

MY  SHOP:  the  game  sec;on  for  the  community  of  friends  

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BUSINESS  POTENTIAL  ShopLovers   is   an   alluring  social   media   marke;ng   tool  where   retail   trade   can   get  visibility   and   be   fostered  from  the  boWom  up.      

Strenghts:  •  strong   penetra;on   of  

mobile  phones  •  business  poten;al  of  NFC  

technology  •  rapid   growth   of   social  

media   as   an   adver;sing  plaXorm  


Commercial   implementa;on  ba sed   on   a   “ revenue  sharing”   or   “cost   per   sale”  business  model.    


SMARTPHONE   PENETRATION  AGE  15-­‐24  1.  Italy    47%  2.  Spain    38%  3.  UK    36%  

SMARTPHONE   FEMALE  USER  AGE  15-­‐24  1.  US    55%  2.  UK    47%  3.  Russia    43%  

SOCIAL   NETWORK   AD   SPENDING  WORLDWIDE,  2009-­‐2011  •  2011    29,1%  •  2010    30,7%  •  2009  26,6%  

H1  2010  –  Source:  Nielsen  

July  2010  –  Source:  eMarketer  

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USER  WANTS  AND  NEEDS  ANALYSIS  From  the  survey  conducted  by  the   team*   emerged   that   in   a  social   network   focused   on  s h o p p i n g ,   t h e   u s e r s ’  preference  is  addressed  to  gain  some  kind  of  rewards.  First   of   all   they   like   to   share  informa;on   on   discounts,  promo;ons   and   ini;a;ves   of  their   favorite   brands   or  products   they   have   purchased  a n d   t o   a c c u m u l a t e  personalized  coupons.    The   informa;on   they   like   to  share  the  most  is  the  picture  of  the   product   they   bought   or  they  would   like  to  buy,  as  well  as  the  shop  they  went  in.              

First   of   all   sharing   informa;on   on   discounts,  promo;ons  and  ini;a;ves  of  your  favorite  brands  or  products  you  have  purchased  Repor;ng   to   a   friend  or   acquaintance  a  product  that  might  interest  him  or  her  Accumula;on  of  personalized  coupons  based  on  purchases    Geong  ;ps  on  what  you  want  or  you  would  like  to  buy  Exchange  coupons  with  friends  or  acquaintances  Giving  advice  on  shopping  for  friends  and  people  you  know  Publica;on  shouts  of  purchases  that  you  made  or  wanted  to  make  Publica;on  shouts  of  purchases  that  your  friends  or  people  you  know  made  or  wanted  to  make  Other  

Which  of  the  following  funcQons  would  you  like  to  find  on  a  social  network  dedicated  to  











Picture  of   the  product  you  bought  or  you  would  like  to  buy  Shop  you  went  into  Price  of  the  product  you  bought  or  you  would  like  to  buy  Descrip;on   of   the   product   you   bought   or   you  would  like  to  buy  Brand   of   the   product   you   bought   or   you  would  like  to  buy  No  informa;on  Date  of  purchase  Time  of  purchase  Other  

When  you  go  shopping,  which  kind  of  

informaQon  would  you  like  to  share  with  your  

friends  or  acquaintances?  


55%  41%  



18%  4%  2%  2%  

*Sample  formed  by  100  respondent  

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Thanks  for  the  aNention!  

D i s c l a i m e r :   a l l   t h e   p r o d u c t s ,   t h e   s h o p s   a n d   t h e   b r a n d s   u s e d   i n  t h i s   p r e s e n t a ; o n   h a v e   t h e   o n l y   p u r p o s e   o f   e x a m p l e .   A t   t h e  p r e s e n t   ; m e   t h e r e   i s   n o   r e a l   i n v o l v e m e n t   o f   t h e   m e n ; o n e d  c o m p a n i e s .