Services Oriented Architecture with PHP and MySQL Joe Stump, Lead Architect, Digg

Services Oriented Architecture with PHP and MySQL

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Talk from MySQL Conference 2008 about scaling your data layer by running your requests in parallel and asynchronously over a services layer.

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Services Oriented Architecture with PHP

and MySQLJoe Stump, Lead Architect, Digg

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I’m Joe Stump, Lead Architect for Digg.

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Reduce HTTP Requests

Bundle JavaScript and CSS Use sprites for images Reduce images / outside objects

This talk doesn’t cover MySQL details. The point of this discussion is how to minimize MySQL’s impact on your company’s data layer.

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Old habits die hard

Data requests are sequential Data requests are blocking Tightly coupled Scaling is not abstracted

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Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Data is requested from a service Data requests are ran in parallel Data requests are asynchronous Data layer is loosely coupled Scalability is abstracted

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What are my options?

Running requests over HTTP New York Times’ DBSlayer Danga’s Gearman DIY

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1. Group requests for data at the top2. Open a socket for each request

1. Sockets must be non-blocking2. Make sure to TCP_NODELAY

3. Use __get() to block for results4. See Services_Digg_Request

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Grouping Data Requests

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Opening the Sockets

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Opening the Sockets

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Returning Data

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HTTP Conclusions

HTTP is widely supported in all languages Easy to get up and running Lots of options for servers / tuning Lots of overhead in protocol Apache has a lot of overhead

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Small HTTP daemon written in C Uses JSON for communications Connection pooling Load balancing and failover Tightly coupled to MySQL (for now) Tightly coupled to SQL No intelligence

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Highly scalable queuing system Simple/Efficient binary protocol Jobs can return results (e.g. data) Sets of jobs are ran in parallel Queue can scale linearly PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, C clients Poorly documented Not very “robust”

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Do It Yourself

Highly customized solutions (Flickr) Extremely efficient for custom cases Customize your protocols Requires more resources

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What goes in the Service layer?

Smart caching strategies Data mapping and distribution Intelligent grouping of data results Partitioning logic

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Intelligently group data into endpoints Version your endpoints Bundle and group requests

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Don’t just send SQL over for translation Hundreds of teeny tiny endpoints Not running SOA requests in parallel

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Danga’s Gearmanhttp://www.danga.com/gearman/


New York Timesʼ DBSlayerhttp://code.nytimes.com/projects/dbslayer

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