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Promoting products and services using digital distribution and social

media channels to reach consumers in a timely, relevant, personal

and cost-effective manner.

Leverages traditional marketing areas such as Direct Marketing by

providing the same method of communicating with an audience but

in a digital fashion.

Delivered via Internet, mobile text messaging, display/banner ads

and digital outdoor signage.

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Why use digital marketing

Increase website traffic

Increase brand recognition

Improve search engine rankings

Generate leads

Increase online sales conversions

Improve internal communications

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Who using digital marketing

Small to Medium Businesses increasingly rely upon online digital

marketing techniques and distribution channels.

Digital communications and multimedia technologies are

significantly changing the way SMBs:

Communicate with their customers

Promote products and Marketing services

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The Anatomy of a Search Results Page

Google, Yahoo, and some of the other major

online forces involved in search. Taking a closer

look at the core component of a search engine,

and goal as SEO professionals: the Search Engine Results Pages (or SERP).

All of the major search engines follow the same

basic layout and usability principles, and this is

not accident. The SERP is made up of the following elements.

Search Box

All three major search engines place the search box front and center

on the page, giving users the ability to conduct more searches.

Search Refinements

The left-hand side of each SERP features more advanced

segmentation of the search results you’re viewing. You can sort by

media type (images, video, and so on), country, website, date, and

other refinements.

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The Anatomy of a Search Results Page

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The Anatomy of a Search Results Page

Organic Results

Located below the search box are the natural search results or

organic search results—those results that have been ranked purely on

the basis of the search engine’s algorithms, that is, on their relevance.

These results are sorted on the basis of each search engine’s specific

algorithms, and the goal of your SEO campaign should be to appear

in the first position within this section.

Paid Results

Sitting to the right-hand side of the organic results, and sometimes

above them, are the paid search results, or PPC (pay per click) ads.

The paid search results are bid on in an auction system, and the

position of each ad is determined by a combination of relevance,

the amount the advertiser bid, and the ad copy used.

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How search works

Search engines are constantly indexing content, and recording which site

links to which other site, the content that appears on each page, the tags

and keywords associated with certain topics, and a number of other

elements. In all, there are hundreds of different signals search engines use to

determine relevance—a word that’s used to indicate how, well, relevant a given page is to a given query.

Modern search engine spiders

have two distinct tasks:

Crawling is the traveling from site

to site, and page to page,

discovering content and links.

Indexing is the task of building a

database (or an index) of

keywords and phrases, the sites

and pages that are relevant to

them, and the links between those sites.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a

web page in a search engine's "natural," or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic"), search results.


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SEO contains three parts

Keyword Research

The process to search the

keywords related to Your


On-site optimization

To make your Site Search

engine friendly by optimizing

Title Tags and Meta

Description of your website.

Creating unique content and

improving the overall website


Off-site optimization

Link Building (Content

Distribution, Social

Bookmarks, Press Releases,

Contests & Giveaways,

Forums Posting, Blog

Comments, Relevant

Directories & Paid Links)

Social Media Sites (Twitter,

LinkedIn, Facebook)

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Keyword Research

Keywords are very important for your site to

get listed in the correct category. If you are

writing a blog that sells books then you must

sure that the search engines know what

your site is about. this is done by using

keywords in your page titles, post titles and

sprinkled a few time sin your articles.

The rule is that you don’t want to use your keyword more than 2 or 3

times per one hundred words. It is very important that keyword density should not exceed 3-4% of your total article.

Why is key word research important?

Keyword research helps us to find the right niche for our article

Keyword phrases can help visitors find your site

Choosing the right keyword and correct placement of keywords is necessary for search engine optimization.

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Keyword Research process

Keyword research is one of the most important

parts of online marketing. Sometimes we don’t

realize just much of a difference it can make in

the overall success of a search engine

marketing campaign or even the success of an

online business. Keyword research involves four

important steps.

Discovering analyzing selecting deploying

This phase should focus

on identifying as many

keywords as possible

that are related to your

website and target


This phase involves

adding information

about existing

competition; PageRank

based limitations and

potential for ranking.

This process involves


measurement based

short listing of keywords

keeping the site focus

and target audience

within the limitations


This phase is about

making optimum use of

your selected keywords

on your website copy ,

HTML code and tags.

A good Keyword Research helps in bringing quality traffic to your site that leads to high sales conversions, by being focused and targeting specific search terms.

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Keyword Search

Ad Group Ideas

First you select a keyword that is related to

your web page. Then using any one of the

keyword tools(word tracker, overture, Google

keyword tool, etc.)you enter the keyword and

run a search. These tools give a list of related

keywords and tell you how many searches for

the keyword were done in the previous month as well as an year.

Discovering keywords


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analyzing keywords

Keyword Analysis helps to increase conversions, find new markets, and

optimize spend, but it requires time-consuming examination and decision making.


Optimize Spend Distribute more budget to successful keywords and eliminate wasteful spending on those that aren’t producing results.

Increase Conversions Identifying and focusing on well-converting keywords is good for conversion rate optimization and return on investment (ROI)

Eye Trends Knowledge of keyword search frequency

provides insight into market behaviour which you can apply to multiple aspects

of your business

Prioritize Your Time Keyword performance guides campaign importance--spend your time optimizing areas that have the biggest impact on

your bottom line

Find New Markets: Use keyword analysis to expand your long tail efforts and discover more specific keyword queries and corresponding warm leads

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selecting keywords

It is always better to use more than one keyword on each page

because each different keyword may bring some amount of traffic.

The final selection of the keywords

depends on following factors:

Eliminate the keywords which are

difficult to rank

Eliminate keywords that are less

popular (very less number of

search's are made)

Out of balance keywords that

qualify for ranking with your site’s

current PR, select the most popular

keywords, which have the right

focus for your site.

1. Root Word/Concept


2. Synonyms



3. Colloquialisms




Qualify with modifiers

•“Late Holiday Deals”

•“Cheap Holiday Deals”

•“India Vacation”

•“Weekend Resorts”

Conjuring keywords

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Long tail keywords

Long Tail Keywords are the longer, more specific

keywords that are less common, individually, but

add up to account for the majority of search-

driven traffic.

Long tail keywords are the opposite of "head"

terms, which are more popular or more frequently

searched on. For example, "fish tanks" is a head

term, but "compare prices whisper aquarium

filters" is a long-tail keyword.

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Deploying keywords

Search engines use key phrases in many ways, and place you higher

depending on how key phrases are distributed throughout the page.

Strategic keyword placement

Create a meta keywords tag for each page on your site with all the relevant key-phrases,

separated by commas.

Use key-phrases throughout the document. Important places search engines look for key-phrases

are title tags, heading tags, img alt tags, and links.

Reflect your key-phrases in the text. Not only will you get higher placement, but many search

engines will place you lower if your key-phrases don’t show up frequently in the text.

Concentrate key-phrases toward the top of the page. Some search engines only index the top of

the page, and most rate content toward the top higher.

Use important key-phrases only in the pages where the content reflects them. Not only will you

place higher, but key-phrase searches will take customers directly to the relevant pages on your


Using your important key-phrases in the links, create a page with a list of links to similar sites. This

broadens your content, and some search engines love lists of links.

In multi-column pages, with a menu on the left, keyphrases in the menu’s image alt tags are

especially important, since body text is further down the page.

Use keyphrases in image alt tags for spacer images. If a transparent image is only 1 pixel wide or

high, customers will never see the alt text, but search engines will.

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SEO techniques can be broken down into two general categories –

onsite and offsite. Both of these will benefit your rankings, so it’s worth

your time o address them both when building and promoting your


On-Site SEO includes the specific actions you take on your webpages to

increase your search engine position.

Off-Site SEO Techniques are the actions you take outside of your

webpages to increase your search engine position.

Both On-Site and Off-Site optimization help the search engines

categorize your site and rank it higher. On-Site Optimization is more

under your control then Off-Site Optimization.

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On-site optimization

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On-site optimization On-Site Optimization tasks carried out on the website being optimized to

ensure that the website can be readily indexed by Search Engines. This

includes website usability (design conventions, information architecture,

load speeds, etc.), code structure, directory and file structure, keyword

density and proximity and W3C compliance. On-Site Optimization is

predominantly a one-time task. On-Site Optimization represents

approximately a 25% weighting of the overall website quality score.


Page Titles and Headings

Site Structure

Internal links

URL Structure

Site Navigation

Content Optimized

Static Sitemaps and Errors

Keyword Density

Description Meta Tag

Additional Meta Tags

Image Optimized

Proper robotos.txt


Webmaster Tools & Site Analytics

HTML and CSS comments and


Site Load Speed

XHTML/W3C Validation

RSS feed

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Page <title> optimization: A title tag tells both users and search engines what the topic of a

particular page is. The <title> tag should be placed within the <head>

tag of the HTML document. Ideally, you should creat a unique title for

each page on your site.

www.url structure.com

Fairly straight forward, search engines can more efficiently index the

information on your website if the URLs contained in it are “pretty”, or

clean and descriptive of the page.

Non Optimized URL: www.urlstructure.com/index.php?pageID=4&categoryID=42&

Optimized URL:www.urlstructure.com/optimized

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HEADINGS <H1><H2><H3> Each website page should have a heading. The heading is part of the

page’s content, existing to inform the visitor what the content on the

page is about. This heading should contain the three most relevant

keywords for the particular page, ideally written in a sentence that will

make senses to your users. It should marked with an <h1> tag, which

increases its importance to the search engines.

<h1><h2> Headings</h2></h1> tag

SEO Title Tag makes is dead-easy to optimize the title tags across your

website or blog. Not

www.url structure.com

Fairly straight forward, search engines can more efficiently index the

information on your website if the URLs contained in it are “pretty”, or

clean and descriptive of the page.

Non Optimized URL: www.urlstructure.com/index.php?pageID=4&categoryID=42&

Optimized URL:www.urlstructure.com/optimized

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IMAGES Any time you have

an image in a page,

you should use the

“alt” attribute to

label it with a

relevant caption.

The “alt” attribute is

alternative text, to

be displayed if the

image has failed to

load or if a visitor

has images turned


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Page description HTML pages can have a number of <meta> tags, containing additional

information about the page. From an SEO perspective, the most

important of these is the description <meta> tag, often referred to as the

meta description. It should be thought of as a call to action, or an

opportunity to sell the benefits and content of each page on your site to

potential visitors.

The contents of this tag are shown on organic search results pages,

below the page’s title. When developing a page’s description, aim to

describe the page in one or two short sentences. Be sure to include the

target keywords for the page in your description as well.

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Sitemaps Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines

about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest

form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with

additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how

often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in

the site) so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site.

Web crawlers usually discover pages from links within the site and from

other sites. Sitemaps supplement this data to allow crawlers that support

Sitemaps to pick up all URLs in the Sitemap and learn about those URLs

using the associated metadata.

<h1><h2> Headings</h2></h1> tag

SEO Title Tag makes is dead-easy to optimize the title tags across your

website or blog. Not

www.url structure.com

Fairly straight forward, search engines can more efficiently index the

information on your website if the URLs contained in it are “pretty”, or

clean and descriptive of the page.

Non Optimized URL: www.urlstructure.com/index.php?pageID=4&categoryID=42&

Optimized URL:www.urlstructure.com/optimized

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HTTP 404 Users will occasionally come to a page that doesn’t exist on your site,

either by following a broken link or trying in the wrong URL. Having a

custom 404 page that kindly guides users back to a working page on

your site can greatly improve a users’ experience.

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www.url structure.com

Fairly straight forward, search engines can more efficiently index the

information on your website if the URLs contained in it are “pretty”, or

clean and descriptive of the page.

Non Optimized URL: www.urlstructure.com/index.php?pageID=4&categoryID=42&

Optimized URL:www.urlstructure.com/optimized

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Off-site optimization Off-Site Optimization techniques are just important in getting your site

ranked well in the search engines results. For the most part of Off-Site

SEO techniques revolve around the links that point to your site from other

webpages. These links back to your site are commonly called backlinks.


Backlinks, also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward

links, are incoming links to a website or web page. In basic link

terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page,

directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node

Inbound links were originally important (prior to the emergence of

search engines) as a primary means of web navigation; today, their

significance lies in search engine optimization (SEO). The number of

backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that

website or page (for example, this is used by Google to determine the

PageRank of a webpage). Outside of SEO, the backlinks of a webpage

may be of significant personal, cultural or semantic interest: they

indicate who is paying attention to that page.

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Directory submissions Submitting your website to both free and paid directory sites is a great

way to increase the backlinks to your webpage. Directories are

compilation sites that list links to all sorts of sites. To get a better feel for

how these sites are structured, check out the Open Directory Project

dmoz.org one of the best known directory sites on the internet today.

Traditionally, directory sites are broken down into two different

categories, Free and Paid.

Both types can have a place in your search engine optimization

campaign, depending on what type of budget you are working with.

Getting your site listed in targeted directories that relate to the theme of

your website will likely be seen as a premium by the search engines. In

addition, you might even receive some traffic from them.

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Article directory submissions

Article directories allow users to submit unique articles to the directory.

These directories allow articles to embed links to other websites with

relevant Anchor text. Popular article directories are considered authority

sites and are constantly crawled by Search Engine Bots. Webmasters

submit articles with relevant anchor text linking back to their site and

obtain powerful backlinks.

For SEO purposes, the ideal article length is 400-500 words with a

keyword density of approximately 2%-3%. While discussion has been

increasing lately on the effectiveness of longer or shorter articles, it

remains general practice to submit articles in the 400-500 word range.

The backlinks should have anchor text created using HREF tags. Most

article directories prohibit keyword stuffing, so it is good practice to use

multiple anchor text and links in the article.

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Press release submissions

A press release acts as an information buffer between journalists and

solicitors, such as PR directors and business executives.

Once you've been through the work of writing and researching, you

need to know how to submit a press release to the media so you can

get your information out to the public.


1. Create a well-written news release

2. Ensure your contact information is clear and correct

3. Send electronic releases with to-the-point but interesting subject


4. Add complete captions to any photos sent in your media kit.

5. Use paid websites to reach a large group and receive help writing

and editing your release, but understand you shouldn’t to pay for


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Forums and blogs are nowadays huge sources for user-generated

content online. A forum is a type of internet discussion board where

members can post queries as well as replies in order to facilitate the

exchange of ideas and opinions on a wide array of subjects. On the

other hand, a blog can be an excellent means to present your expertise

and experience in a certain field through regularly updated posts.

In practices generally adopt:

Posting comments that are most relevant to the blog entry or forum

thread in question

Posting concise and to the point comments with a natural and

interactive voice

Including targeted keywords and links of your website within the


Projecting you as an expert in your field through factual responses

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Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to organize, store,

manage and search for bookmarks of resources online.

With regard to creating a high-quality search engine, a social

bookmarking system has several advantages over traditional

automated resource location and classification software, such as

search engine spiders. All tag-based classification of Internet resources

(such as web sites) is done by human beings, who understand the

content of the resource, as opposed to software, which algorithmically

attempts to determine the meaning of a resource.

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seo audit

Parameter Bank Bazaar Remarks

Index Pages (Google) 134,000 Site does not haveing indexing issues

Back Links (Google)

Home Page Rank

Seo Tags

URL Naming

Image naming

Use of Head Tags


Custom Error Page

XML Sitemaps

W3C Validation

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seo process

• SEO Design Guideline

• Error Free Code

• Increase web page speed

• Improve Crawl Structure

Technical Audit

• Keyword Analysis

• Meta Tags

• Optimizing Content

• Other metric – alt tags, heading tags

• Navigation changes

On Page

• Directories Submission

• Press Releases

• Website Social Bookmarking

Off Page

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seo strategy

Meta tags:

Meta tags creation of static and dynamic web Pages like static one for home page and internal pages, dynamic one for product pages. using their targeted keywords.

Heading tags optimization:

Create keyword rich heading tags for entire pages.

Internal Linking & Site navigation Recommendation:

Improve internal linking and site navigation structure with the help of footer linking and anchor text optimization. Content Optimization:

Content optimization recommendation for targeted keywords to make content more search engines and user friendly. Image naming & alt tags optimization:

Image naming and alt tags optimization for all images to improve ranking for images and websites in Google SERP.

Off Page Activities:

Submit your website on various directories, press releases, social bookmarking sites to increase link popularity of your website

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seo competitor analysis

A competitor analysis is one very effective method of deconstructing

their online marketing strategy to discover how they are doing so well.

Steps to conducting competitor analysis

1) Find the ideal sites to compare

1) Consult your client

2) Type the ideal key phrase you want to rank for

3) Pick the sites – which are leading the SERP & that provide similar

services to yours but avoid sites, such as amazon, Wikipedia etc.

which have prominent presence allover.

2) Review sites and note down all the SEO factors

1) URL & Meta Strategy

2) Content Strategy

3) Tech & Architecture of the website

4) Basic info – Number of pages indexed, site age, site map etc.

3) Compare the Strategies to website

1) Rate your site with that of your competitors on various SEO


2) Implement the best possible solutions to beat the competitor

using their own strategies.

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Case study

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Stands for Search engine marketing or PPC – Pay per click.

Google Adwords is the most dominant platform in this category

so it is also synonymous with SEM. It is a tactic in which a paid

campaign can be run on platforms to get targeted traffic to

your site

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As the chart shows,

Google is the clear

leader in India but it is

not the case in other

markets. That is why,

for international

campaigns, it makes

sense to start with at

least 2 search engines

– Google being one of


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The landing page for the above ad group has the

following problems: • Visitor has to search again to find the type of tea they want. • Text on the page does not match the keywords in the ad group. • Ad text doesn’t match the keywords on the page. • This page’s lack of relevance (to the ad group’s keywords) will contribute to the low

Quality Score.

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The landing page for the above ad group has the following problems: • Text on page matches ad group’s keywords.

• Text on page matches ad text. • Fast to load. • There is a clear call to action.

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Each time a search is carried out, Google needs

to satisfy the following three parties:

The User - who

wants to be

presented with

adverts and

content closely

related to

the search term

(keyword) they

have entered.

The Advertiser -

who wants to

attract users and

pay as little as

possible for each

click on their


Google themselves who

want to maximize long

term revenue by keeping

both the

Advertiser and the User

happy so they will both

continue to use AdWords

and other


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To achieve its goal, Google uses two metrics to determine the

rank (Ad Rank) and cost per click (CPC) each advertiser pays for

each keyword. They are:

•maximum amount of money advertisers is prepared to spend for each click on their ads


•The Quality Score each advert receives is based on three factors: 1. Click-through rate 2. Relevance 3. The landing page

Quality Score

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Advertisers don’t have to pay their maximum CPC bid for each

click they receive, they only pay the maximum CPC bid of the

advertiser ranking directly below them.

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• Click-through rate (CTR) is worked out by taking the

number of times an advert appears (impressions) and dividing it by the number of times it’s clicked on. A high click-through rate suggests than an advert is relevant to the search term it appears for and should therefore rank well. A poor click-through rate suggests an advert isn’t appealing to users so it should rank lower.

• Relevance is determined by how closely an ad’s text relates to the search query. For example, if a user searches for flowers, then a high relevance score would be awarded to an advert that included ‘flowers’ in the title, description and display URL.

• The landing page is the web page that a user is taken to when they click on the advert. It’s important to Google that users are taken to reputable pages that are relevant to the search made. High quality landing

pages are relevant, original, easy to navigate with quick load times, no pop-ups and have a privacy policy. By using these three factors as the criteria, Google encourages advertisers to produce ads that are enticing to the user, relevant to the search and lead directly to quality content.

Relative importance of different factors used to determine

AdWords Quality Score

CTR (click-through rate) is the most

important factor determining Quality Score.

Google sees this as users voting for the best

ads with their clicks.

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• The advert with the highest Ad Rank comes top.

• Your ‘Max CPC bid’ for each keyword is the maximum you’re prepared to pay for a click on your ad.

• Quality Score (a 1-10 rating with 10 being the best) is Google’s calculation of how relevant your advert and landing page are to the keyword being bid for.

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• Notice how the highest bidder receives the lowest Ad Rank

because their Quality Score is just 1. So low that it doesn’t

show at all.

• Adverts are ordered by Ad Rank with highest Ad Rank being

placed in position 1, the second highest Ad Rank in position 2,


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• Each advertiser’s CPC is the Ad Rank of the advertiser directly below

divided by their own Quality Score (plus one cent). That’s:

• (Ad Rank of next lowest ranked ad ÷ own Quality Score) + $0.01 =


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• High Quality Scores mean higher rankings and lower CPCs.

• High Quality Scores are achieved with high click-throughs,

relevant adverts and landing pages.

• And of course, high click-throughs come from relevant (to the

keyword being bid on) and compelling adverts.

• And if adverts are to be relevant then your ad groups can’t have many keywords in them.

• So you must have small ad groups.

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• Visitors o Characteristics

Browser, new vs. return, location

• Traffic o Origins

Keywords, refers, pages

• Content o Effectiveness

Bounce rate, paths, navigation summary

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collects your

data based

on 5 broad

segments …Which give us over

80 primary reports,

which can be further

drilled down to over

1,000 unique reports.

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Graph •Day/week/month views •Compare 2 metrics •‘Compare to site’ •Compare date ranges •Highlight data point on mouse-over

Data table •Overview of selected component •5 unique data views •Search box to include/exclude specific data •Easily compare performance to Site Avg.

Easily export/email a

report •4 format options, incl. PDF,


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• Campaigns (electronic format) need

to be “tagged” before they start

• Campaigns (not electronic format,

direct mail for example) need to have

a special “nice” URL; which itself need

to be “tagged”

If campaign is not tagged before

it is sent, it can not be tracked

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• Select page you want visitor to see to reach the goal o Goal is usually Thank you or confirmation page

Types of Goals Thank you page on contact form PDF Download for White Paper Newsletter Signup Feed Subscriptions

• Set-up Goals under o Analytics Settings -> Profile Settings -> Conversion Goals and

Funnel Select up to 4 goals per profile

Set up duplicate profiles to add more goals o Enter URL of Goal Page

Ex. /Confirmation.aspx o Name the goal

• Funnel steps on next page

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• Funnels show where enter and how go through process o Show where you may lose would be customers

• Add URL of pages leading to goal page o Name Steps (Ex. Select Contact Form)

• Match Type o Defines how google analytics identifies a goal/funnel o Match Types

Head Match /offer1/ (anything after / will still be counted)

Exact Match /offer1/signup.html

Regular expression match If you have multiple signup forms under one goal

(/.*/signup\.html /offer2/signup.html and /offer3/signup.html

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• Assign monetary value for non-ecommerce goals • Example

o Sales team can close 10% of people who request to be contacted

o Average Transaction is $500 o Assign $50 (i.e. 10% of $500) to your "Contact Us" goal

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• Displays visual representation of certain goal and path before and after each step in funnel (Left = step before, Right = step after)

• Goals -> Funnel Visualization

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• One login can have access to 25 accounts • Difference between Admins/Users

o Users are read only; restricted to specific profiles o Admins can do everything (view all reports/edit account

settings) • Profiles typically per domain

o set up for subdomains o setup for subset of data for one domain o set up reports for one domain where different users get

different access

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• New domains will have new tracking numbers o UA-1111111-2 ad UA-1111111-3 as they are

entered sequentially • Go to Analytics settings page

o Click add Website profile o Select radio button to add profile for NEW

domain o Enter URL into text field (choose http or https) Can enter subdomain

o Click Finish

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• Decide what report should show o Ex.Source and Keyword Performance Report Dimensions - sources and keywords Metrics - Pageviews, bounces, visits

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Why set this up? • Visitors use site search as a form of navigation • Analyze internal search can help identify:

o Missing or hidden content o Ineffective search results o Keywords not previously identified for search

campaigns • Set up through Analytics account -> Edit profile

o Track Searching o Perform search on the site you will track to see what

part of querystring identifies search Ex. Google search = q Ex. Yahoo search = p

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• Search Terms Report o Can compare metrics between internal search

queries o Useful for identifying new keywords o Can refine down through cross segmentation Ex. What city did they search from for this term?

• Start Pages Report

o Useful to assess effectiveness of landing pages o Click on the page listed in table and learn more

about searches on that page Ex. News page Search term = Photo Gallery Should Reference Photo Gallery on that page

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