Business Security in a Connected Society aka Internet of Things (IoT), Networked Society

Security In A Connected Society

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Business Security in a Connected Society aka Internet of Things (IoT), Networked Society

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EducationAA – Tiffin UniversityBA – Ohio Northern UniversityMA – Bowling Green State UniversityMA – George Washington University

ExperiencePrincipal Founder, President & Chairman - CentraCommCEO - Aardvark Inc.

Lynn R. Child

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Evolution of Society’s Use of Technology

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Technology is making our homes safer

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Technology is making work smarter

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Technology is changing society

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Technology is connecting the world

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Connectivity will overhaul businesses

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Data will power business decisions: The emerging world of Big Data Analytics is revolutionizing business decision-making

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Rank Country Devicesonline Relative size

1 SouthKorea 37.9

2 Denmark 32.7

3 Switzerland 29.0

4 UnitedStates 24.9

5 Netherlands 24.7

6 Germany 22.4

7 Sweden 21.9

8 Spain 19.9

9 France 17.6

10 Portugal 16.2

11 Belgium 15.6

12 UnitedKingdom 13.0

13 Canada 11.6

14 Italy 10.2

15 Brazil 9.2

16 Japan 8.2

17 Australia 7.9

18 Mexico 6.8

19 Poland 6.3

20 China 6.2

21 Colombia 6.1

22 Russia 4.9

23 Turkey 2.3

24 India 0.6

Connected Society:




List of countries by IoT devices online per 100 inhabitants as published by the OECD* in 2015.

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1963MIT coins the term “Hackers” related to people who were typing up the phone lines.

1983The movie War Games is released and depicts a young hacker nearly starting WWIII by accessing a military supercomputer.

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1995The web takes off and famous hacker Kevin Mitnick steals 20,000 credit card numbers leading to a fear of e-commerce. Later caught by the FBI by utilizing a “White Hacker”.

2006Julian Assange becomes the new face of hacking.

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2011CIA, PBS, Gmail, the U.S. Senate all are hacked. Anonymous rises up as a underground hacktivist community. Year was coined “The Year of the Hack.”

2014A record 1 billion records were compromised. Becomes the new “Year of the Breach.”

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Security hacks could expose our homes

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Security hacks could disrupt our businesses

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Security hacks could end you & your students careers

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Be Aware of the Most Prevalent Tactics to “Hack” Information

Spearfishing:Ane-mailspoofingfraudattemptthattargetsaspecificorganization,seekingunauthorizedaccesstoconfidentialdata. …conductedbyperpetratorsoutforfinancialgain,tradesecretsormilitaryinformation.ExampleofSocialEngineering.

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Be Aware of Other Prevalent Forms of Hacks: MalwareMalicioussoftwarethatinterfereswithnormalcomputerfunctionsorsendspersonaldataabouttheusertounauthorizedpartiesovertheInternetorgainsaccesstoprivatecomputersystems.Includesviruses,worms,Trojanhorses,etc.Somecommonandprevalentmalwareincludes:

•SpyWare – secretlygathersinformationaboutapersonororganization.Cantakepartialorfullcontrolofcomputerwithoutknowledgeofuser.•AdWare – automaticallyrendersadvertisementsinordertogeneraterevenueforitsauthor.Pop-upsareanexample.•RamsonWare – restrictsaccesstoyourcomputersystemanddemandsaransombepaidtothecreatorofthemalwareinorderfortherestrictiontoberemoved.Formsinclude:encryptedfiles,locksystem/displaymessagetopay…

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6 Online Security Tips for Your Students & You


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A Challenge to Deans, Faculty, and StaffPrepare your Business Students for the Reality of a Connected Society: - Read and Research Continuously - Utilize Case Studies- Practice Simulations- Seek Out Industry Speakers- Attend Relevant Events and Webinars- Be Willing to Watch, Learn, & Listen from

Your Students!

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• Student&FacultyPresentations• DefiningtheInternetofThings• TheCONfidence ofThings• IoT andBusiness• ManufacturingandConnectedDevices• Automotive,Security&Trust• ThePowerofDataAnalytics• StudentCompany&Internship

Interaction• InteractiveQ&AThroughouttheDay

2015IAForum Agenda

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BreakfastandLunchProvidedWednesdayOctober28th 8:45am– 5:00pm

Winebrenner Auditorium,Winebrenner SeminaryTheUniversityofFindlayCampus


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Presentation References & Other Resourcesü ConnectedSociety/InternetofThings:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_Thingsü TheHorizonReport-2015HigherEducation(EmergingTechnologies):

http://www.ictliteracy.info/rf.pdf/Horizon-report-2015.pdfü Over75BillionDevicesConnectedby2020:


ü World’sBiggestDataBreaches:http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/worlds-biggest-data-breaches-hacks//

ü JeepCarGetsHacked:http://www.wired.com/2015/07/hackers-remotely-kill-jeep-highway

ü Spearfishing:http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/spear-phishingü MalWare:http://whatis.techtarget.com/glossary/Malware

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Presentation References & Other Resources

ü GrrCon SecuritySummit&HackerConference:http://grrcon.comü IAForum.net:http://IAForum.netü WhytheInternetofThingsisBigBusiness:


ü NISTCybersecurityFramework: http://www.nist.gov/cyberframework/ü OnlineTrustAlliance:https://otalliance.org/initiatives/internet-thingsü End-UserSecurityTraining: http://www.KnowBe4.comü SocietalImpactofaConnectedLifeOvertheNext5Years:


ü TopITTrendsin2015:http://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/technology/top-it-trends-for-businesses-in-2015-and-how-to-prepare-for-those?ref=tag

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LynnR.Child,President&Chairman,CentraCommwww.CentraComm.netDirect:419-421-1284|[email protected]
