The Scientific Revolution AP European History Capital High School

Scientific Revolution Ap European History 2009

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Page 1: Scientific Revolution Ap European History 2009

The Scientific RevolutionAP European HistoryCapital High School

Page 2: Scientific Revolution Ap European History 2009

The Old School:Ancient Science

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The ancient scientists arenatural philosophers...

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4th Century BCE Greece

Theory of Falling Objects

Foundation of ancient and medieval science

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2nd Century Greece


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Image: Red Orbit

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The Old School:Medieval Science

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What develops as science?




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St. Thomas Aquinas

1225-1274 - Italy

Summa Theologica

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Causes of theScientific Revolution

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The Medieval University system

The Renaissance

The Age of Discovery

Evolution of Scientific Methodology

Image: Creative Commons by the Roman Empire

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The Major Question: What is the nature of the


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Nicholas Copernicus

1473-1543 - Poland

Concerning the REvolutions of the Celestial Spheres

Pope Paul III

“...the book nobody read”

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Tycho Brahe

1546-1601 - the Netherlands

The Dream

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Johannes Kepler

157101630 - Germany

Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion

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Galileo Galilei

1564-1642 - Tuscan Region of Italy

Revisiting The Theory of Falling Objects

Starry Messenger

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Dialogues on the Two Chief World Systems

Introducing to the world... Simplico!

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The Trial of Galileo

Pope Urban VIII

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Sir Isaac Newton

1642-1727 - England

“Lucasian Professor” at Cambridge University


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Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

The Law of Inertia

Fundamental Law of Dynamics

Law of Reciprocal Actions

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Major Question: What is the best way to study


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Francis Bacon

1561-1626 - England

Inductive reasoning

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Inductive Reasoningvs.

Deductive Reasoning

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Rene Descartes

1596-1650 - France

Discourse on Method

“I think, therefore I am...”

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Scientific Method

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Major Question:How should we best treat

human sickness?

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2nd Century - Greece

Studied Hippocrates

Four bodily humours

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Medicine and the Catholic Church

Monastic movement = healers

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Andreas Vesalius

1514-1564 - Belgium

On the Fabric of the Human Body!

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William Harvey

1578-1657 - England

An Anatomical Exercise on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals

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