International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 5, No 3, June 2013 DOI : 10.5121/ijcsit.2013.5308 101 SAASQUALITY -AMETHOD FOR QUALITY EVALUATION OF SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE (SAAS) Nemésio Freitas Duarte Filho 1 , Clarindo Isaias Pereira da Silva e Pádua 1 , Paulo Henrique de Souza Bermejo 2 , Andre Luiz Zambalde 2 , Urlan Salgado de Barros 3 1 Institute of Mathematical Sciences/Federal University of Minas Gerais [email protected], [email protected] 2 Department of Computer Science/Federal University of Lavras. [email protected], [email protected] 3 Department of Information/Federal University of Paraná. [email protected] ABSTRACT The market for software products offered as a service (SaaS) is growing steadily and has attracted suppliers from different segments of the global IT market. However, the use of the SaaS products brings a range of challenges, both in the organizational, cultural and technological areas. A difficulty that exists today is the lack of methods and models for assessing the quality of these products. This document presents a method to assess the quality of a software product offered as a service, named SaaSQuality. The proposed method has a quality model appropriate to the SaaS context, based on standards and models of software quality (ISO 9126) and models for IT management (ITIL and COBIT). The experimental results obtained through a case study show that the method offers suitable assessment practices for Software as a Service. KEYWORDS Software Quality. Software as a Service. Quality Management Services. Methods of Evaluation. Models for IT Management. 1. INTRODUCTION Software quality has the objective to ensure conformity with software requirements. It means that a software product needs to attend to both explicit and implicit specifications, which this product is offered as a package or a service (SaaS - Software as a Service). Therefore, the final goal is ensure a product that satisfies all client's expectations [1]. Software development companies are worried about the quality excellence of their products, due to growth of organizations exigency. Nowadays, software product is a critical tool, and its quality requirements become key criteria’s in software acquisition [2, 3]. It reflects directly on the mission and objectives of organizations business. In this context, Software as a Service has been gaining popularity in organizations. The success of those products depends on functional and non-functional requirements [4]. These attributes help define the quality in a software product. However, the difficulty to establish and use quality criteria is linked with the complication on associate measurable requirements of physical products for software product [5].

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International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)

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Page 1: Saasquality - A Method For Quality Evaluation Of Software As A Service (Saas)

International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 5, No 3, June 2013

DOI : 10.5121/ijcsit.2013.5308 101


Nemésio Freitas Duarte Filho1, Clarindo Isaias Pereira da Silva e Pádua1, PauloHenrique de Souza Bermejo2, Andre Luiz Zambalde2, Urlan Salgado de Barros3

1Institute of Mathematical Sciences/Federal University of Minas [email protected], [email protected]

2Department of Computer Science/Federal University of [email protected], [email protected]

3Department of Information/Federal University of Paraná[email protected]


The market for software products offered as a service (SaaS) is growing steadily and has attractedsuppliers from different segments of the global IT market. However, the use of the SaaS products brings arange of challenges, both in the organizational, cultural and technological areas. A difficulty that existstoday is the lack of methods and models for assessing the quality of these products. This document presentsa method to assess the quality of a software product offered as a service, named SaaSQuality. Theproposed method has a quality model appropriate to the SaaS context, based on standards and models ofsoftware quality (ISO 9126) and models for IT management (ITIL and COBIT). The experimental resultsobtained through a case study show that the method offers suitable assessment practices for Software as aService.


Software Quality. Software as a Service. Quality Management Services. Methods of Evaluation. Models forIT Management.


Software quality has the objective to ensure conformity with software requirements. It means thata software product needs to attend to both explicit and implicit specifications, which this productis offered as a package or a service (SaaS - Software as a Service). Therefore, the final goal isensure a product that satisfies all client's expectations [1].

Software development companies are worried about the quality excellence of their products, dueto growth of organizations exigency. Nowadays, software product is a critical tool, and its qualityrequirements become key criteria’s in software acquisition [2, 3]. It reflects directly on themission and objectives of organizations business.

In this context, Software as a Service has been gaining popularity in organizations. The success ofthose products depends on functional and non-functional requirements [4]. These attributes helpdefine the quality in a software product. However, the difficulty to establish and use qualitycriteria is linked with the complication on associate measurable requirements of physical productsfor software product [5].

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SaaS is a new paradigm based on software delivery, which client organizations pay not for theownership, but for the use of software. Therefore, software companies have to maintain and toevolve software, and they also need to assist problems related to technical support. Due tomarket's concurrence, many software companies are already applying this new paradigm.However, those companies have troubles mainly in ensure the quality of their final products,considering that SaaS is a new and incipient paradigm [6].

Only a few works approach definitions and impacts of quality attributes related to Software asService product. In consequence, there's no evidence in scientific research about methods, modelsand metrics which provide a practical and efficient assessment of quality in SaaS products.Many assessment methods of quality in software products are ineffective in relation to paradigmSaaS, mainly to not provide a correct set of quality attributes. An efficient attribute set maypossess features and sub-features showing its scope and applicability. Moreover, it needs to showits positive and negative impacts in front of applications [6, 7].


Dubey & Wagle [8] show the main problems and concerns encountered on SaaS systems whichhave been found by organizations. Many of those problems can directly affect the quality ofproducts and impact on other factors, such as functional and commercial aspects, conformity, andso on. Even analyzing the main concerns about this new paradigm, Dubey & Wagle [8] do notpresent metrics and criteria’s to auxiliary and to contribute in a practical evaluation of thoseproblems. However, the analysis made in Dubey & Wagle [8] with the definition of mainproblems contributes to this work, mainly in elaboration of a specific quality model to SaaS.Another work linked to quality of SaaS systems is O’Brien et al. [9]. In that work, the authorsmake an analysis between a service oriented architecture (SOA) and quality of softwareattributes. That work is motivated by software architecture, due to SOA be an important factor inbusiness compliance of organizations and computational systems. Furthermore, one of theobjectives of O’Brien et al. [9] is to examine how a SOA supports quality attributes, such asavailability, security, confiability, portability and interface, analyzing questions and problemsrelated to them. The authors do not approach the creation of a method or model that could turnpossible the practical application of these quality attributes. However, they identify featureslinked to software products and TI services, integrating perfectly to SaaS paradigm.

Following the same reasoning of previously researches, in Havelka et al. [10] is proposed anempirical study involving users of IT area. The aim of this study is to identify critical factorswhich can cause impact on both positive and negative manner on SaaS. The factors identified bythe users were integrated in a questionnaire instrument to raise up evidences about the true impactof aspects approached. The study also identified others impelling factors, however, withoutrelevance guarantee due to the research has been made considering only the user's opinion andknowledge.

Jureta et al. [11] follows the same reasoning of previously researches, but enters in aspects linkedon a method that helps the quantification of quality in SaaS systems. In that work, the authorsperform analysis on ISO 9126 and ISO 20000, proposing a new quality method entitled QVDP(Quality-Value-Dependency-Priority). The Research takes in consideration that SaaS productshave different perspectives in relation to the conventional software's quality. For example,features of portability, support, personalization, and so on.

In the work by Cancian [12] was proposed a development process of SaaS systems. Developmentprocess is one of the main factors that can cause impact directly on final quality of those systems.Based on a few requirements of quality, Cancian [12] proposes a reference guide to evaluate

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development process of SaaS system. Furthermore, the author also performed a synthesis andanalyze of requirements, mapping them in relation to standards and models of reference existed inliterature. The research made by Cancian [12] has neither a practical application nor a real casestudy, but it shows a fundamental complete guide in reference to process evaluation ofdevelopment in SaaS systems.

Cancian et al. [13] proposes a generic structure of SLA (Service Level Agreement) which definesquality items more adequate to SaaS. The author observed the necessity of a clear understandmentassociated to appointments firmed between a supplier and a client of SaaS solutions. Beyond thegeneric structure, Cancian et al. [13] also identifies important quality requirements that must beobserved on SaaS model, mainly in SLAs. SLAs are important to guarantee the quality due tohave a higher security on a service agreement.

In The work of Rosenberg et al. [14], it was found that the development of products SaaS is adifficult task and that is prone to errors, is difficult even ensure a good quality in its final product.For this reason it has been proposed in the work an automated composition of services calledCaaS (Composition as a Service), in which facilitates the rapid development in small applicationsgeared to services, guaranteeing greater efficiency during the development and greater internalquality of the software, generating an standardization in its architecture and in its source code.In another context, linked with the quality of services of IT, Silva et al. [15] drawn up a proposalin order to analyze the administration of the services Information technology (IT) in companieswhere the strategic function it is vital for the competitiveness of business.

Miguel & Salomi [16] in their research, showed a review in the literature on the main models andconcepts that are proposed for the measurement of the quality of external services. The reviewhas had an analytical basis, thematic, historical and bibliographic. After making presentations ofthe models more efficient and used, a comparison between them has been carried out by showingits main features.

According to results, Miguel & Salomi [16] concluded that do not exist a consensus in literatureabout which model is more appropriated to measure the quality of IT service. Furthermore, thereare question even not answered, such as, the causality relation between quality of IT services andcustomers satisfaction.

The Table 1 shows a summary of related work, identifying the relationship with quality aspects inrelation to paradigm SaaS, for example, Method Evaluation; Quality Model; Evaluation Process;Requirements Analysis; and Systematic Review.

Table 1. Summary of related work

Related Work MethodEvaluation





Dubey & Wagle[8]


O’Brien et al.[9]

x x x

Havelka et al.[10]

x x

Jureta et al. [11] x x xCancian [12] x x

Cancian et al.[13]

x x

Rosenberg et al.[14]

x x x

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Silva et al. [15] x x xMiguel &Salomi [16]

x x


This research is classified as qualitative and technology nature, focusing on objective exploratory,using case study procedures and basing your materials and methods on documental andbibliography researches [17, 18]. The methodology process followed by this work possesses fourphases.

1-Conception and preparation of research: The first phase includes the conception and initialaspects to realization of research. The problem's definition takes in consideration necessities ofresearch environment, verifying if efforts are valid and relevant in relation to the lack of apractical and efficient method which assesses the quality of a SaaS product.

2-Preliminar results and analyses: In this phase, are realized analyses and studies relative tocharacteristics and quality requisites turned to paradigm SaaS, enabling the construction of aspecific quality model to SaaS. The first phase was carried out the analysis of requirements inrelation to the quality of software, covering studies of norms and standards of quality, providinganalysis of quality criteria had been expected in a product of conventional software. This analysismade possible to identify which characteristics have applicability and purpose within systemsSaaS.

At the same time has been carried out an analysis of requirements in relation to the quality of ITservices. Frameworks and guides to good practice of management of service for IT where usedwith purpose to raise and analyze at quality criteria which can be found also in Software as aService, remembering that SaaS have similar characteristics of a conventional system and ITservices [4].

After the analysis, it was carried out a survey of quality requirements to the context SaaS, havingas objective raise and integrate in a single set criteria and requirements of quality for a productSaaS, enabling their use in a method of evaluation. The integration was made using comparisonsand definitions of applicability on the basis of the standard ISO/IEC 9126 [19], ITIL v3 [20] andCOBIT 4.1 [21], in order to identify the characteristics of quality more relevant to the contextSaaS. After the identification and integration of the criteria, there has been a complementationand prioritization of these characteristics, by means of a search of 85 people related to the SaaSparadigm (entrepreneurs, experts and researchers), offering greater complementation andreliability the characteristics that have been raised.

3-Validation and improvements in the method: This stage makes reference to the beginning of thestudy of the case, where it has for objective the validation of the method proposed, together withthe model of quality. Still at this stage a process of evaluation has been defined, and also a stageof continued improvement for the SaaSQuality. After the definition of the characteristics ofquality to be used by the SaaSQuality, there was the need to mapping all the characteristics inattributes measurable, enabling its measurement and scoring. This mapping has enabled thepreparation on a list of verification (checklist), enabling a practical assessment of the qualityrequirements.For the practical application of the method, there was the need to set up an evaluation process thatcan be repeatable, reproducible, impartial and objective. The process of evaluation of theSaaSQuality was based on the standard ISO/IEC 14598 [22], but some changes and adjustments

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have been made order to better match to the products SaaS, together with the roles played by theactors in the process.

On end of this phase has been carried out the validation and improvements in SaaSQuality bymeans of a study of the case. The study of the case is important, because it shows in a realenvironment the objective achieved, limitations and possible improvements, seeking validate thework performed. For the conduct of the study of the case, were performed evaluations on theproduct "SalesForce CRM Sales" on the basis of guidelines e metric of the SaaSQuality method.

4-Checks and Final Results: at this stage results have been achieved by means of a comparison,together with checks on the partial results obtained and published in the scientific community[23], specifically in the area of "Quality of Software". The method SaaSQuality was submitted toa comparison with a method of evaluation the quality conventional, in the case the MEDE-Pros,to complement its validation. This comparison showed several points which are not discussed orassessed by conventional methods, together with some limitations.


In accordance with the authors [10, 11, 24, 25], so that the application of a method of evaluationwill be efficient it is necessary that he it is based or contains a model of quality specific to thecontext of their applications.

The authors of this work neither found in the literature nor in the international standards, modelsof quality that envisage properly the characteristics of quality in a system SaaS. In the face of thisparticular characteristic was necessary the proposal and definition of a model which contemplatecriteria and quality requirements specific to the SaaS.

The model is proposed based on various characteristics of the ISO 9126 standard along with theITIL v3 and the framework COBIT 4.1, offering characteristics relating to a product ofconventional software and a service of IT. The standard ISO 9126 has provided to the set well-defined characteristics of a software product, stating aspects of functionality, reliability, usability,efficiency, maintainability and portability. For its part, the ITIL v3 and the COBIT 4.1 wereimportant elements for the identification of characteristics turned to the improvement of themanagement and quality of services for TI, in order to provide greater quality, particularly inrelation to legal issues, performance and security in a SaaS product.

In addition of the support of those methodologies, the authors also were based on other work [8,9, 10], containing the vision of different authors, all in relation to the quality of SaaS systems. Inorder to give greater support and justification to this model, because of the lack of practicalapplication, there was the need to give priority and complement the characteristics that have beenraised.

The support were been done by means of a search online with various expert in the area, havingas participants, managers, consultants, all of the area of SaaS. The search online was based on thesending of a checklist for the experts, where they have were able to analyze and indicate therelevance of each requirement raised. The relevance of the requirements of quality has indicatedwhich characteristics are really important based on the knowledge and practical experience of thespecialists. The relevance could be defined based on some criteria of trial [26]:

• Very Relevant: important features and of extreme importance to guarantee of theirquality, interfering directly in quality internal and external of the SaaS products;

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• Relevant: important features mainly in to external quality of the system, impacting thefinal quality of the product;

• Little Relevant: characteristics desirable, but not essential for the success and operation ofthe application;

• Not applicable: characteristics that do not apply to the context SaaS. There are aspects ofquality that are applicable and measurable in conventional software’s, but not in thecontext SaaS, such as for example installation.

To help in the implementation and maintenance of the model proposed, while facilitating theirunderstanding, has been defined a hierarchical structure in relation to the characteristics that havebeen raised. The hierarchical structure defined in this work resembles the proposed structure inthe work of Hoffman et al. [27], in order to facilitate the verification of quality requirements thatmust be observed in the construction of a SaaS product. For the current work have been usedthree levels of hierarchy, each having a specific purpose. The three levels of this structure aresubmitted to follow:

• Level 1 - Criteria for Evaluation: Have been defined criteria to be observed during theevaluation of the quality in a SaaS system;

• Level 2 - Requirements (Guidelines): Formed by requirements of quality, representingguidelines specific for each criterion defined in the first level;

• Level 3 - Attributes of Verification: The third level is formed by the attributes ofverification, in other words, measurable attributes that can be measured and punctuated.

In this way, the graphical representation of the model of quality proposed for the method"SaasQuality" was determined in accordance with the Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Set of criteria and quality requirements specific to SaaS.

The following is presented with a summary of the main impact that the proposed requirementspresent in relation to SaaS systems.

Functionality: Through the use of architectures and technologies, a system SaaS provides a high-interoperability between systems, together with an efficient adequacy of their functions.

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Usability: The good quality in usability of a system can reduce the services within the support ofthe organization, thus allowing a good human interaction with the system, while avoidingproblems of performance with the services.

Security: The need for cryptography, integrity and confidence in a SaaS approach requiresattention detailed in its architecture. Many standards of the architecture SOA are being developedto give support to the safety, but the majorities are still immature [28].

Performance: a SaaS approach may have a negative impact on the performance of an applicationdue to delays in the network and the burden of users in the same system. The contractingorganization must design and assess the quantity of users that they will use the system. Thesupplier must design and carefully to assess their services by making sure that the performancerequirements needed will be met.

Support: The ability to support in SaaS systems can provide a negative effect on the contractingcompany and provider. The testability can be affected negatively when using a large number ofoutsourced services.

Service Level: the contracting parties of SaaS systems can negotiate a SLA with his supplier, byproviding agreements of levels of availability and sanctions for non-compliance of the agreement.The auditability can be negatively affected if the skills necessary to audit are not incorporated intothe system.

Portability: the use of an approach SaaS must have a positive impact on the adaptability andportability when the adaptations are managed in an appropriate way, observing that the greaterconcern is associated with the portability of web browsers, not to operational systems.


The SaaSQuality was proposed and modelled following the logic of other evaluation methods[29, 30, 31]. All referenced work follow a generic structure, generally relying on a specific modelof quality, along with a well-structured evaluation process. Figure 2 shows the overview ofSaaSQuality.

Figure 2 - Overview of SaaSQuality.

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For the subjectivity of the evaluation is minimal, ensuring greater efficiency, the process ofSaaSQuality was developed following certain characteristics [4]:

• Repeatable: the process should enable the method to be applied several times in differentinstances and still have results that can be accepted as identical or similar;

• Reproducible: the process should contain specifications and steps, allowing the method tobe applied by different evaluators (different entities) providing acceptable results to thecontext of evaluation;

• Impartial: the process should avoid that the results are influenced by internal or externalfactors in relation practical evaluation;

• Objective: the process should ensure clear results, avoiding ambiguities and differentinterpretations.

In the context of the current work, the actors represent roles that a human being plays in relationto the activities of the evaluation process. Basically there are four actors who participate in thisprocess:

• Requester: Person/entity that calls for the assessment of a given product SaaS, specifyingwhat are your goals and objectives;

• Evaluator: Person in which dominates all the guidelines for the application of the methodSaaSQuality, serving as a guide and contact between the process and its participants.

• Users Interviewed: Participants that have the purpose to give critical views (positive andnegative) in relation to quality aspects evaluated within the SaaS product;

• Specialist: Person who holds total knowledge in relation to the context of the applicationof system evaluated, in the case in question, the SaaS.

The actors performed activities present in stages of the evaluation process. The steps describedbelow (Figure 3) are specific to the SaaSQuality, which were based on best practices andexpertise required in the process of evaluation ISO/IEC 14598, but they have a simplification anda definition itself focused on systems SaaS, below a brief summary for each stage of the process.

Figure 3 - Stages of the evaluation process.

1. Define Objectives and Contextualization of the Evaluation: The objective of this phase isclarify the purpose of the evaluation that will be held. The Requestor will specify thesoftware to be evaluated together with the version and other necessary requirements.

2. Define and Configure the Model of Quality: After the definition of model of quality thatwill be used in practical assessments, at this stage must be performed to configuration ofthe same, specifying which criteria and quality requirements will be used;

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3. Identify Measurable Metric: This stage is based in the mapping of the characteristics ofquality in measurable attributes, allowing their score and evaluation;

4. Define Score and Criteria for Judgment: In this stage will be set the numerical values forthe attributes measurable, establishing criteria for judgment for the comparisons of theresults obtained;

5. Project the Evaluation: In this stage should be defined the evaluation plan to be followedduring the practical assessments, containing guidelines and procedures allowing anapplication structured and repeatable;

6. Execute the Evaluation: In the last stage of the process of evaluation, the Evaluator mustuse everything that was presented in previous stages, effecting the following activities:Obtaining Measures; Comparison with Criteria; and Judgment the Results.

Some of the stages presented may experience minor changes as a result of evaluations morespecific, such changes will be made by the Evaluator and Specialist.


The validation of the research was carried out in two moments. It was initially applied a casestudy in relation to a SaaS product, providing a validation regarding the proposed method; and acomparative between the SaaSQuality and the MEDE-Pros was subsequently carried out with thepurpose to identify similarities, differences and limitations between both methods.

6.1. Case Study ("Salesforce CRM Sales")

The case study was carried out by applying the SaaSQuality in relation to the product "SalesforceCRM Sales", a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that has the purpose facilitateand improve the relationship of the organizations and their respective customers. The followingwill be done the detailing of each step of the process of evaluation, relating them with the casestudy, identifying what was done at each stage of the process:

1-Define Objectives and Contextualization of the Evaluation: In the context of this work, theobjective of the application of the method for the study of the case was to evaluate theSaaSQuality, in relation to your model of quality, process of evaluation and the techniques used.The expectation of the study is also assess the product “Salesforce CRM Sales”, noting theircompliances with requirements of quality.

2-Define and Configure the Model of Quality: The model of quality adopted in the practicalassessments was the model proposed in the section "Quality Model for SaaSQuality" (Figure 1).This model has been chosen and used, because in addition to include a number of criteria relatingto the evaluation of the quality of a system SaaS, it also presents a division of requirements(guidelines) and attributes of evaluation, by facilitating their use in practical assessments.

3-Identify Measurable Metric: At this stage there was the splitting of the requirements of qualityin attributes that can be measured and punctuated. To realize this task, techniques andmethodologies auxiliary staffs have been used to support and facilitate the identification of metricmeasurable. The technique used in this evaluation was the use of list of verification, in order toallow an efficient mapping of the requirements of the model of quality in attributes andmeasurable items.

The attributes measurable contained in the model of quality were raised by means of theknowledge of the Specialist, creating simple and objective questions allowing its evaluation and

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punctuation in the form of a checklist. On totals have been proposed 70 issues to be evaluated, thequestions were decomposed in 7 (seven) different groups, related to the criteria of quality model,they are: functionality, usability, security, performance, support, service level, and portability.The list of verification proposal for the evaluations added additional information in order to allowits use by the Evaluator in the form of a template for application. The additional information havebeen related and added to the list of verification, indicating, i.e., the average time elapsed in theevaluations, objectivity of the evaluation, definition of the local and the data collected, amongother information, by facilitating the implementation and the control of the evaluations.

4-Define Score and Criteria for Judgment: The list of verification sets out for each criterion ofquality 10 attributes in the form of questions, totalling a list of verification with 70 items. Thisnumber has been defined, as it makes it possible to build a full list the verification and at the sametime is not exhaustive, because would damage the time in the implementation of the evaluations.The weighting given for each issue has been defined in the following way:

• Maximum value: "1" (highest score);• Minimum value: "0" (lowest score).•

For each criteria of quality have been carried out 15 assessments with different people, that is tosay, different instances of assessments were performed, and obtained different notes in relation tothe final quality of the criterion assessed.

At the end of all the 15 evaluations, thereby achieving 15 different values in relation to the qualityof each criterion assessed, has been carried out the arithmetic mean of these values, to enable abetter comparison of the results.

This process of obtaining the average of the quality, it was accomplished for 7 (seven) evaluationcriteria, thus allowing the separation of the specific note of each criterion of the final note of theevaluated product, because it is interesting for the Requester of assessment identify the notesseparately, checking which quality criteria are below the required level of quality, by making itpossible to conduct a trial efficient together with adjustments and improvements.

For this judgment the authors were based on a lifting done at approximately 300 products ofsoftware’s [32]. The criteria are based essentially on three levels: Superior, Medium and Lower,and can be viewed in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Levels of quality of a product of software.

These criteria have been incorporated into the SaaSQuality, taking the following definitions andprospects of conclusion:

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• Superior level, the product of software should be in accordance with at least 80% of thequality requirements specified. This means that the note can vary from 100 to 80, on ascale of 0 to 100;

• Medium level, the product of software should be in accordance with at least 50% of thequality requirements specified. This means that the note can vary from 80 to 50;

• Lower level, the product of software can have a note of 50 to 0, by presenting a low levelof quality.

5-Project the Evaluation: The projection of the practice evaluations were followed specificguidelines. The users interviewed during the evaluations were students with advanced knowledgein information technology, having to a certain way familiarity with the SaaS product assessed.The time of each evaluation has been estimated and implemented between 40 to 50 minutes,trying not to overcome this time, to ensure a rapid assessment and practice. All the informationand data raised by Users Interviewed were kept of possession only of the authors, thus ensuringconfidentiality on the part of those interviewed. Information obtained does not have commercialvalue, only add value to the research and development of this work.

In total have been carried out 15 assessments with 15 different people. This number ofassessments had objective improves it of the proposed method, together with the convergence ofthe data obtained. This is because initial assessments showed errors and details to be improved,both on the part of the model of quality and on the part of the process of evaluation.6- Execute the Evaluation: Basically at this stage of the case study the Evaluator has executedthree tasks:

• Collection of the measures;• Comparison of the measures with criteria pre-defined, and finally;• The judgment of the data obtained in the course of the evaluations.

In accordance with activities of obtaining of measures, all have been collected through theevaluations made by the Users Interviewed, making clear the impersonality of evaluator that waspresent only to doubts and perform the evaluation in a repeatable manner.

At the end of the evaluations, and early of activity de comparison of criteria, the numerical datahave been treated and compared with the criteria, enabling a final judgment. The activity dejudgment of the data has been made together with the development of a final report of evaluation.O objective to draw up a final report it is indicate the positive and negative points relating them tothe quality criteria judged.

The report in addition to identify relevant aspects on the quality of the SaaS product, alsoidentifies problematic aspects that occurred during the implementation of the evaluations, such as,for example, unavailability of the product, errors generated in the course of the evaluation, lack ofinformation the product, among others.

7- Considerations and Results: On end of all the evaluations, the product has had a average note76,6 in relation to the final quality, falls within the level "medium" of quality (Figure 6).

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Figure 6 - The quality achieved by the "SalesForce CRM Sales"

Even by presenting a level "medium" of quality, not all the criteria of the evaluated product hadnotes unsatisfactory within the context SaaS (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Note assigned in relation to each criteria of quality.

One can conclude that, the requirements "Functionality" and "Usability" had the highest score inthe evaluation performed, contemplating satisfactory levels of quality. Note also that theserequirements are similar to that of a product of conventional software, not considering intrinsiccharacteristics of a system SaaS.

On the other hand, by examining the criteria “Support” and “Level of Service”, it emerges thatboth have had the worst notes within the criteria evaluated, noting that they are characteristicsaimed directly to a SaaS product. This result has a negative impact on the quality of the product,because both the criteria represent an important and great impact to the SaaS context, requiringstudies and improvements in relation to your requirements, for example, aspects linked to SLA's,management of data, auditability, customization, stability, among others.

6.2. Comparison with the method mede-pros

This comparison has been drawn up with the aim of responding to some questions that can beraised the end of the case study.

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• What need for the development of a specific method for assessment of products SaaS?• The conventional methods are not ready, and appropriate to assess a product SaaS?• Which the similarities and differences of the SaaSQuality in comparison with

conventional methods?

Trying to answer the questions above with good reason, adding additional information to thestudy of the case, it was carried out a comparative between methods SaaSQuality and MEDE-Pros. In order to achieve this comparative some steps have been followed, allowing thecomparison between the data and results of both methods.

• Step 1: The first activity of comparative was the choice of a conventional method thatwill provide a practical assessment of the quality of a product of software, in the case ofthis research the MEDE-pros;

• Step 2: The second stage, was the study and the detail of the model of quality in whichthe MEDE-pros is based, based on requirements and quality attributes;

• Step 3: For the completion of the third stage, it was necessary to use a set of questionsand checks (checklist) present in the book: "Quality of Product of Software" (Colombo &Guerra, 2009). This checklist was drawn up in order to be applied to the directly MEDE-pros;

• Step 4: The fourth stage makes reference to the application of the method MEDE-pros onthe product "Salesforce CRM Sales”;

• Step 5: At this stage, the data obtained in the evaluations with the MEDE-pros werecompared with the data obtained in the study of the case by the SaaSQuality.

At the end of the comparative, with the data analyzed and interpreted, a graphic of the type"radar" was mounted (Figure 8), was plotted the values of each criteria of quality in the course ofthe axes, represented by the two methods (SaaSQuality and MEDE-pros).

Figure 8 - The result of the comparative of quality criteria (SaaSQuality vs MEDE-pros)

In accordance with the Figure 8, what is observed is the convergence and the divergence of thedata in relation to the criteria of quality. Functionality, Usability and Security, have had a greatconvergence of data in relation to methods. This is due to the fact of that both in conventional

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systems such as the SaaS those quality criteria are similar. Below follows a small description ofthese similarities.Functionality: If it seems mainly in the aspects of interoperability, access, and accuracy, thusenabling the guarantee of functions that follow the needs of customers, correctly and accurately,together with the possibility of integration with other systems legacies of the organization.

Usability: The requirements operability and attractiveness are necessary in computing systems, itis extremely importance to a greater user satisfaction.

Security: Even having a greater impact on the paradigm SaaS, security aspects are very importantin systems conventional, especially systems that work with critical data of business organizations,requiring greater reliability, integrity and availability for these data.

The Portability criterion also had a convergence the data in both methods, however, this featurepresents an application context quite different in both cases. On SaaS, the portability criterion ismore focused for browsers and the doors of communication. Already in the conventional systemsto portability is more related to operating systems and distributions. In other words, the dataobtained even if they are converging, cannot be considered to be similar, because, the coexistencerequirements and adaptability have applicability well different in both the paradigm.

The criterion Performance has had a small difference in the data, but it was something alreadyexpected, because the SaaS systems due to their way of access, by means of tenants and multi-tenants have distinct characteristics in scalability of their users and in expansibility of newservices to the system [33, 34].

The Service of Level and Support have had the greatest divergences in the results. The reason isdue to the fact that the quality requisites are influenced directly by features of the IT servicemanagement, not covered by standard ISO 9126, such as, for example, customizations;management of incidents and problems; SLA; plans of continuity; management of data; andauditability. Below, the main points of the analysis of these requirements.

The Service of Level can’t be measured by the method MEDE-pros, because for conventionalsystems (different of the SaaS), features such as SLA's, management of data, plans of continuity,among others, are not included in model of quality the method MEDE-pros;

The Support had a good relationship between the characteristics of testability and stability,however, when it comes to incidents and personalization, the characteristics of the SaaS andconventional systems are quite different, thus causing differences between the evaluations of bothmethods.

At the end of comparisons is concluded that, from the comparisons made, it is clear that aconventional method is not entirely appropriate for evaluations of products SaaS. Some of thecharacteristics were been well evaluated by the method MEDE-pros, but others have had theirassessment impaired, because of the context in which they were being employed. This is due tothe fact, among other factors, the use of the model of quality.


This paper has put forward a proposal for the development of a method for assessing the qualityof a product of Software as a Service (SaaS), known as SaaSQuality. The proposed method was

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based on a model of specific quality to the SaaS paradigm, by proposing a process of evaluationown, simple and effective.For the construction of the specific model to the SaaS paradigm, allowing its use in practice bythe SaaSQuality, there has been an integration between criteria and principles of methods ofassessment of the quality of the product of software, with criteria of methods of management deservices de TI.

The criteria defined has enabled the lifting and the impact of quality criteria specific to the SaaScontext, dividing them into groups of characteristics and sub-characteristics, in order to show itsimpact both positive and negative to this new paradigm.

The model of quality is a compilation of the main features present in a product of software and aservice of IT. The evaluations performed by the method in question were carried out by means ofa list of verification (checklist), contemplating through measurable attributes the score andmeasurement of quality requirements.

At the end of the research the authors highlight aspects important allowing the extension ofstudies on future work. The first point with regard to the proposal of a method to assess and assistthe guarantee of quality in relation to process of development of a product SaaS.

The second approach with regard to the measurement of the SaaSQuality as to the quality in use.During the definition of the problem has been given a greater emphasis on the internal quality andforeign.

Finally, the third refers to supplement and deepening of the list of verification (checklist). In thepresent paper, emphasis was given in attributes that provide a general assessment of the quality ofa SaaS product; all these attributes have been assessed with the same weight and punctuations.


The authors thank The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level or Education (CAPES)and The National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) for theirfinancial support.


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Nemésio Freitas Duarte Filho: Graduation in Computer Science from the Federal University of Lavras,and master's degree at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Has experience in Software Engineering,Governance, and IT Management. Has certification in the areas of IT governance and business processmodelling (ITIL v2, COBIT 4.1and OCEB Fundamental-OMG)

Clarindo Isaias Pereira da Silva e Pádua: Graduation in Electrical Engineering from the FederalUniversity of Minas Gerais, master's in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Geraisand doctorate in Computer Science - University of Southampton. Has experience in Computing Systems,working mainly in the areas of Software Engineering and Usability Engineering.

Paulo Henrique de Souza Bermejo: Adjunct Professor of the Department of Computer Science of theFederal University of Lavras. Doctorate in Knowledge Engineering and Management by the FederalUniversity of Santa Catarina. Is certified in IT Governance framework (Cobit) and representative(advocate member) of ISACA.

Andre Luiz Zambalde: Graduation in Electrical Engineering Telecommunications from the NationalInstitute of Telecommunications in Santa Rita do Sapucaí, master's at Electric Engineering fromUniversity Federal de Itajubá and doctorate in Computer Science from University Federal do Rio deJaneiro. Has experience in information technology in education, distance learning and informationsystems.

Urlan Salgado de Barros: Master's Degree in Computer Science from the University Federal do Paraná.Graduation in Computer Science from the Federal University of Lavras. Has experience in the area ofComputer Science, with emphasis in Computer Networks and Computer Security.