What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Rosie Ram


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Page 3: Rosir

ImacI used an advanced hardware called apple imac

to edit my film opening and create most of my research and planning. Apple imac was really important part of my production and it enabled me to acess a software called imovie. I developed confidence in imac which made it easier for me to use and understand. Itunes on the apple imac was also a software I used whilst editing my film opening as it allowed me to add diegetic sound effects and a suspense soundtrack.

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TripodTo ensure that all my shots were steady I used a

tripod. The tripod maintained steadiness through out the scenes, which made the flow more effectively avoiding the barrier of it looking shaky, this created a more professional look. Not only this but the tripod enabled me move the camera around whilst maintaining the steady speed.

The tripod maintained the weight of the camera, which was essential as it provided support and assistance. The tripod was useful as it was more steadier then using your hands and it also created a variation of shots.

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Video Camera The video camera was essential in my project as I

used it to record many tasks in the process of my project such as the preliminary tasks and the film opening. The video camera was better to use for my film opening then a phone as it gave my film a more professional look as it produced higher quality footage. The video camera was also easy to use. During this process I gained more confidence with using a video camera as was able to use it to the best of its ability. I also acknowledged that it had better qualities and functions the phones as video cameras are specifically designed for filming.

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SD Card I used an SD card to store all of my film on,

the SD card provided me with storage so that I could save all my film onto it without loosing it and having to re-do scenes again. Using a SD card was useful and reliable as it provided me with a sufficient amount of memory, which enabled me to film the amount of footage I wanted without worrying about it getting lost or running out of storage memory.

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Imovie was the software I used to edit my entire film opening. I used this software as it provided me with the correct tools to edit, cut, and add effects to my movie to create a professional finish. I learnt hugely from imovie as it the software made me more confident with editing which allowed me to use it to the best of its ability. In my film opening I used imovie for a variety of things such as adding diegetic sounds and suspense soundtracks, adding fading transitions and slow mode. Imovie also held a wide variety of fonts which enabled me to choose a font which best suited my horror genre.

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Movie MakerFor some of my tasks I used the software movie

maker to edit some of my tasks such as the preliminary task, and audience expectations. I used movie maker as it aided me with a programme I could edit my tasks on whilst at home. Movie maker was useful and simple to use, as the programme was pretty straight forward as I learnt how to edit and cut selection of scenes easily. I also used some fade transitions whilst editing my tasks. Movie maker enabled me to edit easily with no difficulties.

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PhotoshopI used the software Photoshop to create my

production company logo “Preternatural Pictures”. Photoshop was easy to use and understand which meant I was able to create my company logo without any difficulties arising. Photoshop was more effective than any other software to create my company logo as it provided me with tools such as the “smudge tool” which enabled me to add a bloody effect on my text, to show that my production was on horrors and the “slice tool” which allowed me to change the size and shape of the logo.

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Microsoft For a vast majority of my tasks I used Microsoft

software for most of them such as word and PowerPoint. Using Microsoft was beneficial as it made my written word tasks look professional and it saved me time as it was faster then writing it by hand, and uploading it onto my blogger. Using Microsoft was beneficial ask I could personalise my documents making them look more engaging by changing fonts, colours and adding images. I was also able to use spell checker to ensure that I had made no spelling mistakes.

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Online tools

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BloggerI used blogger to upload and keep the tasks

of my complete project. For me blogger has been the most essential and helpful as it enabled me to organise all my blogs. Whilst using blogger it taught me a lot of things such as how to personalise a blog, upload tasks, and labels and tags and lastly how to add widgets onto my blog tasks.

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Slide share Slide share enabled me to upload power

points on my blogger. Not only this but slide share made the power points look more appealing and interactive. Slide share taught me various things such as uploading my power points easily onto my blogger by embedding the PowerPoint. I think that slide share was more effective then making a video as it enabled individuals to go through the slides at their own suitable pace.

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Art Of The Titles Art of the titles is the website I used to view

and complete some of my tasks such as the “Nine frame analysis”. The website helped me to gain a insight of what shot I should include in my own film opening. This website was useful as it have me a depth understanding of what locations, Mise en scene, characters, diegetic sounds and lighting to use in a horror movie and what shots are included to create a suspense, mysterious and scary sense.

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YouTubeI created a YouTube account to upload all of my videos onto my

blog. I used this for many of my tasks such as my preliminary task and the target audience film task. This was useful as all of my tasks would be on my account, so when I chose to upload them it would be easier. By creating a YouTube account I learnt quickly how to upload, add features and annotations .

I also used YouTube to tell me understand things such as how to use imovie, and Photoshop as I had never used these programmes before. YouTube provided me better understanding which enabled me to go on and use the programme effectively. I also used YouTube to watch horror film openings to give me ideas and a clearer insight of what to include in my own film opening such as costumes, diegesis, locations and lastly Mise en scene.

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Free Royalty MusicRoyalty free music is the website I got most of my music and

sound from. This website was helpful as it provided me with sound I could use in my horror movie, it also helped me find different types of non-diegetic and diegetic sounds such as a heartbeat, wind rustling and screams. I also used “the falling leaves” for most of my film as this soundtrack built onto suspense. These sounds all made my film opening look realistic whilst adding suspense to the movie. I also learnt how to use the website easily as it was straight forward as it provided you with different genres of music which you could choose and download. Free royalty music does not allow you to use copyright music this was useful as it provided me with a variety of sounds and music that were free to use.

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MindmeisterI used mindmeister to create an online mind map

including some of the ideas that would be featured in my film opening. These were the props, characters, plot, location, conventions and editing etc. I used mindmeister to represent this as it allowed me to personalise it in the colour, font and layout that I preferred. It also allowed me to add images to the mind map. I chose to use mindmeister as it was engaging and eye-catching and easy to use. I learnt how to use mindmiester easily as it was simple, effective and straightforward.

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GoogleGoogle search engine was extremely useful when I

was planning, researching and creating my project. Google provided me with support when I was facing difficulties with some of the tools, as I searched them up on Google and I was provided with information that could help me. Google gave me a more in depth knowledge on some of the online tools which widened my understandings on them. I also used Google maps on my task on “locations” to show the locations where my film would be set.