Installing RMsis for JIRA (v1.2.0)

RMsis (v1.2.x) Installation

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Page 1: RMsis (v1.2.x) Installation

Installing RMsis for JIRA(v1.2.0)

Page 2: RMsis (v1.2.x) Installation

Platform Supported by RMsis

Operating Systems Microsoft Windows XP/VISTA/7, Linux

JIRA JIRA 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 or later

Java Platform Sun/Oracle JDK / JRE 1.6 (update 10 or higher)

Application Servers Apache Tomcat 6.0

Databases MySQL 5.x OR later, Microsoft SQL server 2005/2008

Web Browsers Firefox 3.5/3.6/4.x/5.x/6.x, Internet Explorer 8.0, Chrome 11/12/13


Page 3: RMsis (v1.2.x) Installation

Download RMsis from http://products.optimizory.com/rmsis/download

Create database for RMsis Deploy RMsis web application (rm.war) Install JIRA plugin for RMsis (jira-

rmsis.x.x.jar) Activate License

Brief Steps

Page 4: RMsis (v1.2.x) Installation

1. Login

2. Create database {say “rmsis”}

3. Grant permissions

Create database

Click icon to add picture

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RMsis Home◦ Specified during RMsis installation◦ Contains logs, settings etc.

JIRA Home◦ Specified during JIRA installation◦ Contains JIRA specific information (logs, settings

etc.) Application server directories



Page 6: RMsis (v1.2.x) Installation

1. Extract the downloaded rmsis-x.x.x.zip

2. Run setup.bat (Windows) or setup.sh (Linux)

3. Specify RMSIS_HOME when prompted

4. Copy the regenerated rm.war into webapps directory

Deploy RMsis Application

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1. Copy the RMsis plugin for JIRA to the $JIRA_HOME/plugins/installed_plugins

2. Restart JIRA

Install JIRA Plugin

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Login to JIRA using admin login

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Click on RMsis menu

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System will prompt for RMsis base URLSpecify full path of RMsis web application context.

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System will prompt for license keyChoose between “RMsis Evaluation License Key” or “RMsis Production License


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Login to Optimizory web site to get the license

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System code will be picked automatically

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Enter number of users and click on “Proceed” button

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Copy the license key

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Paste license key in RMsis and click on “Submit” button

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License expiry and type information will be displayed

Congratulations !!! You can activated license successfully !!

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RMsis Demo link http://jira-rmsis.optimizory.com/

Project manager login details Login: pm1 Password: project123

Team member login details Login: usr1 Password: user123

RMsis Home http://products.optimizory.com/rmsis

RMsis Documents Latest Release :


Preview of latest features : http://docs.optimizory.com/display/preview/Home

RMsis at Atlassian https://plugins.atlassian.com/plugin/details/30899

See Also ..

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Thanks !