A Walk Down NOSQL Lane in the Cloud Part 2: Riak NYC Cloud Computing Group, March 2011 Alexander Sicular @siculars

Riak at The NYC Cloud Computing Meetup Group

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In depth look at the nosql product, Riak.

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Page 1: Riak at The NYC Cloud Computing Meetup Group

A Walk Down NOSQL Lane in the Cloud

Part 2: RiakNYC Cloud Computing Group, March 2011

Alexander Sicular@siculars

Page 2: Riak at The NYC Cloud Computing Meetup Group

Who is this blowhard?Columbia University pays my mortgage

For the better part of a decade in Medical Informatics

Am not shilling for any of these companies

Am not a computer scientist

Am a computer science enthusiast particularly in the area of Informatics

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Riak, eh?Dynamo inspired


Single key-space



Predictable scaleability

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CAP Theoremhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAP_theorem



Partition tolerance


Pick two?

Riak says: pick two at a time.

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Every node is the same

Any node can service any request

Nodes gossip on their own port

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One Ring to Rule Them Single 160 bit key space


No Sharding!

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Distributed (!= replicated)

riak is not sharded

vnodes = units of distribution

vnodes != physical nodes (pnodes)

vnodes map to pnodes

data is distributed at the vnode level


-must plan maximum ring size

-think about number of vnodes per pnode

-generally no less than 10 vnodes per pnode

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Conflict ResolutionVector Clocks

ancestry / divergency maintained

automatic or manual resolution

★ Considerations:




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Replicated (!= distributed)

configurable replication values (“N”)

configurable consistency and availability values at read and write time

- read

- write

- durable write

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Predictable Scaleability

How much performance per node?

Scale in both directions

> bin/riak-admin

> Usage: riak-admin { join | leave | backup | restore | test | status | reip | js_reload | wait-for-service | ringready | transfers }

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Data Agnosticschemaless

data objects may be of any type

binary, text (json, xml)

use content types

>curl -v -d 'this is a test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \

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Extra Goodies



Code Architecture


Multiple backends

bitcask, innodb, mem

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Code architecture

Highly modularized






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Performance profiling

highly customizable

pretty pictures

key/value store generalized



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BitcaskRiak’s default disk backend

Write Only Log

Heavy updates will grow your footprint

- Look into compaction/merging settings

Keys are cached in memory with disk offsetshttps://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ak4OBkABJPsxdEowYXc2akxnYU9xNkJmbmZscnhaTFE&hl=en&authkey=CMHw8tYO

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Ok sounds good. How do I get it?

>git|hg clone http://bitbucket.org/basho/riak

>cd riak

>make all && make rel

OR if you’re on a mac:

>brew install riak

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Ok sounds good. How do I get it?

>git|hg clone http://bitbucket.org/basho/riak_search

>cd riak_search

>make all && make rel

OR if you’re on a mac:

>brew install riak-search

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What does that get me?

Fully functional

Self contained (<3)

Default configuration

-64 vnodes, “riak” cookie, N = 3

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Work... like so.

Config fileshttp://wiki.basho.com/display/RIAK/Configuration+Files



vm.args-name, -settings

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Fire it up

> bin/riak

> Usage: riak {start|stop|restart|reboot|ping|console|attach}

> bin/riak start

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> curl -v

> curl -v

> curl -v

> curl -v

Do Stuff!


> curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"backend": "ets"}'

> curl -v -X PUT -d 'test key'

> curl -v -X POST -d 'autogen key'

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LinksLightweight Graphing

Practical limitations re. number of links per object

Unidirectional object linking

relationship modeling (one to one, one to many)

Returns “Content-Type: multipart/mixed;”

- Library needs to be multipart aware

- nodejs, formidable

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Link WalkingFirst level depth>curl http://localhost:8098/riak/myBucket/myKey/_,_,_

Via Map/Reduce>$ curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" \ http://localhost:8098/mapred --data @-{"inputs":[["myBucket","myKey"]],"query":[{"link":{}},{"map":{"language":"javascript","source":"function(v){ return [v]; }"}}]}^D

N level depth>curl http://localhost:8098/riak/myBucket/myKey/_,_,_/_,_,_

More Info:http://blog.basho.com/2010/02/24/link-walking-by-example/http://wiki.basho.com/display/RIAK/Linkshttp://wiki.basho.com/display/RIAK/REST+API#RESTAPI-Linkwalking

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Functions written in either Erlang or JavaScript

Map is distributed to where the data lives

Reduce is run on the node coordinating the M/R

Erlang > JavaScript

Tweak JavaScript settings in app.conf

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M/R in RiakAn input to start from


list of keys / keyfilter

★ keys > bucket

possible link phase

one or more map phases

(many) possible reduce phase(s)

function(v, keydata, args) {! if (v.values) {! var ret = [], o = {};! o = Riak.mapValuesJson(v)[0]; ! ! o.lastModifiedParsed = Date.parse(v["values"][0] \["metadata"]["X-Riak-Last-Modified"]);! o.key = v["key"];! ret.push(o);! return ret;! } else {! return [];! }! };

Map = SQL Select/Where clauseReduce = SQL Aggregates (SUM, COUNT, GROUP BY)

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Pre/Post Commit Hooks

Pre Commit

JavaScript or Erlang


Modify data

Kill writes

Post Commit




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Chief complaints

No index

No native sort

No increment

No native data structures

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Riak Search... more

uses a modified bitcask backend called merge_index

enabled on a per bucket basis

access via http and command line

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NodeJS Riak module

Written in Coffeescript

HTTP and Protobuf

Customizable via “meta” options


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Code demo




simple post site


json data passing

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Javascript Mapvar map = function(v, keydata, args) {! if (v.values) {! var ret = [], o = {};! o = Riak.mapValuesJson(v)[0];! o.key = v["key"]; //put the key in the returned data object! o.lastModified = v["values"][0]["metadata"]["X-Riak-Last-Modified"];! ret.push(o);! return ret;! } else {! return [];! }! };

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Javascript Reducevar sortInt = function ( data , args ) { var sortBy = (typeof args === "undefined" || args === null) ? undefined : args.field; var desc = ((typeof args === "undefined" || args === null) ? undefined : args.order) === 'desc';! ! data.sort ( function(a,b) { ! ! ! if (desc) {! ! ! var _ref = [b, a];! ! ! a = _ref[0];! ! ! b = _ref[1];! ! ! } ! !! ! return a[sortBy] - b[sortBy] ! ! } );! ! return data! };

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Putting it all togetherriak! .add(“bucket”) //map function! .map(map) //reduce fuction! .reduce(sortInt, { field: "lastModified", order: "desc" }) ! .run(function(err, response) { //send out an error if there is one ! if (err) res.simpleJSON(400, {errortxt: 'mapreduce gone bad :('} );! //otherwise send the data back...! res.simpleJSON(200, { response } );!! });

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Hybrid architectures are the future!

Use tools like Redis to augment shortcomings!

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GoogleLook Ma!

No exact counts!

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No Pagination!

No Totals!

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NYC Cloud Computing Group, March 2011

Alexander Sicular@siculars