Mobile, Context Aware Databases and Database Systems 2007/05/30 Rewire the Net Davide Eynard [email protected] Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano

Rewire the Net

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A presentation on wrappers and mashup tools, made for the PhD course "Mobile and Context-Aware Database Systems" at Politecnico di Milano, May 2007

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Page 1: Rewire the Net

Mobile, Context Aware Databases and Database Systems


Rewire the Net

Davide [email protected]

Dipartimento di Elettronica e InformazionePolitecnico di Milano

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The problem Wrapping vs Mashup Mashup tools and technologies Open problems Conclusions

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The problem




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What is a wrapper?

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What is a wrapper?



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Is a wrapper enough?

A wrapper takes a (usually unstructured) data source and returns information in a desired format• All the uninteresting stuff is hidden within it• From outside we see only the desired interface

What we want to do is work with this information• aggregate/filter it• use it as input for other services• mash it!

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An example

... and now?

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An example

Convert data structuresto LaTeX and generatea Sudoku book in PDF

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An example

Create a Web appwhich delivers datain a standard format

Create a Java appthat runs Sudokuson your mobile

Create another appthat solves Sudokus!

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What kind of mashup?

Imagination is your only limit

So, most of the mashups around belong to one of the following families:• mapping mashups• video and photo mashups• search and shopping mashups• news mashups

• and... uhm, well... ability

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Source:“Five Ways to Mix, Rip, and Mash Your Data”

Nick Gonzalez, March 2 2007

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The architecture








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The architecture








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Asynchronous Javascript and XML It's a Web application model, rather than a

specific technology, and comprises several different technologies:• XHTML and CSS for style presentation• The DOM API exposed by the browser for

dynamic display and interaction• Asynchronous data exchange (typically XML)• Browser-side scripting (typically Javascript)

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Protocols and standards

Web protocols• SOAP (Services-Oriented Access Protocol)

− XML message format− Message structure: head and body parts

• REST (Representational State Transfer)− Web-based communication using HTTP+XML− Few operations: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

applicable to all pieces of information Syndication formats

• RSS (v1.0 is RDF based, while 2.0 is not)• ATOM (more attention on metadata)

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Wrappers, spiders, scrapers

Wrapper is quite a general term used to describe a particular architecture

Rememberthis one?

A wrapper needs at least other two components to accomplish its task• A spider (or crawler), to follow links and

download web pages• A scraper, to extract useful content from pages

full of uninteresting data

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However powerful, screen scraping is usually considered an inelegant solution• Lack of sophisticated, re-usable screen

scraping toolkit software (most of the scrapers are created ad hoc). Difficult to program

• Unlike API-interfaces, scraping has no explicit contract between content provider and content consumer. Difficult to update/maintain

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Semantic Web and RDF

Content created for human consumption does not make good content for automated machine consumption• Data becomes information when it conveys

meaning XML in itself is not sufficient (too arbitrary). RDF is quickly finding an adoption in a variety of

domains.• possibility to query over it (RDQL, SPARQL)• possibility to reason over it (Jena, RACER)

Hey, that's my job!

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Technical:• data integration (what if mapping is not a

complete one?)• data that need to be fixed/cleaned/converted• robust standards, protocols, models and

toolkits (... and try to avoid scrapers) Social:

• encouraging user contributions• data pollution (lack of precision, gaming)• tradeoff between the protection of intellectual

property and consumer privacy versus fair use and free flow of information

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Considering information as freely flowing on the Internet, and creating “pipes” to redirect, aggregate, reuse it is a great and powerful idea

We're still at the very beginning User participation might offer new chances for


... and create new problems, of course!

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Duane Merrill: “Mashups: The new breed of Web app”

Tim O'Reilly: “Pipes and filters for the Internet” Nick Gonzales:

“Five ways to Mix, Rip and Mash Your Data” Davide Eynard: “PowerBrowsing Projects”,

“SukaSudoku” www.webmashup.com

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That's All, Folks

Thank you!

Questions are welcome