Stefano Marchetti Cesare Brizio agile.open.connected OSEPA Workshop - Bologna, 29 September 2011 FOSS in the Public Sector: Business and Sustainability Models Thursday, September 29, 2011

Red turtle osepa 2011

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Our presentation at the OSEPA meeting in Bologna, 29 September 2011 - the presentation caught the interest and appreciation of the participant Public Organizations, and provided them with a viable, well tested model of synergy among free software communities, businesses and the Public Sector.

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  • 1. FOSS in the Public Sector: agile.open.connected Business and Sustainability Models Stefano Marchetti OSEPA Workshop - Bologna, 29 September 2011 Cesare BrizioThursday, September 29, 2011
  • 2. RedTurtle: short bio RedTurtle was founded in 1999 by 3 people 17 people + ~10 external 80% sales comes from Public Sector 30% yearly increase during the last 4 years Sharing code and knowledge with our customer since the beginning OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 3. RedTurtle: short bio Tech: Web portals Integrated Intranets Consulting interface design, User eXperience Design (UXD), accessibility, agile development, SEO and web strategy (e.g. for tourism) Mobile apps OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 4. RedTurtle network and community a scalable workforce: we our business network Plone core developers Plone community a continuing involvement in the evolution of our reference technology and in the community 50+ Products released with GPL license OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 5. A free Content Management System software, known worldwide as one of the most secure and modular enterprise-level CMS OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 6. PloneGov A worldwide community of the Public Sector, aimed at sharing and reusing Plone software and Plone knowledge among the member Public Bodies OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 7. Gov Italia The national chapter of PloneGov About 50 members Different public bodies and solutions: Universities, Health Agencies, Regions, Provinces, Cities, Chamber of Commerce, ... OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 8. ZEA Partners A european network of companies buildingopen source solutions 20 partners, 2 italians (RedTurtle is part of the board) ZEA contributed to the birth of PloneGov by providing technical assistance to the founding members ZEA continues to engage actively in the support of the PloneGov initiative OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 9. Public bodies Gov Plone SMBs (Zea Partners Community network & others) We make technology and public sector collaborate Business model: use cases OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 10. Organizations using Plone assisted by a business unassisted Gov Italia Businesses providing Plone services ZEA Partners SMBs other SMBs OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 11. Model 1 - Institutional reuse a real case from an Association of Communes Unione Reno Galliera Gov Italia Online ofcial board integrated with different Resolutions management softwares Communes of the Unione OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 12. Model 2 - Horizontal infection (solutions) a real case between identical Public Bodies Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara Gov Italia Portal and Intranet 8 other Chambers of Commerce Gov Italia OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 13. Model 2 - Horizontal (modules) An example (among many) - between two identical bodies City di Modena Gov Italia Monet.Modulistica City of San Giovanni in Persiceto Gov Italia OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 14. Model 3 - Cross / bidirectional reuse a real case between two similar bodies Province of Ferrara Gov Italia Intranet / DMS / Resolutions / Quality Management System Ofcial Register City of Padova Gov Italia OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 15. Model 4 - Bottom-up escalation vertical reuse: hierarchical escalation City of Modena Gov Italia Youth Information portal Emilia Romagna Region Gov Italia GECO Federated Portal National Level (Agreement RER / ANCI / Ministry of Youth) OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 16. Model 5 - On-demand development borderline case: on demand development (offer in reuse) Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara Gov Italia Digital Archival and Search of criminal lawsuits les State Prosecutor Ofce, Court of Ferrara OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 17. Model 6 - Pooling brains and experiences self-managed technical events City of Modena, Emilia Romagna region Gov Italia Workshop for the exchange of PloneGov solutions (November 2010) OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 18. triggered by an other individual Public Body bodies PloneGov (e.g. Chamber of reusable reusable Commerce, Town, solution solution local Agency...) propagating by peer Plone PMI, ZEA network to peer infection among other individual REQUIREMENT organizations PROTOTYPE VALIDATION particularly suited for products SUPPORT TO REUSE may escalate to top down model when becoming epidemic Reusing and attracting the bodies Pilot body attention of an Association of Public Bodies Sustainable reuse model in bottom-up version OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 19. other triggered by involving Public Body bodies PloneGov an Aggregate of Public reusable reusable reusable Bodies REQUIREMENT REQUIREMENT solution solution solution propagation by P. B. directive and by peer to peer infection Assn. HARMONIZATION VALIDATION suited for products but Pilot body Plone SMBs, particularly well-suited ZEA Network for ad hoc projects PROTOTYPE market target potentially bigger Public Bodies Association SUPPORT TO REUSE human and economical resource Reusing pooling may be much bodies easier Sustainable reuse model in top-down version OSEPA Workshop S. Marchetti e C. Brizio Bologna, 29 Sept 2011Thursday, September 29, 2011
  • 20. Questions ? Stefano Marchetti RedTurtles co-founder and project manager [email protected] Cesare Brizio RedTurtles communication and marketing [email protected], September 29, 2011
  • 21. Grazie. Thank you.Thursday, September 29, 2011