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Q2 evaluation

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By Nisha Velji

Page 2: Q2 evaluation


Every business despite what it operates in use marketing and

branding to allow their products to gain awareness and


Marketing and Branding of all products are highly important, it is

essential for music industries to market their product and to allow the

audience to recognise the company or brand name. We used both

marketing and branding to promote our three products. Firstly we

included a logo within our Ancillary texts- this allowed the audience to

straight away realise that both these texts are connected due to the

brand (logo) Also within our music video we included our productions

name which was called ‘Blush Production’ it was then followed on by

our vocalists name and the singles title, this allowed the audience to

link the music video back to our ancillary texts. We also included

social networking sites within our video to allow our song/website and

album cover to be recognised more into our target market, we almost

used social networking to promote our texts and official video to allow

us to gain more viewers.

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Our ancillary texts included our Digi pack and our official website. Throughout all three products we ensured that their

was a link which would immediately tell the audience that all three products are connected. Within my Digi Pack, you can

see I have used a consistent pop theme as the background, within my Album cover and my website, the background

matched perfectly with the pop genre due to the fact of the different bright colours used, the san serif and serif font and

the Singers costume code ( Red lipstick, Direct mode adress,and Big earrings). The direct mode and mid shot used

allows the audience to feel as if they know the singer and can also relate their life with the singers songs, As most

teenagers like watching pop videos As well as the audience relating their own life back to the singer they can also aspire

to her, and the male audience can feel gratified due to the fact most men like to see women looking ‘Sexy’ this also links

back to the male gaze theory which states that men normally want to see women looking sexy and beautiful however we

didn’t plan to follow Mulveys Male gaze theory as we didn’t intend to use voyeurism, this is because we ensured our

vocalist was dressed so the audience can aspire to her. The album cover consists of 4 ~Pages, this also includes a page

of ‘The couple’ which starred within our official video. I also made another album cover to include on the official website,

to make the website look realistic and shows that the singer is already established in the music industry world. The

consistent theme shows that there is a link between them.

After looking at different existing pop music official websites I identified that most websites have the album cover as their

homepage, therefore we decided to use the same style. Furthermore we have 5 pages on our website, this allows the

audience to navigate through the website, similarly we included a ‘Store’ on the website which gives the users a chance

to buy any of Sonia Roy's products. The different pages allow users to stay engaged and entertained whilst exploring the

website. Due to the fact we have added a range of different features. Choosing our texts was very tricky, We

experimented into various different fonts before coming to a conclusion, in the end we used a san serif font and serif font

to symbolise that the singer is a confident and dominant individual as well as a stereotypical female singer. We also

kept all font types consistent, each page used the same style as well as same colour, this would make our website look

more appealing and organised it would also make our target market feel satisfied with the website they are using. In

addition to this we also included social networking sites, this would again satisfy our target audience as almost everyone

uses twitter and facebook. Before adding the images onto the website and Digi pack, I firstly edited them on Adobe

Photoshop, this enhanced my editing skills and allowed e to explore different ways of editing a image to look

professional and appealing to the audience, I also got further help at this stage by watching YouTube tutorials to

increase my knowledge on this software. The ancillary texts link back to my video due to the fact the vocalist is dressed

exactly the same, her costume code is consistent throughout the three texts/products. Furthermore to make our ancillary

texts/products look realistic and attractive we tried to make the vocalist stand out by editing the lighting of the image,

similarly we wanted the Digi pack to be aspiration an for our vocalist to look like a stereotypical feminine figure so the

female target market can aspire to her and almost try to be like her. Finally iconography used was stereotypical for a pop

genre song, album cover and website.

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The LINK between my ancillary texts and official video

The process of making our official video enhanced my editing skills, wwithin the video we included

four flashing images in black and white which allowed the video to look more engaging and go in time

with the music. These four images were also include within our digi pack which made it look


There is a strong link between my ancillary texts and my official video ‘The one’. Our video has a

strong narrative and follow Andrew Godwin's illustrative theory, as the visuals shown within the video

math the lyrics. Not only does our video follow Andrew Godwin's theory however it follows Todorov’s

theory, as our videos narrative consists of a disruption and equilibrium.

The ancillary texts link to our final video as the vocalist has the same costume code this makes our

three products look consistent as there is no costume change. Furthermore there is also a link

between the texts used within my Final video, on our video we added texts ‘The one, Sonia Roy and

Blush productions’ which is our companies name. the font used matched the album covers font and

websites font which shows consistency and a link between the three texts. Similarly For the videos

background we used a starry pop background which shows the pop theme, we thought to make the

background differ form the Digi pack and website to show some sort of uniqueness. However All

three products are linked and the audience would immediately able to identify this.

The link between all the products allow the audience to feel a sense of recognition and comfort, as

they are aware that all of the texts have some sort of link between them and they work together.

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*Our three products allow the audience to feel gratified and satisfied with what they are

watching. IT follows Dyers utopian Theory which states that the media allows individuals to

escape from there tensions and worries which they may face in their everyday life's (

diversion). individuals have a chance to get away from their miserable life's and be

entertained by the media. Our products allow the audience to do this as The website allows

hem to interact and navigate through the website, it also allows fans to follow and add on

facebook, moreover it also offers the audience to attend live performances by the singer

‘Sonia Roy’ This would gratify them as they would be bale to feel involved as they are

getting the things they expect. Overall Our video, Digi pack and website offer utopian

pleasures of being away from the real life.

Similarly The audience would be pleasured as our target market which is teenagers can

relate their life back to our video, seeing as it is a love song the narrative is a young couple

having an argument, thinking abut the past and coming to a conclusion that they are meant

to be, they then finally get together. This links back to teenagers as they normally go through

the love phase which shows that this video is strongly dedicated to that age group.

Another pleasure that our audience may gain is the fact that our website offer a ‘store page’

this gives fans a chance to Purchase Sonia Roy's products which include things such as nail

polish,Tshirts,Jeans Handbags etc. furthermore the merchandise within our page allows the

audience to buy these products and create a star image, which again links to dyers theory.

Also these interactive elements would give ‘Audience engagement’ as our target market

would be bale to feel involved with the website as its interactive and has social media within

it. All our products conform to the pop genre as people would expect to see bright

colours, dominant singers and stereotypical costume codes etc.

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Whilst constructing our ancillary products and the official music video, I done my

own research to see what people want from media texts. I looked into what our

target market expect from pop videos, pop album covers and Pop websites. Most

people expected to see bright colours, stereotypical feminine costume code, san

serif and serif fonts etc. I then took all these aspects into consideration when

designing my front cover album page, website page and the video itself. I tried to

make my products appeal to my target market as much as I could. Also whilst

making my products at each stage I went out to ask my target market which was

teenagers how they thought my Products looked an dhow I should improve them.

This way I got feedback on how to attract my target more and how to make the

audience feel satisfied with what they are seeing using or watching. Similarly our

main audience is teenagers/females, this is because the song is a love song and

women would mostly be interested in listening to love songs rather than men.

Also we used girly textures and backgrounds to ensure teenage girls feel

satisfied with what they are viewing., Furthermore the audience can also aspire

to our singer and try to be like her.

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Generic Conventions within all three of my products is the following:

The costume code consists of the vocalist dressed in:


•Shiny leggings

•Heavy makeup


•Large earrings/Jewellery


Our music video follows a narrative as it is telling the audience a story about a couple Breaking up realising they are made for each p0ther and then getting back with each other/ This targets a specific target audience as this story link would mostly occur in teenagers young life's therefore they can link back to the music video


Within our music video you can see how women are represented. As you can see our

vocalist s dressed in a stereotypical dress code which allows audience engagement and

satisfaction. Also our video uses feminine colours such as pink and red this not only

shows the women stereotype but it also represents the love colours And represents the

pop genre.

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Our main products allow the audience to feel gratified with the products they are

viewing, this links back to Maslow's hierarchy needs prism, it allows the

audience to escape from their everyday life's and be engaged and entertained

through the media, it also informs them in what everyone goes through. This is

because our video is a love song therefore most teenagers go through this

phase of having breakups and getting back together. Our video allows the

audience to link their love life story back to our video as the narrative is about a

couple realising they are made for each other.

Our final products also links back to Dyers theory which suggests that the media

allows individuals to forget about their miserable life's and enjoy what the media

offers them. This is because our Website allows individuals to scroll through

it, Attend events, find out more about the vocalists and also listen to other tracks

which our singer has sang before. Therefore the audience wouldn’t have to think

about their stressful life's for a few hours and just feel entertained engaged and

involved with what our products offer them.


theories, Maslow, D
