eCommerce Site Optimization Ethan Giffin | CEO, Groove Commerce

[Pubcon Austin 2010] eCommerce Site Optimization

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eCommerce SiteOptimization

Ethan Giffin | CEO, Groove Commerce

Page 2: [Pubcon Austin 2010] eCommerce Site Optimization

Keywords & Content• Make sure you are targeting the right words• The manufacturer isn't always right…• Need more content than product links• Goal should be 1 page a day for most eTailers

– Internal Blogs– How To’s– Buyers Guides


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Site Design and Structure• Good design is key…• Important for both SEO and conversion• Create a dynamic method for page titles/meta tags

– Reverse Breadcrumbs…

• Follow Web standards– Headline text in <h> tags aka your product and category names– Paragraphs in <p> tags– Bold and Italics <strong> and <em>– Lists in <ol> and <ul> tags

• Every page is not one size fits all• Float that layout - Put your content before the nav• Be wary of Viewstate and other tech blunders

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Internal Linking Issues• Don’t bury your directories

– http://www.favorfavor.com/page/FF/CTGY/BabyItems

• Have great URL conventions– http://www.favorfavor.com/c-1-Baby-Items.aspx

• Descriptive internal links• Beware of Spider Traps• Filtered navigation• Follow or NoFollow… That is the question• No session ID’s

– http://www.yourstore.com/products/pid=123&sid=123123@234234234

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…And After

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Inbound Links & Spiders• Create & register dynamic XML sitemaps• Link building strategies

– Directory submissions– External blogs– Mini sites– Social media (Facebook/Twitter/and more)– Online PR

• Discontinued products – 404/301/etc?• Be sure to use (and not use) your robots.txt

– Cart Pages– Search Results Pages

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Want More Tips?Bring me your card!

Questions after the show? Email me:[email protected]


Download the presentation:http://groovecommerce.com/pubcon

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