Four clues for untying the Gordian knot of Public Sector Information Alberto Ortiz de Zarate Director of Citizen Services Brussels, 2011/06/28 2011 Annual Conference ‘Moving Forward’

PSI Alliance 2011-06-28

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Presentación sobre Open Data Euskadi ante la PSI Alliance, en Bruselas. Hay una versión con el texto del discurso aquí: http://slidesha.re/knfcw7

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Page 1: PSI Alliance 2011-06-28

Four clues for untying the Gordian knot of Public Sector Information

Alberto Ortiz de Zarate

Director of Citizen Services

Brussels, 2011/06/28

2011 Annual


‘Moving Forward’

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Cutting the knot: make it easy

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99999999 00000000 01010101 02020202 03030303 04040404 05050505 06060606 07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 121212121111111199999999 00000000 01010101 02020202 03030303 04040404 05050505 06060606 07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

PSI chronologyPSI chronologyPSI chronologyPSI chronologythe background






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99999999 00000000 01010101 02020202 03030303 04040404 05050505 06060606 07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 121212121111111199999999 00000000 01010101 02020202 03030303 04040404 05050505 06060606 07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

PSI chronologyPSI chronologyPSI chronologyPSI chronology

the background



data.govdata.govdata.govdata.gov:::: conducts the 8 principles of Open

Government Data.






oGov Data




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99999999 00000000 01010101 02020202 03030303 04040404 05050505 06060606 07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 121212121111111199999999 00000000 01010101 02020202 03030303 04040404 05050505 06060606 07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

PSI chronologyPSI chronologyPSI chronologyPSI chronology

the background





oGov Data


data.gov.ukdata.gov.ukdata.gov.ukdata.gov.uk:::: first in Europe

UK (Brown):



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PSI PSI PSI PSI ChronologyChronologyChronologyChronology

TheTheTheThe BasqueBasqueBasqueBasque Country Country Country Country

makesmakesmakesmakes historyhistoryhistoryhistory

07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 121212121111111107070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

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07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 121212121111111107070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

PSI chronology from a basque point of view

Decree 472/2009Decree 472/2009Decree 472/2009Decree 472/2009, gives responsibility on

openness of public information to the Office of

Citizen Service






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07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 121212121111111107070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

PSI chronology from a basque point of view

Commitment 29/12/2009Commitment 29/12/2009Commitment 29/12/2009Commitment 29/12/2009: the Basque

Government ordered starting up the project

to open public data






Government Government Government Government


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07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 121212121111111107070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

PSI chronology from a basque point of view

07/04/2010:07/04/2010:07/04/2010:07/04/2010: "Open Data Euskadi" starts,

with over 1,000 datasets





Commitment29/12/2009 Open Data Open Data Open Data Open Data


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07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 121212121111111107070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

PSI chronology from a basque point of view






““““youyouyouyou are are are are herehereherehere””””

1.500 datasets1.500 datasets1.500 datasets1.500 datasets

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07070707 08080808 09090909 10101010 1212121211111111

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Our modelmodelmodelmodel of Open Government Data

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Strategic framework:

Open GovernmentOpen GovernmentOpen GovernmentOpen Government

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“In the Basque Country that I want, the citizen is an

adult one who is able to think, decide and take

responsibility by participating in the joint

construction of the country.

And I want to stress this: the times when citizens

were treated like children who are led by the hand,

who are told what to do are over. The days when

people look to the politic parties or public institutions

to know where to walk have come to an end.”

Patxi Lopez, January 14, 2010“A new social contract between Basques”


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MainMainMainMain objectivesobjectivesobjectivesobjectives

(1) (1) (1) (1) Generating value and wealthGenerating value and wealthGenerating value and wealthGenerating value and wealth

Innovative products by companies, reusers and citizens in general.

(2)(2)(2)(2) Promoting government transparencyPromoting government transparencyPromoting government transparencyPromoting government transparency

Reuse of data to analyze and evaluate governance.

(3)(3)(3)(3) Interoperability between administrationsInteroperability between administrationsInteroperability between administrationsInteroperability between administrations

New public services using data from different public bodies.

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CuttingCuttingCuttingCutting thethethethe GordianGordianGordianGordian knotknotknotknot

#1: No documents, but data#1: No documents, but data#1: No documents, but data#1: No documents, but data

#2: No authorizations, but free reuse#2: No authorizations, but free reuse#2: No authorizations, but free reuse#2: No authorizations, but free reuse

#3: No information#3: No information#3: No information#3: No information----onononon----demand, but ondemand, but ondemand, but ondemand, but on----offer offer offer offer

#4: No fees, but free#4: No fees, but free#4: No fees, but free#4: No fees, but free

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do ityourself!

#1: No documents, but data#1: No documents, but data#1: No documents, but data#1: No documents, but data





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#2: No authorizations, but free reuse#2: No authorizations, but free reuse#2: No authorizations, but free reuse#2: No authorizations, but free reuse

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#3: No on#3: No on#3: No on#3: No on----demand, but ondemand, but ondemand, but ondemand, but on----offer offer offer offer

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#4: No fees, but free#4: No fees, but free#4: No fees, but free#4: No fees, but free

Australian Government: http://www.finance.gov.au/publications/gov20taskforcereport/chapter5.htm

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Priority in the releasing of dataPriority in the releasing of dataPriority in the releasing of dataPriority in the releasing of data

1.500 datasets

tecnological model

4 stars on a scale of 5 (Berners-Lee)

with reasonable technological sophistication

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A model based on web contentA model based on web contentA model based on web contentA model based on web content

1st 1st 1st 1st stepstepstepstep::::

public information = online


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A model based on web contentA model based on web contentA model based on web contentA model based on web content

2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd stepstepstepstep::::

release of open datasets



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3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd stepstepstepstep::::

reuse provides social value

A model based on web contentA model based on web contentA model based on web contentA model based on web content






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AreasAreasAreasAreas ofofofof valuevaluevaluevalueForForForFor GovernmentsGovernmentsGovernmentsGovernments andandandand civil civil civil civil societysocietysocietysociety (Ton Zijlstra):(Ton Zijlstra):(Ton Zijlstra):(Ton Zijlstra):

• Participation, self empowerment

• Transparency, democratic control

• Better (gov) products and services

• New (gov) products and services

• Policy impact analysis, data journalism

• Efficiency and effectivity of government bodies

• New knowledge

ForForForFor companiescompaniescompaniescompanies andandandand entrepeneursentrepeneursentrepeneursentrepeneurs::::• New businesses based on reuse of data

• Products and services enriched with data reuse

• Stimulation of local innovation

• More efficient and transparent markets

• Improving internal efficiency

Ton Zijlstra: http://www.slideshare.net/TonZijlstra/ogd-in-europe

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““““oneoneoneone stop stop stop stop shopshopshopshop”””” forforforfor reusersreusersreusersreusers

1.500 datasets

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TypesTypesTypesTypes ofofofof data data data data releasedreleasedreleasedreleased

• Official statistics

• Geographic data, maps, orthophoto ...

• Environmental information

• Meteorology

• Tourism resources

• Tenders

• Grants and subsidies

• Other procedures

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More datasetsMore datasetsMore datasetsMore datasets

• Data on management

• Data of common interest to many applications

• Data on human rights

• Translation memories into basquelanguage

• The incidence of real-time traffic

• Election results

• Location of health care resources

• Atlas of mortality

• …

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SomeSomeSomeSome extrasextrasextrasextras

As an example of reuse, some products have

been developed:

– Weather forecast widget

– Map of traffic incidences

– Search for grants and subsidies in real


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ParticipationParticipationParticipationParticipation andandandand learninglearninglearninglearning

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A A A A successsuccesssuccesssuccess casecasecasecase

on top!

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KeysKeysKeysKeys totototo successsuccesssuccesssuccess

1. Highest political leadership

2. Short-term releasing the maximum number of datasets.

3. First datasets of maximum utility and minimum difficulty

4. Making the project sustainable, with moderate levels of

investment and spending

5. Providing good web content, usable and

understandable, before making it available as open


6. Structured formats and standards.

7. Listen and involve reusers in order to meet their needs.

8. Advance the technological model, without seeking the

leadership in this regard.

9. Permanent Beta: flexibility in response to the changing


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HatchingHatchingHatchingHatching a global a global a global a global movementmovementmovementmovement

CTIC Foundation: http://datos.fundacionctic.org/sandbox/catalog/faceted/

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Lilacs out of the dead landLilacs out of the dead landLilacs out of the dead landLilacs out of the dead land

CTIC Foundation: http://datos.fundacionctic.org/sandbox/catalog/faceted/

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mila esker | thank you

Alberto Ortiz de Zá[email protected]


