Provisioning using Ansible in AWS Discuss Docker, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack March 18, 2014

Provisioning using Ansible in AWS

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Basic Ansible concepts, Ansible components - Playbooks, Modules, Inventory, Ansible Tower and Galaxy. Provisioning Using Ansible in AWS.

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Page 1: Provisioning using Ansible in AWS

Provisioning using Ansible in AWS

Discuss Docker, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack

March 18, 2014

Page 2: Provisioning using Ansible in AWS


Aater Suleman

Geek, Architect, Developer, Ops, DevOps …

Co-founder & CEO Flux7 Labs

Part-time UT Austin Professor

Flux7 Labs: AWS and DevOps Solutions

■ Web

■ Big data







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What is Ansible?

IT automation tool

Advanced tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates


● Simple

● Agentless: no agent on the client, uses SSH

● Scalable

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No Databases or daemons are added after installation

Root permissions are not required

OS package manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (TM), CentOS, Fedora, Debian, or Ubuntu

pip install for MacOS


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$ git clone git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git

$ cd ./ansible

$ source ./hacking/env-setup

Installation from source

To install from source

$ sudo pip install paramiko PyYAML jinja2 httplib2

Install Python Modules

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● Ansible’s inventory file has the list of all managed host names one

line per host

● Files are organized as hosts and groups.

● A set of hosts can be under a group name.

● A host can be in more than one group

● Dynamic Inventory to pull files from dynamic sources or clouds

Ansible’s Inventory

$ echo "" > ~/ansible_hosts

$ export ANSIBLE_HOSTS=~/ansible_hosts

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Inventory Example

The format for /etc/ansible/hosts is in INI format and is as follows:









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Patterns: Pattern refers to the way we decide to manage hosts

Example:● How to communicate with hosts

● Which hosts need a particular config management


ansible <pattern_goes_here> -m <module_name> -a <arguments>

Basic Structure:

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Example: Address Specific host or set of hosts by name


Example: Address one or more groups


Example: Address one or more groups

Pattern Examples

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Basic Commands

ansible -m ping -i hosts all

Ping all hosts:Example Inventory:/etc/ansible/hosts









ansible webserver1 -m

command -a whoami

Who am I:

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Policy for a remote system or a set of steps for a general IT process

Language for Ansible’s configuration, deployment and orchestration

Human readable


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Playbook Example

---# possibly saved as tasks/foo.yml

- name: placeholder foo command: /bin/foo

- name: placeholder bar command: /bin/bar

Simple playbook template:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -f 10

Execute a playbook: Using a parallelism level of 10

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Playbook Example

---- hosts: webservers remote_user: root tasks: - name: test connection ping: remote_user: yourname

Defining remote users per task

tasks: - name: make sure apache is running service: name=httpd state=running

Simple task definition

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Modules control system resources - services, packages, files, system commands, etc.

In module directories that can be executed directly or through playbooks.

Language independent -- Return JSON format data

Idempotent - avoids change to system unless needed


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Module Examples

# Example action to start service httpd, if not running

- service: name=httpd state=started

# Example action to start service foo, based on running process


- service: name=foo pattern=/usr/bin/foo state=started

Service Module: Controls service on remote hosts

# Update repositories cache and install "foo" package

- apt: pkg=foo update_cache=yes

# Update all packages to the latest version

- apt: upgrade=dist

apt Module : Manages apt packages

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Module Examples

$ ansible all -m user -a "name=foo password=<crypted password here>"$ ansible all -m user -a "name=foo state=absent"

User Module: Manages user accounts

# Basic provisioning example

- local_action:

module: ec2

key_name: mykey

instance_type: c1.medium

image: ami-40603AD1

wait: yes

group: webserver

count: 3

ec2 Module: create, terminate, start or stop an instance in ec2, return instanceid

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Hub of all automation tasks

Web-based solution

Controls access

Manages Inventory

Supports autoscaling topologies through provisioning callbacks

Ansible Tower

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ProvisioningUsing Ansible in AWS

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Python Module: Boto 2.5 or higher

Basic Requirements

$ yum install python-boto

Add localhost to inventory[local]


- hosts: localhost

connection: local

gather_facts: False

Pattern used in playbooks for


Install this python module on the execution host:

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● ec2 module allows provisioning of EC2 instances

● Provisioning will be against Ansible master server in a play that operates on localhost

● Specify access and secret key using ENV variables to provide authentication to AWS related modules

Provisioning in AWS

# ansible localhost -m ec2 -a "image=ami-6e649707

instance_type=m1.large keypair=mykey group=webservers

wait=yes" -c local

Example of provisioning a number of instances in ad-hoc mode

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- name: Provision a set of instances

ec2: >







register: ec2

Translates in play as follows:

Registering allows dynamic creation of a host group for the new instances

Provisioning in AWS

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- name: Add all instance public IPs to host groupadd_host: hostname={{ item.public_ip }} groupname=ec2hostswith_items: ec2.instances

Registering allows configuration actions on the hosts in a subsequent task:

Include the configuration as a task include or a role rather than inline inclusion

Provisioning in AWS

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# ./ec2.py --refresh-cache

Advanced Usage of Ansible in AWS

Host Inventory: Use of ec2 inventory plugin when you need to talk to a

node again. Schedule a regular refresh of the inventory cache using:

Tags: Helps manage groups dynamically without maintaining a separate inventory

Pull Configuration: Using ansible-pull - which checks out a repo of configuration instructions from git

Autoscaling using Ansible Tower: By using a simple curl script

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