Product Marketing Strategy for Startup

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Page 1: Product Marketing Strategy for Startup


Rajath D. M. 05/05/2016 

Page 2: Product Marketing Strategy for Startup

Overview Product SaaS to AI, Features, Experience, Goals

Brand (re)Define Brand, mascot(bot), Website

Reach Full Power Blog & Content

Engage Building a relationship with users

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Color Codes defining priorities

RIGHT NOW TASK Highest Priority, Do it Now, EoW

NEXT WEEK TASKNext Immediate task, within next EOW

TWO WEEK TASK Dependant tasks, within next 2 weeks

LAUNCH TASKCompletion and Finish. Get, Set Go!

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PRODUCT  We know we’re building something EPIC

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Multiple Custom IntegrationsChange of Target Users

Change in Point economicsSupporting Web App

Different competition


Webhooks, bots, slash commands, Slack Buttons

From startups/small teams in big companies to teams using slack

Award name counter, flexibility on rulesets & reward lists

For preferences, settings, rules, data, payment etc etc

More AI than just SaaS; Bonusly, Growbot, HeyTaco

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PHASE 1:  + Bot +AwardsIntegration as a slash command/webhookEnabling awards directly from SlackAward/Expression counterAwards = core valuesEnabling queries with bot for statsVery carefully explore options for best experience

Eg Syntax: /Engazify [username][award_name] @[username] #[award_name]

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PHASE 2:  +Webapp +Admin options

Build web app to provide admin optionsAdmin DashboardEnable admins to define RulesetsFocus on experience & simplicity for Rulesets

Eg rules: 5 awards to 500 points

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PHASE 3:  +Finishing touch

More flexibility for adminEnhancing experienceTest with first set of external usersOptions to create new rewardsPoints to purchase platform

Eg rewards: 10 awards in a week = day off, 500 points = Custom gift etc.

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PHASE 4:  +Beta Launch

Beta Launch; Invite onlyInvite friends, teams online or anyone who requestsFrequent feedback to help user researchBuild more: New platforms, interfaces etc.


We should have a solid product within 2 months of this.

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BRAND  The way we want the world to see us!

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Why?To have a uniform brand experience across all interfaces.

The goal is to build a userbase that loves the product so much and talks about it.

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Define Brand Characteristics, Personality

Also Mascot & (re)Naming features

Website Reflecting the Brand

Accepting requests for invite

Build Keywords 

Very specific for SEO, content and social media

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Design Guidelines For social, e-mail & graphic content

Base for UI/UX Taking the brand experience to Web/desktop/mobile interfaces

Partnerships Associate with (or support mutually) the team’s or target’s or partner’s personal brand

First Brand Evolution 

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REACH Getting to the right people.

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Selling the problem we’re solving, the platform(s) we’re building on and the approach we’re taking.

Engagement. Slack. AI. 

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Blog setup/Migration Based on brand, website etc.

Full Power content Based on an Editorial CalendarTopics: Engagement, Productivity, Tools, Slack, AI

Hack, Hustle, ScaleHack bots, automation - using tools for more reachGetting shares/retweets by partners

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Map: Cities/regions with target audience.Hotter the color, bigger the market.

Tweet heavy Multiple accounts, some bots on twitter (Max 3) Follow, like, retweet, interact

Some Social PR Linkedin groups, Quora answers

Search Ads, Promos  Only if $$$ Permits

More PR  Let’s get featured!

Offline  Events/Co-working spaces

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ENGAGE Keeping them users stuck to our products

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The Invite Now that we’re building something, let’s make it a little private until the first set of users

The Hook Product Decisions, Creating hooks/freemium stuff that users would pay for

More Life for the Product 

Making the bot more human, useful, humorous, cool etc.

Economics Making points & rewards nicer & more stable

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User Research 

Lovable E-mails 


Talk to them, build for themMake them listen to usBuild a stronger relationship

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Digital Marketing  Website  Content  Operations 

One big taskNeed to hire Intern(s) or part time or get help for


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Time for some action. Let’s build.Take Engazify to the next level.