Planning for a successful website Tekblink Technology Website Design and Development

Planning for a successful website

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How to plan your website to fetch great results from your site

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Page 1: Planning for a successful website

Planning for a successful website

Tekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 2: Planning for a successful website

General ProblemPeople don’t know what it takes to plan and

execute a successful websiteWe don’t know what It takes

Tekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 3: Planning for a successful website

Process of Website DesignPlanningArchitectureDesign and AuthorBuild and Launch

Tekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 4: Planning for a successful website

DiscoveryDiscovery: What to sayStep 1: Project goals and existing site reviewStep 2: User analysisStep 3: Competitive reviewStep 4: Gaps, Opportunities and DeadwoodStep 5: Features and BenefitsStep 6: Final project planTekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 5: Planning for a successful website

Step1: Business ObjectivesPurpose: To provide a solid foundation for the

rest of the process by ensuring a clear understanding of the business objectives. It should be a reflection of who the client is today.

Business objectivesInitial list of key audiencesInitial list of competitorsObservationsResearch notesTekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

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Step2: User AnalysisPurpose: To construct a clear picture of the

key audiences of the piece, considering demographics, psycho-graphics, and web graphics.

Audience Analysis and User profilesMental MapsCommunication cycles for specific audiences

Tekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 7: Planning for a successful website

Step3: Competitive website reviewPurpose: To identify key competitive

websites and evaluate them based on their brand, feature set, market share, and usability.

Tekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 8: Planning for a successful website

Step4: Gaps, Opportunities and DeadwoodPurpose: Using the research collected in steps

two and three, this process of identifying gaps, differentiating opportunities, and revealing items that do not create value for the organization or its users.

Tekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 9: Planning for a successful website

Gaps are areas where audience expectations or needs are not being met by you, but are being asked for by your audience or provided by competitors.

Opportunities are areas that differentiate you, and therefore should be exploited. These might be things you are already doing, or should do.

Deadwood are the areas of existing communication materials that are not needed or wanted by your audiences.

Tekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 10: Planning for a successful website

Step5: Features & BenefitsPurpose: To construct a prioritized list of

benefits and features the website will have for the co re audiences.

Tekblink TechnologyWebsite Design and Development

Page 11: Planning for a successful website

Step6: Final Project PlanPurpose: Based on all the findings from steps

1-5, the project plan will outline:Website mission statementFive-year goalsShort-term criteria for successTarget audiencesCompetitors (and URLs)Final Project PlanProjected traffic patternsRevenue modelFeature setMarketing methods

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