DOPPLR DOPPLR I’m assuming that many of you will have played with Dopplr, or hopefully are happy users! At least I’m hoping you’re familiar with it, as I’m not going to pitch you... but I would like to set the scene a little...

Picnic: The emerging real-time social web

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Short presentation given as part of this panel: http://www.picnicnetwork.org/page/22458/en * 24 Sept 08 16:20 - 17:30 Conference Hall (Zuiveringshal West) Conference Hall (Zuiveringshal West) With ubiquitous internet connections and a surge of connected mobile services, slices of reality can be saved that people could not capture before. Saving and sharing our presence, we can feel those of others as well. We are on the verge of a reality with ‘social peripheral vision’, in which ambient friendships flourish and life stories and life’s details are stored, shared and searchable. with: * Jyri Engeström, * Linda Stone, * Philip Rosedale, * Matt Jones, * Addy Feuerstein

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  • 1. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR DOPPLR Where next? DOPPLR Where next? DOPPLR Where next? Im assuming that many of you will have played with Dopplr, or Where next? hopefully are happy users! At least Im hoping youre familiar with it, as Im not going to pitch you... but I would like to set the scene a next?Where little... Where next?

2. DOPPLR DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR This diagram shows the lightcone of the future and the past of an individual observer - future, which happens if youis about the Dopplr is about what you cant Where- next?social. The ability to remodel andDOPPLRhaveautomate take it this view and (yet)DOPPLRWhere your next?Where optimisenext?travel plans based on those of others. Thats why were called Dopplr - alluding to the Doppler effect as things Where next? Where next? approach and recede from you. Where next? 3. http://www.dopplr.com/group/picnic-08 DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR Where next? Where next? Where next? 4. For the world to be interesting, you have to bemanipulating itall the time. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLREverything begins with an E(no) - Hes probably our patron Where next? saint!Where next? Where next? 5. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR As a service, our goal is to add our valuable information to the Where next? coral reef of the real-time social web that people already inhabit.Where next? But... hows the reef doing lately? Where next? 6. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR I cant help thinking that collectively weve taken our eyes of the Where next? prize in the last year or two.Where next? Where next? 7. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR Id been thinking this for a while, but some stuff lately really made Where next? me think hard about what were all designing and building. BTW - this is not to pick on FriendFeed. They are very clever people, but... next?Where Where next? 8. Youre kidding, right?DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR Where next? Where next? Where next? 9. DOPPLR DOPPLRDOPPLR More Merlin... I love his pronouncement on the fake follow Where next? feature: this is a major breakthrough in the makebelieve friendship space Where next? Although - his call for a pause button is something I think a lotWhere next? of us could relate to. We have mute on Dopplr, which we think is more about your relationship to a ow of information, not a person. 10. Friendingconsidered DOPPLRharmful.DOPPLR DOPPLR What does that terrible neologism friending mean Where next?anyway? Do you even need to tell computers whoyour friends are to get the benets of the social web? Where next? you believe there was a FriendsBTW - can Where next?videogame? 11. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLRFor Dopplr, we have been careful to use language and Where next? controls that are explicitly about sharing information, rather than making friends. Where next? Where next? 12. Asymmetry DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLRWe made sure that werent obligated to share information, Where next? just because someone else had shared with you. By avoiding the language of friendship, something like this doesnt feel as awkward. Where next? Where next? 13. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR Where next? Where next? Where next? 14. Friend is not the only social DOPPLR we play roleDOPPLR DOPPLR But as I say - friend is not the only social role we Where next?play, and its not the only thing that social toolsshould focus on IMHO. Where next? Where next? 15. DOPPLR DOPPLRDOPPLR For example: this is part of Intel Research Berkeleys Familiar Strangers work, looking at the Where next? patterns forming from regular, casual contact in the urban environment. Where next? Where next? 16. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLRAnd its this casual, social interaction with objects which Where next? theres still so much mileage in. For instance, whether its dog-eared pages of books... Where next? Where next? 17. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLROur tools... (this is bruce sterlings keyboard) Where next? Where next? Where next? 18. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLRor our environments Where next? Where next? Where next? 19. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR Wear and tear is often how mental models get out into the world. Incidentally, the movie is Where next? of a machine my friend Jack Schulze built to record the way that people draw maps to explain directions to other people. [Will Hill and other talked about edit read and wear read back in 1992. ] Where next? Where next? 20. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLRThis is a map from the collection of the National Maritime Museum,Where next? where successive explorers annotated new opportunities, theories and obstacles on the same map over several expeditions over the course of several years. Where next? Where next? 21. DOPPLR DOPPLRDOPPLR Under glass, no wear-and-tear... no collective intelligence worn in... Where next? Where next? Where next? 22. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR Bungie let players see Heatmaps online of where thousands and thousands ofWhere next? players of HALO3 died on different levels - allowing them to visualise strategies for the game. E.g. Kills with the Gravity Hammer in Rats Nest... Where next? Where next? 23. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLR This is Citysense, which takes these heatmaps of the city onto a mobile screen - Im guessing Where next? that Adam Greeneld will be talking a lot more about this sort of thing in his talk at Picnic. Where next? Where next? 24. DOPPLRDOPPLR DOPPLRThis complex spectrum of social roles is essential in our Where next? physical social environments, the original real-time social web. The health of cities depends on it, as Jane Jacobs and other point out to us. And the health of the social web Where next? depends on it. Where next?We need to widen our exploration of social software again from software for making friends to software thats better because theres people there. 25. DOPPLR Thanks! DOPPLRDOPPLR [email protected] http://www.dopplr.comWhere next? Where next? Where next?