Photosynthesis Project Artifact

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Where does the energy for photosynthesis come from ?¿?¿?¿

The sun!!!! It’s the light!!!(energy)

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The chemical formula

CO2 + H2O

¡!¡!light energy!¡!¡

O 2 + C6 H12O 6

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The reactants

Water (liquid) carbon dioxide (gas)

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The products

Oxygen(gas) glucose

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Plants use glucose

1: glucose can be burned up to make energy for the plant.

2: glucose can be strung together to make starch and cellulose which help plants to stand tall.

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Chlorophyll are special molecules that absorb light.

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Are specialized structures containing chlorophyll which provide the place for photosynthesis to occur.

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Guard cells

Guard cell are specialized cell that help control the opening and closing of the stomata, because as they fill up with water they open and let it go trough and once they are empty they close and wait for more water.

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The place were photosynthesis occurs is called chloroplast.


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This is the part that shuttles sugar to the fruit of plants.

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This power point was made by Javier Suarez

For biology 7˚