OW2con'14 - Setting the stage in Open Cloud

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In this opening talk we take the open source practitioner's perspective to look at policy issues raised by a key question in the value chain of open source cloud software innovation: will the code be successful? From its beginnings of landmark projects developed by individuals, open source software has evolved into a support mechanism for innovations carried out by ecosystems of companies and research organizations working together in collaborative projects. We will look at several open source cloud-oriented collaborative projects including some from the European Open Cloud Directory and see how, while these innovative ecosystems create breakthrough technologies, they do not aim at delivering market-ready products. These projects confront us with what we call the Delivery Challenge of open source innovation: i.e. how to guarantee the operational quality of these innovations, how to turn these innovations into competitive offerings. While large users are quickly getting familiar with cloud technologies, offering the benefits of the cloud to SMEs is still a necessary evolution. This market will be ripped by a, emerging breed of service vendors with packaged mature offerings helping SMEs make the best out of their own infrastructure and the heterogenous cloud ecosystem.

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OW2con'14 Open Cloud Day

November 4-7, 2014Palais des Congres, Paris

& Innovation Garden, Orange Labs, Issy-les-Moulineaux

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Day One

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Day One Day Two

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OCEAN Open Coud Directoryfor Open Source Cloud Projects

Dr Yury GlikmanFraunhofer FOKUSNovember 4-7, 2014

Palais des Congres, Paris& Innovation Garden, Orange Labs, Issy-



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Who is who in the cloud of cloud projects?


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Who is who in the cloud of cloud projects?



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– Online registry of open licensed outcomes of cloud R&D projects European FP7 research projectsEuropean national research projects Japanese research projects other Open Cloud projects and initiatives

– Special focus on Open Source software and technical documentation

– Open, user-driven portal -> Register your own results

– Hosted by Fraunhofer during and after the project time OW2 Service

Open Cloud Directory:www.ocdirectory.org


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Who is who in Open Source Cloud?Open Cloud Interoperability Framework


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OCEAN 3 main Services

Interoperability Framework

Quality Testing

Open CloudEvents

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Open Cloud Inter-Project Actve Collaboraton Methodology


Register Your Project in the

Position Your Project in the

Interoperability Framework





Verify Your Components

with Etics

Develop synergies and integration

With Other Projects


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www.ocean-project.euContact: Yury Glikman

[email protected]

ocean-project@OceanOpenCloudCo-funded by

the European Union

R e g is te r y o u r O p e n S o u rc e p ro je c t in


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Building Hybrid Cloud Using Open Standards

Najah NAFFAHPrologue

November 4-7, 2014Palais des Congres, Paris

& Innovation Garden, Orange Labs, Issy-les-Moulineaux

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Hybrid Cloud Trends

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Cloud Expo Europe , Feb. 26, 201416

MultiCloud Use Cases


HybridMission Critcal Factor

HybridMission Critcal Factor

Full HybridFull Hybrid

MultCloudLocaton Factor

DR Factor

MultCloudLocaton Factor

DR Factor

MultCloudBest of Breed

MultCloudBest of Breed

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The Case for Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid CloudHybrid Cloud


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Prologue Use It Cloud Broker Platform

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Cheops Technology and Prologue

Connect2Cloud® an Open Hybrid Cloud

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Connect2CloudThe rationale for adopting OpenStack in Hybrid WorldCHEOPS TECHNOLOGY has decided to invest on OpenStack as the best way for our

customers to embrace the Public Cloud opportunity.

Our new challenge is to convince customers reluctant to any form of externalization to convert their in-house infrastructure to a Dedicated Private Cloud, bringing all the advantages of the Cloud Computing

At the end of this “journey to the Cloud”, these customers will need some openness to Public Cloud!

That’s the reason why their private Cloud couldn’t be based on traditional proprietary solutions

These solutions close the door of dominant Public Clouds, where OpenStack is the key to compatibility.

Prologue Use IT Cloud (UIC) help us building the bridge between private OpenStack based solutions, and main Public Cloud Providers.

We have introduced UIC in our new offer, Connect2Cloud

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Use it Cloud Broker - Benefits

Real MultiCloud Capabilities interoperability, multicloud feature embedded in our template

VPC Capability across Multiple Clouds Federating multiple VPCs owned by different

Cloud ProvidersEase of Deployment of large applications

Interoperable across multiple Clouds Ability to migrate

Easy to connect new CloudEasy to bridge existing Clouds

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