ORGANIC SEO https://www.ebiztrait.com

Organic SEO

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Organic “ Seo is designing, writing, and HTML- coding a Web site to maximize the chance its pages will appear at the top of spider-based search engine results for selected keywords and phrases.

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What is Organic SEO?

Seo stands for “search engine optimization” . It is a process of improving the quality and quantity of

website traffic to a website or a web page from

search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather

than direct traffic or paid traffic. 

Organic “ Seo is designing, writing, and HTML-

coding a Web site to maximize the chance its

pages will appear at the top of spider-based

search engine results for selected keywords and


Need of SEO

The majority of search engine users (more than 70%  – see graph below) are more likely to click on one of the top 5 suggestions in the search engine results pages (SERPS). To take advantage of this and gain visitors to your website or customers to your online store, your website needs to appear in one of the top positions.

SEO is not only about search engines but good SEO practices improve the user experience and usability of a website.

Need of SEO

Users trust search engines and having a presence in the top positions for the keywords the user is searching, increases the website’s trust.

SEO is good for the social promotion of your web site. People who find your website by searching Google or Bing are more likely to promote it on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media channels.

SEO is important for the smooth running of a big web site. Web sites with more than one author can benefit from SEO in a direct and indirect way. Their direct benefit is an increase in organic traffic and their indirect benefit is having a common framework (checklists) to use before publishing content on the site.


Search Engine Optimization Process

Technical SEO

The first stage in the SEO process is called technical SEO. As the name implies, technical SEO has nothing to do with the actual content of a website or with website promotion methods.

It has to do with settings you need to configure to make the job of search engine crawlers easier. Usually, once you get your technical SEO correct, you may not have to deal with it again.

On Page SEO

The second stage is On-Page SEO. On-Page SEO has to do primarily with the content and other elements found on a page.

Unlike technical and off-page SEO, the main focus of on-page SEO is to provide search engine crawlers enough signals so that they can understand the meaning and context of your content.

At this stage that you will deal with website structure, Seo keywords,title optimizations, headings, internal links, image SEO, structured data markup, and other techniques that can send the right signals to search engines.

Off Page SEO

Third stage is Off-Page SEO.

Besides the changes, you can do to your website (on-site SEO) so that it ranks higher in the SERPs, the other way to improve your website’s ranking position is by using off-site SEO techniques. 

Improve User Experience Across Your Entire Site.

Optimize for Voice Search.

Design for Mobile First.

Focus on Topic Clusters Instead of Keywords.

Write Longer Content (Most of the Time)

Take Advantage of YouTube SEO.

Create a Diverse Back link Portfolio

SEO Techniques

SEO Techniques

Never, Ever Overlook Technical SEO

Target Local Searchers with Landing Pages and Listings

Measure SEO Performance

Steal Your Competitors Best Keywords

Link Out to Authority Sites


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