Open Data and Mind Mapping

Open Data and Mind Mapping

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Applications of Mind Mapping to improve Open Data portals. Towards a new level of quality. Six stars Open Data Portals?

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Open Data and Mind Mapping

Page 2: Open Data and Mind Mapping

Definition of Open Data

Open data is data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone - subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike. http://opendatahandbook.org/en/what-is-open-data/

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The problem with Open Data (1)

“When released in its raw form, data is not open to the public in any meaningful sense. It is only open to a small elite of technical specialists who know how to interpret and use it, as well as to those that can afford to employ them. Providing open data uncritically in this way is therefore likely only to further advantage already privileged groups. There is a real danger of adding a new “data divide” on top of existing digital and economic divides.” http://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/The-problem-with-Open-Data

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The problem with Open Data (2)

“that open data empowers those with access to the basic infrastructure and the background knowledge and skills to make use of the data for specific ends” http://gurstein.wordpress.com/2010/09/02/open-data-empowering-the-empowered-or-effective-data-use-for-everyone/

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The problem with Open Data (3)

“In my time working with the politicians and civil servants, I’ve realised that success breeds success: the best way to convince them to open data is to show an open data project that’s useful to real people. Not a catalogue or similar tool aimed at insiders, but something that’s making citizens, voters, constituents happy. Then they’ll get it.” http://radar.oreilly.com/2010/02/rethinking-open-data.html

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The problem with Open Data (4)

“the data required to compile it is located in different sections of hundreds of different council websites. The information is presented in many different formats and many different ways, and the only way the information can be compiled for re-use is manually - a laborious affair involving finding, cutting and pasting lots of individual pieces of information published by 433 different councils.” http://data.gov.uk/blog/publishing-local-open-data-important-lessons-open-election-data-project

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The problem with Open Data (5)

• Navigation of the Open Data Web site • Too many items of data • Very little structure • Very little sense of context • No links between different data items • Navigation problems • Lack of visual clues • How to decide if you have all data • How can users solve real problems with the items of data? • How to organize such a big amount of information after


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Advantages of Mind Mapping

• Tree structure • Context • Visual Clues • Hyperlinks • Many items of data in a single file • A single “screen” • Free viewer • Possibility of machine reading data • Automatic generation from data

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Initial view of the portal

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“Data” topic

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“Top Publishers” topic

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Detail of publications of a Publisher

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Detail of a publication

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Detail of a publication

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Hyperlink to the Publisher

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Resources of the Publication

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Content of one of the resources (a pdf)

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Detail of one of the resources

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Full detail of one of the resources

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“Applications” topic

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The Digital Agenda Scoreboard (1)

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The Digital Agenda Scoreboard (2)

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“Linked Data” topic

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Detail of “Technical Information for developers” (1)

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Detail of “Technical Information for Developers” (2)

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Detail of “Metadata vocabulary” (1)

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Detail of “Metadata vocabulary” (2)

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Detail of “Further reading”

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How can this type of navigation Mind

Map be generated?

• The portal creates an XML file containing the information of the Web pages

• The Mind Map is generated by the proper software processing the XML file

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Mind mapping automation solution to the extraction and display of information of an Open Data portal

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Result of an extraction of information

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Detail of the content

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Description of the extraction of information

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Detail of each unit of information

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PDF document

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Tables contained in the PDF document

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Detail of a Table

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Detail of a Chart

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Comparison of a table from 2 documents

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Complementary notes

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• Mind Mapping automation is a very useful tool for Open Data

• Mind Mapping automation opens a new World of possibilities

• Mind Mapping automation is user friendly

• Mind Mapping automation overcomes the traditional limitations of Open Data sites

• Mind Mapping automation multiplies the productivity of users and developers

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Another example

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Mind Maps generated from information extracted from Open Data portals make open data more democratic and open to the general public.

Using Mind Mapping automation, citizens have real open access to government information.

Automation of Mind Mapping make Open Data really open.

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Contact Information

José M. Guerrero

[email protected]

Infoseg, S.A.


Mind Mapping automation


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