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Designing Instructional Content in Second Life: Texas History

What do you know about Texas history?! We will have trivia questions throughout the presentation. What do you know about Texas history? Earn Prizes!

Index Cards Orange or Red – Questions Blue or Green – Sharing & Collaboration

We’ll ask this question before we get started . . . show of hands! What’s your level of familiarity with Second Life?

A. Never heard of it B. Have heard of it but not sure what it is C. Know what it is but haven’t engaged D. Have an account but don’t use it regularly. E. Have an account and use it regularly.

Design Considerations when Developing Instruction for Virtual Environments

Provide direction: navigational and orientation information critical.

Leverage the capabilities of Second Life.

Replication not required.

Interactive elements important; visitors must “do.”

Collaborative opportunities help develop spaces.

Student generated content engages learners.

Pay attention to but do not be limited by issues of scale

Think virtually (role play).
