Nick DAloisio Presentation

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Idea Germination


Road to Success


Entrepreneur to Corporate Business Man

Mind Mapping

IntroductionD'Aloisio was born in London, England in 1995

Internet entrepreneur

Youngest self-made millionaire

"Innovator of the Year“ Award in 2013

Product Manager and Creator of Yahoo News Digest

About D’AloisioD'Aloisio was born in London, England in 1995

His Father Lou Montilla is vice president at UK Morgan Stanley

His Mother Diana D'Aloisio is a lawyer

He along with his family moved to Australia

But when at the age of 7, D'Aloisio got scholarship he came back to London

He was Student in KING’S COLLEGE SCHOOL in Wimbledon, London

After completing A level exams in 2014 now he is a student in Oxford University

InspirationHis biggest inspiration was the launch of app store by Apple in 2008

When Apple launched its iPhone App Store in 2008 he visited an Apple Store and asked the staff how he could learn the coding to make his own apps.

LearningHe started learning basic programming and he succeeded to develop an application for IOS Finger Mill – a workout for your fingers – at the end of summer 2008.

It was the only thing available on the web that a 12-year-old could do.

The first day, He put that app in the store, He made £79. To him, that was amazing.

Social Skills and Personal BehaviorDeterministic Approach

Continuity in Learning

Mature Ideas

Thinking out of the boundary

Luck is for Gamblers

Hard workHe developed 3 applications during his self

learning period.

1) SongStumblr - a geosocial music discovery tool

2) 3DUniverse - utilized the Unity game engine to

demonstrate real world environments in space.

3) Facemood - sentiment analysis algorithm that

parsed Facebook status' and deduced mood.

Idea GerminationAt the age of 15 which was his self learning period he encountered a problem while reading articles and books form internet on his mobile phone.

He realized that there was inefficiency while consuming information on your phone because of less room for display and it is hard to go through a lot of text and you don’t have any understanding and connectivity of what you are reading.

He thought of producing textual summary of content.

StruggleHe started searching the technique of Natural Language Processing

He found that there was some work done on automatic text summarization in 1960’s.

He modified those classical approaches and developed a new paradigm for mobile phones with the name of TRIMIT APP.

Beyond his expectations APPLE recognized it in it TOP 12 Applications of the week.

Road to SuccessHis first International Sponsorship at the age of 15.

It was his brilliant planning that made them interested in investing on him.

D'Aloisio used the feedback and criticism from Trimit to completely re-design the application, and re-launched it in December 2011, as Summly.

In 2011 launched Beta Version of Summly

Li Ka-shing

What is Summly?The Idea Behind Summly was to take a webpage. Copy and Paste its contents in Summly and quickly it produces the summary of it.

Beta version of Summly being downloaded by over 200,000 users

It used an analytical tool to condense text content into 1000, 500, or 140-character summary text depending upon the size of the original content.

Mind MappingHe realized that it would be hard to persuade people to come and work with him as he was a teenager.

The major concern was to make an end product with high precision.(BH)

Form Entrepreneur to Corporate Business ManA business man joined his venture and taught him the techniques and tricks to bring Summly to corporate level.

He started working on same algorithm with his team and successfully launched Summly on corporate level.

By working with them he could have access to all the information, resources and knowledge required to make his product perfect.

Dream Come TrueHe dreams of the day when every mobile device features some form of summarization technology, whether Summly-branded or not.

Summly launched in November 2012 and received Apple's Award for Best Apps of 2012 for Intuitive Touch, as well as being featured in over 50 countries as "App of the Week". Over 90 million summaries were read by Summly's users.

Later in March 2013 Yahoo acquired Summly reported 30$ million US Dollar

Future of Nick D’AloisioD'Aloisio has now decided that he is heading back to academia, taking up a joint honours in Computer Science and Philosophy at Oxford University's Hertford College later this month, while continuing to ferry back and forth to California as Project Manager at Digest.

"Although a lot of business stuff is fun, at the end of the day I'm a technologist and I'm passionate about

the subject."