New and improved big 4

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Building blocks of life

• In our last two units you were introduced to the cycles of matter in the environment.

• Do you remember some of them?

• List those you can remember.

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The cycles are needed for life because they contain the

elements of life.

• These cycles use certain components/elements needed to build living organisms.

• In this unit we will examine role these elements play in all living organisms.

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Relationship to Rivers

• You may recall some of the cycles in nature were carbon dioxide, water, phosphates and nitrates.

• One of our water quality expert groups shared the data and importance of nitrates and phosphates to a balanced and healthy river with respect to water quality.

• You will see that this unit examines where water, carbon dioxide and the nutrients of phosphates and nitrates fit into the molecules of living organisms.

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Too many nitrates and phosphates = Eutrophication

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Cultural Eutrophication

• Run off of excess fertilizers/animal waste (high in phosphates and nitrates) change the balance of the nutrients in the water causing explosive plant and algae growth.

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Relationship to Rivers cont.• All living organisms, whether river organisms

or not, contain the common macromolecules of life (We’ll call them the big 4)

• They are used as energy sources, nutrients for building tissues and living material, as well as helping the organism remain healthy and in passing on information for future generations to use.

• In this short but important unit we will explore these macromolecules, their roles and functions with living organisms.

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Before you can understand the topics Before you can understand the topics in this unit there are some key in this unit there are some key

vocabulary terms you need to know.vocabulary terms you need to know.




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Oooooh, BIG ScaRy Science word!

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What do these words mean?

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A molecule is a collection of 2 or more atoms chemically combined

that have a unique set of properties.

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So What Is A Macromolecule?

You should be able to define it on your own !You should be able to define it on your own !

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Next Word…..

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What does “Mono” mean?

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A PolymerA PolymerHere are some analogies to better

understand what polymers and monomers are….





If the train is the whole polymer, what would be If the train is the whole polymer, what would be the small groups that make up the train? If the the small groups that make up the train? If the necklace is the polymer, what are the monomers necklace is the polymer, what are the monomers that make up the necklace?that make up the necklace?

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A PolymerA PolymerHere are some analogies to better

understand what polymers and monomers are….





If the train is the whole polymer, what would be If the train is the whole polymer, what would be the small groups that make up the train? If the the small groups that make up the train? If the necklace is the polymer, what are the monomers necklace is the polymer, what are the monomers that make up the necklace?that make up the necklace?

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Now you and your lab partner

need to think of at least 1 other analogy for a polymer and its


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The Big 4There are 4 types of biochemical macromolecules

•What does “Bio-Chemical” mean?

Break it down: How do you define bio?

How do you define chemical?

•Then what is a BIOchemical macromolecule?

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Three out of the 4 types of biochemical macromolecules

can be found on food nutrition labels…

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Look at the label to the left. 3 of the 4 macromolecules can

be found in foods. The 3 biochemical molecules

found on a nutrition label are:




(0 grams in this product)

(13 grams in this product)

(9 grams in this product)

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The 4th type of biochemical

macromolecules are the NUCLEIC ACIDSThe types of Nucleic Acids

we will study are:–DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)

–RNA (RiboNucleic Acid)

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“DNA” is short for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid• Now you know why they just call it DNA!

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When studying these biochemical molecules, we are interested in

finding out…..• what they do for living things.

• what they generally look like.

• what their monomers are.

• and how they may help the body gain energy to sustain life.

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They are the main source for the body to gain energy. They are our fuel!

They also are used for some types of tissues such as the make up the cell wall in plants/fungi which allow them to grow tall, without this carbohydrate, a plant would be a mushy mess


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•They are found in the cells They are found in the cells and fluids of both plants and and fluids of both plants and animals. You are familiar with animals. You are familiar with many of the carbohydrates many of the carbohydrates found in the foods you eat. found in the foods you eat.

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Carbohydrates are chains Carbohydrates are chains (polymers) made of (polymers) made of

monomers. The most common monomers. The most common monomer of carbohydrates monomer of carbohydrates


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The shape of a glucose molecule is a hexagonal ring

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Each carbohydrate is made up Each carbohydrate is made up of…of…


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Consider the word carbohydrate

• If we break the word down it contains both carbon and hydrate. This tells us that the molecules of glucose contain both carbon and water.

• One key to identifying carbohydrates is that they all contain a ratio of 2hydrogen atoms to every one oxygen atom. JUST LIKE WATER H2O

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SimpleSimple ComplexComplex

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Simple Sugars are carbohydrates made up of 1 or 2 monomers of


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Simple Sugars

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Complex Carbohydrates…What are they?

Complex Carbohydrates are Complex Carbohydrates are polymerspolymers made up of many made up of many monomers (simple sugars.)monomers (simple sugars.)

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You are familiar with many complex Carbohydrates found in foods such as:

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The cell walls of plants and fungi are composed of complex carbohydrate molecules called cellulose

in plants and chitin in fungi.

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The cellulose molecule is so structurally sound that it allows the plants to be rigid without having a

skeletal structure.

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Cellulose is the major component in wood. It is fairly stable and takes a lot to

break it down.

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Look how strong these giant lilly pads are, pretty cool eh?

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They are the major structural molecules in living things for growth and repair : muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, hair, skin, nails…IN FACT ALL CELL MEMBRANES have protein in them

They make up antibodies in the immune system

They make up enzymes for helping chemical reactions

They makeup non-steriod hormones which

THINK: Proteins= Membranes, Enzymes, Antibodies, Non-steriod hormones, Structural molecules, “M-E-A-N-S”

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The following slides The following slides give you a little more give you a little more

in depth info on in depth info on things that are made things that are made

of proteins…of proteins…

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Muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones

Without these particular structural proteins, we would look more like this….

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Well, maybe not exactly (giant jelly fish washed Well, maybe not exactly (giant jelly fish washed up on shore)…up on shore)…

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Hair, Skin, and Nails

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Microscope View ofSkin and Nails

This is skin This is a nail

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Cell Membrane

The cell membrane surrounds everything in a cell so it doesn’t leak out. It is kind of like the balloon in a water balloon.

The cell membrane is made mostly of protein AND lipids.

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Antibodies are part of the immune system. When something enters the body that isn’t supposed to be

there, like certain bacteria, antibodies find the invader and stick themselves onto it. When a white blood cell finds the invader covered with antibodies, it knows it

doesn’t belong there and kills it.

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Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions. If you didn’t have enzymes in your

stomach to speed up digestion, the food would rot in your stomach because it would take so long!

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Hormones are chemicals made in glands that are in one place in the body and then put into the blood to be used in another.

These are where the

hormone producing

glands are located

in your body.

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The thyroid is found in the middle of your neck, by your voice box. Here is a picture of those cells secreting the thyroid hormone.

Thyroid hormone regulates how fast your body uses energy. If you have an over active thyroid, you use energy quickly and tend to be

very thin and have a hard time putting on weight.

If you have an under active thyroid gland, you use energy very slowly and tend to carry more body fat and have a difficult time losing it.

Don’t be quick to think you have a thyroid problem if you are overweight, chances are it’s actually your eating and exercise habits!

(The yellow stuff isthyroid hormone)

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•In plants - in the cell In plants - in the cell membranes. membranes.

•In animal products- in the In animal products- in the cell membranes- in the cell membranes- in the muscles or living things- muscles or living things- cows, chicken, fish…cows, chicken, fish…

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Aside from the protein Aside from the protein found in animal sources…found in animal sources…protein can also be found in protein can also be found in fruits, vegetables, grains, fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. and nuts. (it just does not have as many amino acids)(it just does not have as many amino acids)

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Proteins are made of long Proteins are made of long chains (polymers) made of chains (polymers) made of monomers. All proteins are monomers. All proteins are

made of the monomer…made of the monomer…

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There are a total of 20 different amino acids, and just like letters in the alphabet can be used to make an infinite amount of different words, the amino acids can be arranged in

an infinite amount of different ways to form all the different tissues in

living organisms.

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The different arrangements of amino acids create

a variety of tissues and structures.

Amino Acid


All wound


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Each protein is made up of…Each protein is made up of…


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They are a great source of STORED ENERGY so we have it in the future.

They INSULATE the body to maintain normal body temperature and they CUSHION the internal organs for protection.

They produce hormones for the body called STERIODS

They waterproof surfaces and cells of living organisms some are even called waxes.

THINK: Waterproof, Insulate, Steriods, Energy, Cushion… “W-I-S-E- C”

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LIPIPS…Some interesting info

•Fruits produce a waxy coating to keep from drying out.

• The cells in a tulip make a wax which helps coat the leaves.

•Ear wax traps dust, sand, and other foreign particles from going deeper into the ear and causing damage.

•Beeswax- a structural material to hold honey in the hive

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LIPIPS…Some interesting info

There are many different types of There are many different types of steroids. They are all lipids. Their steroids. They are all lipids. Their functions vary. Some common functions vary. Some common steroids are:steroids are:


CHOLESTEROLCHOLESTEROLLike testosterone Like testosterone and estrogenand estrogen

They increase They increase musclemuscle

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LIPIPS…Some interesting info

Some anabolic Some anabolic steroids are steroids are illegalillegal

And can be dangerous and

very unhealthy





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Very Common Effects of Illegal SteroidsVery Common Effects of Illegal Steroids If used when the person is still growing, they will be shorter as an adult, anabolic steroids will decrease bone growth.Males will experience shrinking of the testicles, and with prolonged

use, the steroid will be turned into estrogen in the male body and it will start to lay fatty tissue on the chest, otherwise known as breasts.

If genetically predisposed to becoming bald, balding will happen more quickly.If clean needles are not readily

available, there is a significantly higher risk of getting AIDS.

Future risks of liver cancer & disease.Enlarged heart (one pro athlete’s heart grewto the size of a basketball…obviously he’s dead)

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Illegal Steroid Use in WomenSome additional effects…

Breasts will decrease in size, the opposite of what happens to men.

The woman will start to grow facial hair, how quickly depends on her genetic makeup. If she discontinues use, the facial hair will still continue to grow.

If she is genetically predisposed to balding, she will start to lose her hair, just as if she was genetically male.

Her voice will start to deepen, how quickly depends on her genetics. If she discontinues use, her voice will remain deep.

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•In plants- in the seeds,waxes In plants- in the seeds,waxes and oils.and oils.

•In animals- in adipose tissue, In animals- in adipose tissue, connective tissue, in animalsconnective tissue, in animals


•Lipids make up the cell Lipids make up the cell membrane of all cells. membrane of all cells.

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Cell membranes are composed of a double lipid layer that provides a boundary between

the cell and the environment.

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Lipids are commonly found in foods and an important part of good and unfortunately bad nutrition.

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Lipids are chains (polymers) Lipids are chains (polymers) made of monomers. The most made of monomers. The most

common monomer of lipids common monomer of lipids is…is…

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The Shape of a triglyceride is like the letter E

This is a triglyceride molecule

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Each carbohydrate is made up Each carbohydrate is made up of…of…


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OH NO CHO! Lipids like Carbs?

You might have noticed that both carbohydrates and lipids have the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.


A carbohydrate, has twice as many hydrogen atoms as the number of oxygen atoms.

EX: C6H12O6

(This is a carb= there are double the number of H compared to O)

On the other hand, lipids have a lot more than twice the amount hydrogen atoms as the number of oxygen atoms.

EX: C27H46O cholesterol

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Quick Review Questions

What Big 4 molecule stores energy for the future?

What are 4 effects of illegal steroid use in men and 3 effects in women?

What are 4 things proteins do in your body?

What are the functions of lipids?

What is the main function of carbohydrates?

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Mini QuizExamples of the Big 4

• Each of the following foods is high in one of the Big 4 organic molecules. Decide which one for each of the

following foods.– Corn Oil– Lean Ham

– Bread– Fish

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Nucleic Acids

1) DNA• Is our genetic material. Chromosomes are

made of DNA.• Chromosomes contain the “recipes” to make

proteins for your body.

2) RNA• Reads the DNA “protein recipes” and makes

the proteins for your body.

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•Just as they may sound the DNA nucleic acids Just as they may sound the DNA nucleic acids are found inside the control center of many are found inside the control center of many cells. This location and structure is called a cells. This location and structure is called a nucleus. The RNA is found in the nucleus and nucleus. The RNA is found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells.cytoplasm of cells.

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Nucleic Acids are chains Nucleic Acids are chains (polymers) made of (polymers) made of

monomers. Nucleic acids are monomers. Nucleic acids are made up of made up of

Which are Which are nitrogennitrogen bases… bases…something we will learn more something we will learn more

about when we study DNAabout when we study DNA

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The shape of a nucleic acid is:

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Nucleic Acids

Each nucleic acid is made up Each nucleic acid is made up of…of…


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ENERGY Three of the BIG 4 provide Three of the BIG 4 provide consumers with energy through consumers with energy through the food they eat:the food they eat:


Number of Calories it provides




Nucleic Acids

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Energy that is gained by Energy that is gained by consuming food is called a consuming food is called a

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Energy that we gain by the consumption of food is measured in Calories.

If you drink a glass of skim milk, you will get a gain of 90 Calories of energy for your body.

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Energy Gained From Carbohydrates

Eating 1 gram of carbohydrate provides your body with 4 Calories.

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Energy Gained from Lipids

Eating 1 gram of fat provides your body with

9 Calories. Notice if you eat 1 gram of fat, you are gaining more than twice the amount of

Calories than from a gram of carbohydrate or protein!

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Nucleic acidsThe nucleic acids in food are not considered a substance that the body uses to gain


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So, you won’t find nucleic acids listed on a

nutrition label!

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Number of Calories it provides

Carbohydrates 4

Proteins 4

Lipids 9

Nucleic Acids 0

TEST: TEST: Are you smart? If you eat a sandwhich with 46 grams of carbs and 24 grams of protein and 10 grams of fat, how much energy

will you gain?

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• What elements are found in all of the Big 4 molecules? Which of the Big 4 has different elements and what are they?

• Since Carbohydrates and Lipids have the same elements in them, how can you tell the difference?

• Would C26H32O5 be a carbohydrate or lipid?• Which molecule is in the shape of a hexagon?• Which molecule is in the shape of an E?• A polymer of amino acids makes what molecule?

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Which one of the following molecules is a lipid?

A carbohydrate?

1.) C27H46O

2.) C12H24O12



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• What kind of carbohydrate gives you a quick burst of energy? • What kind of carbohydrate gives you long term energy? • You are stranded on a desert island and have found a box of

food. Considering you have almost nothing to eat on the island, which of the following would be the best food to have in the box? WHY?– Crackers– Butter– Steak

• How many Calories are found in 1 gram of protein?

• How many Calories are in 1 gram of nucleic acid?

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Final Review QuestionsPlease do not look back at the information in your handout until you

have answered all of the following questions.

1. What are 2 examples of simple sugars and 2 examples of complex carbohydrates not mentioned already?

2. What is a polymer?

3. What is a monomer?

4. Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of ________________.

5. Define in your own words:



6. Proteins are major structural molecules in living things. List 5 places or things in your body that contain a lot of protein.

7. What are enzymes? What are they made of?

8. What are hormones?

9. What does your thyroid hormone do?

10. Name three types of proteins.

11. What are the functions of lipids?

12. What elements are found in each of the Big 4 molecules?

13. What does DNA do? RNA?

14. How many Calories are found in 1 gram of each of the Big 4 molecules?

15. What are 5 possible effects of illegal steroid use?

16. What are 3 functions of lipids?

17. What is the function of waxes?

18. What are 2 ways simple sugars are different from complex carbohydrates?

19. What are 4 organic macromolecules?