Netbeans Slides

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Renato Puccini

Embaixador de Campus da [email protected]

NetBeans 6.7

A nica IDE que voc Precisa!


O que o Netbeans?

Sobre a Plataforma Netbeans

A Comunidade Netbeans e Voc

Prximos Passos

Slide 1: title and presenter's nameSlide 2: topic intro - what product/technology isSlide 3: topic intro - who is the target market (be very as specific as possible: e.g. geo, developer type, etc.)Slide 4: demoSlide 5: certificationSlide 6: call-to-actionSlide 7: resources: (URLs, where to go/who to call for more information, etc.)


O que o NetBeans?

Uma IDE(Integrated Development Environment) compreensiva, modular e multilingagemSuporte para Java SE, Java EE, Java ME

Configurao para mdulos e plugins

Desenvolvimento Intuitivo em Drag-and-Drop

Debugger, Profiler, Refactoring, etc...

Uma Plataforma para construo de AplicativosRCP = Rich Client Platform

Rich client Java applications

Framework de janelas, menus, tool bars, actions

Comunidade OpenSourceOpen source desde Junho, 2000

Grande comunidade de usurios e desenvolvedores

Desenvolver uma rede disponvel com componentes Java Beans

Jarda Tulach, quem desenhou a arquiterura base da IDE, veio com o nome de NetBeans para descrever o que eles fariamNetwork + Java Beans = NetBeans

Um resumo da histria do Netbeans

O que o NetBeans?

Informaes disponveis em:

Arquivo de Comunicados de imprensa relacionados com NetBeans

A Viso Comunicao

NetBeans amanh - O roteiro da Comunidade - Planejamento

Histria do NetBeans NetBeans o definitivo da Guia

Arquivo do original site

Um resumo da histria do Netbeans

O que o NetBeans?

Java SE Support - Swing GUI Builder, Javadoc integration, Support for JUnit 3 & 4

Java EE Support (1.3, 1.4 and 5) first IDE to fully support Java EE 5

Java ME Support - Visual Mobile GUI Designer, Mobile Game Builder, etc.

Visual Web Development Visual Web Editor, Visual Page Flow Editor, Visual Query Editor, Visual CSS Editor, Database Explorer, etc.

Rich editing support - Smart Source Code Editor, Code Navigator, Code Completion/Folding, Refactoring support

Profiler, Debugger, Version Control, etc.

Visual UML Modeling,

Netbeans Platform Development Visual Library API, Rich Client Development, Lexer API, etc.

Highly Modular Architecture, Extensible with user contributed plugins

C/C++ Development

Dynamic Language Support Ruby, Javascript, PHP, Groovy, Python, and more

Caractersticas Gerais

O que o NetBeans?

Binrios para Solaris, Linux, MS Windows, e Mac OSX

100% Java

S fazer o download que roda em qualquer OS!

Qual Sistema Operacional em que ele trabalha?

O que o NetBeans?

Faa Aplicaes:Desktop







PHP, Groovy, Python, Javascript

and more...

O que eu posso fazer no/com NetBeans?

O que o NetBeans?












Java EE

Java ME

Java SE







Rich Client Platform













And a whole lot more..

Tecnologias Suportadas... ;)

O que o NetBeans?

Caractersticas> Profiler

O que o NetBeans?

The NetBeans Profiler started out as a research project at Sun Labs. The goal of that research was to find a better way to profile Java applications, in particular, large Java applications. Older techniques for profiling Java applications did not always scale well. Once the proof of concept was complete, the technology moved over to the NetBeans project and became the profiler.

Cool Features > Desenvolvimento para Mobile

O que o NetBeans?

Suporte para Java ME CLDC/CDCSun Wireless Toolkit included

Visual Mobile Designer RedesenhadoDrag 'n drop MIDP authoring

New Game Builder supporting MIDP 2.0 Game API

Suporte para UI SVG


Anyone here own a cell phone? :-)

The Java Micro Edition, or Java ME, runs on over a billion hand-held devices around the world. It turns out, though, that developing for Java ME on these devices presents some specific challenges: different screen sizes, different hardware and software features available, etc. The NetBeans Mobility Pack provides some really cool tools to help developers with those challenges.

Cool Features > C/C++ Development

What is NetBeans?

Completo Edit-Compile-Debug Para CCompletao de cdigo, Cruzamento, destaque de sintax, destaque de erro

Makefile wizard/import

Desenvolvimento Remoto

Supoert para pacotes de aplicaes

Trabalha com GCC & Sun Studio compilersSupport for GDB debugging

For folks who are doing C/C++ development we have support!

Cool Features > Visual Web Development

What is NetBeans?

Visual drag 'n drop web application development

Includes AJAX JavaServer Faces Components

Visual Page Navigation

Visual CSS Editing

There's a bit of history to explain here. A few years ago a group at Sun created an IDE called Java Studio Creator. They wanted to create a special-purpose tool that addressed a specific use case: developers who were creating web application user interfaces and who wanted a graphical drag-n-drop approach. So JSC was created as a tool that did just that.In order to create the tool, the JSC team removed some features from the NetBeans IDE and then added some cool visual web application design tools. And that's fine, and JSC has a devoted audience of users who are happy with it.But members of the NetBeans community looked at it and some said: That's nice, but I only want to install one IDE. Can I have those JSC features in a standard NetBeans installation? That's why the Visual Web Pack was created. Note that there are still a few gaps between JSC and VWP functionality.

(Quick demo of VWP if you have time)

Cool Features > The Editor

What is NetBeans?


Smart Code Completion

Insert Code

Inspect Members, Hierarchy

File History


Cool Features > PHP

What is NetBeans?

Editor HighlightsCode completion, syntax & semantic highlighting, mark occurrences, navigation

Edit embedded CSS/HTML/JavaScript

Code Generator & Templates

Debugging via Xdebug

FTP Support

Support for web services

Easy AMP stack integration

Cool Features > Ruby

What is NetBeans?

Support for Ruby and Jruby

Editor HighlightsCode completion, syntax highlighting, quick fixes

Support for Ruby, RSpec, and YAML files

Rails project generator

Ruby Gems installation manager


Deploy to WEBrick, Mongrel, GlassFish

Cool Features > JavaScript

What is NetBeans?

Editor FeaturesSemantic Highlighting, Code Completion and Type Analysis

Quick Fixes and Semantic Checks

Browser compatibility support

Mark occurences and instant rename

Debugging for IE & FF browsers

HTTP client monitoring

Bundled popular JS libraries

O que o NetBeans?

Demo 1

The best enterprise OS on the planet.

The TCP/IP stack has been reworked for both performance and security.

Soundbite: Solaris 10 can run on more than 799 different systems, including those from Dell, HP, and IBM. No other enterprise class UNIX can do this. It's the result of a 1/2 Billion investment and 3000 engineers.

500,000 downloads in the first 10 days, a download/second!!!!!!

2/3rd of downloads were X86

Sobre a Plataforma

Java Monkey Engine

Demo 2

The best enterprise OS on the planet.

The TCP/IP stack has been reworked for both performance and security.

Soundbite: Solaris 10 can run on more than 799 different systems, including those from Dell, HP, and IBM. No other enterprise class UNIX can do this. It's the result of a 1/2 Billion investment and 3000 engineers.

500,000 downloads in the first 10 days, a download/second!!!!!!

2/3rd of downloads were X86

A Comunidade Netbeans e Voc

The NetBeans Community and You

Start here - Source Projects- Code and Documentation

News and events

Plugin Eco-systemPlugins tab on

Contribute and find plugins

Join a vibrant communityOver 20 Million Downloads

Mailing Lists Over 500,000 mailing list subscribers

Over 130 Partner Companies

Active Blogging Community:

Connecting the worldwide NetBeans communityShare, participate, learn and have fun.InterviewsProjectsDemos and ScreencastsOn the Road

Mande melhorias e novas caractersticas de melhoramento de desenvolvimento

Conserte bugs

Escreve plugins ou mdulos

Desenvolva aplicaes RCP

Se voc quer contribuir com cdigo...

A Comunidade Netbeans e Vocou

Crie sua conta

Download NetBeans

Entre na comunidade

Escreva um aplicao Desktop,uma aplicao mobile..

Blog sobre NetBeans

Participe nas Lista de email NetBeans


Next Steps

NetBeans Product Site: http://www.netbeans.orgDownload: previews, current & past releases of IDE, plugins

Learning: tutorials, technical articles, flash demos

Community: latest news, forums, events, mailing lists

NetBeans Wiki: documentation site for NetBeans

Planet NetBeans: for all NetBeans-related blogs

Source Code: source code access for Netbeans platform + IDE

Prximos Passos

NetBeans 6.7 REsources

Get FREE Web-based training on JavaTM, SolarisTM & more!Visit:

Course registration code for ABC University is XYZ

Increase earnings potential with a Sun Certification!Sun Certified Associate/Programmer for the Java 2 Platform SE

Sun Certified Web Component Developer for Java EE

Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for Java ME

Sun Certified System/Network Admin for Solaris Operating System

Free practice exams

Discounted exams fees for academic developers only US$60 (US$40 in APAC and Latin America)

Next Steps

Fast Track Your Career with Sun!

In order to land high paying jobs, students need to find ways to differentiate themselves from other recent graduates. Through the Sun Academic Initiative, Sun offers free training that will help you fast-track your career.As an example, a recent article in CIO Magazine included the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 platform and the Sun Certified Systems Administrator for Solaris as two of the hot certifications that are able to demand higher wages.Refer to the hand-out with instructions for online registration and certification exams.


Renato Puccini

Embaixador de Campus da Sun
[email protected]

NetBeans 6.7

A niva IDE que voc Precisa!!!


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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