Muv interactive bird presentation

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muv interactive case studybirdBrandon SellamESLSCA BUSINESS SCHOOL BBA

10, December, 20151


Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?

What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

Introduction 2ContentWhat are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?Conclusion

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Introduction 3Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion


5 reasons which motivate me to choose this company:

It is the story of a startup which focuses on digital & IoT

Innovative, interactive & easy-to-use solution

Bird is a wearable technology it deals with the Internet of things which is and going to be a strong market in the future

Bird is an innovative device which addresses many targets: education, personal life, corporations, professionals

Bird is a solution which enables to share ideas, knowledge, games between friends, colleagues, students, family members or companies and so forth 4

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Introduction 5Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup

MUV Interactive : israeli startup based in Herzlya (Tel-Aviv Region) created in 2011

Team composed by 9 technology experts

MUV Interactive raised 4.5 M$ in order to develop its innovative solution called Bird

Turnover expected in 2015: nearly $ 1.7 M (calculations based on 10,000 pre-orders, price per unit: $165 Today, price per unit : $249

Core business: conception of a finger-attached device that makes every space interactive

Innovative, intuitive & simple solution which enables to change the way we control the digital content


Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?Introduction 7Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion

Highlights of Bird The innovative solution of MUV Interactive

Bird : wearable technology device that makes any space & content interactive

Wearable technology refers to clothing and personnal accessory that incorporates advanced computers and electronic technology. The product that contains wearable technology are called wearables.

Bird offers the opportunity to share the same content simultaneously and increases the collaboration between teams in companies

Connected object which could be used in different sectors : education, arts, sports, architecture, design, industry, services and so forth

Possibility to connect Bird technology with different devices : smartphone , PC or Tablet Price : first 10,000 pre-orders : $184 with delivery

Estimation of price: $249


Birdring-like device uses a simple Bluetooth connection to sense what your fingers are doing, where you are in the room and exactly where youre pointing, enabling you to touch any of your devices remotely and turn the devices display into a touch screen.


Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Introduction 9Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion

Categories of users (1/2)

Professionals CorporateEducationPersonal

Professionals: designers, doctors, architects

Corporate: companies share ideas, knowledge between teams, individuals

Education: schools, universities, training centers... Personal use



11Category of users (2/2)

Personal use : at home, Bird is an entertainment for the kids and for the family to share an interactive & funny experience

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Introduction 12Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion

13What is the difference between incremental VS disruptive innovation ?

Disruptive Innovation: describes a process whereby a smaller company with fewer resources is able to successfully challenge established incumbent businesses.

Disruptive innovation is also considered as breakthrough innovation. Two examples of disruptive innovation: Mobile phone vs landline phoneCredit card vs cash money/chequeInternet vs MinitelE-mail vs Fax

Incremental Innovation: Improvements within a given frame of solutions doing better what we already do, Incremental product innovation refers to the small changes in a product that helps improve its performance, lower its costs, and enhance its desirability or simply to announce a new model release. Iphone 6s vs Iphone 6Mineral water vs aromatic water

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Introduction 14Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion


Bird, a disruptive innovation?

Muv Interactive has some competitors such as Node Ring & the Myo Gesture Control Amband which propose alternative solutions of Bird technology

Bird is an innovative & disruptive technology comparatively with the competitors in the market. The specific features of Bird solution are as follows : Customers targets are diverseFocus on a niche and fruitful marketPossibility to use different devices (Tablet, TV, mobile phone, laptop)Bird is a product of the IoT family of technologiesDifferent usages : improvement in the educational approach (ludic approach) and in the businesses which enables a best sharing of knowledge and ideas across the companyIt is a sophisticated product with strong differentiation and a creaming pricing strategy (la crme de la crme) : proposition of a high price to target a wealthy clientele

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Introduction 16Bird, a disruptive innovation? Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion


Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Differentiation strategy of MUV Interactive (create a unique solution in the market) and costs domination (optimisation of the costs of technology)Creation of a new market in which there is no real competitors (several customers targeted : professionals, companies, educational institutions)

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Introduction 18Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion

19What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

Market potential of wearable technologies is huge : 36 billion in 2016 (source : European Commission)

Gartner consulting company expects an increase of 5% of sales from the top 1000 global companies thanks to the consumer data collected from werables devices

Wearable technologies could be used in different industries: entertainment, healthcare, sports & fitness, security/safetyJuniper research forecast that the retail revenue from smart wearable devices, including smart watches(as the for exemple the AppleWatch) and glasses(eg: Google glass,) will reach 16.3 billion by 2018 compared to 1.2 billion in 2013.

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?

What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Introduction 20Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?Conclusion

21What are the risks that MUV Interactive has to mitigate?

Technological bugs of the Bird solution

Financial risks concerning the development of MUV interactive company

Limits in terms of diversification / diverse applications (Government applications ?)

Similar or alternative innovations of Bird developed by competitors : Blue Ocean shifted into Red Ocean

Potential difficulties in terms of incremental improvements of Bird

Potential difficulties in terms of adoption of the Bird technology in the market

Presentation of MUV Interactive, an israeli startup Highlights of Bird the innovative solution of MUV Interactive4 segments of users What is the difference between incremental & disruptive innovation?Bird, a disruptive innovation?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?ConclusionIntroduction 22Does MUV Interactive startup create a Blue Ocean Strategy ?What is the market potential for this wearable innovative device?


Some lessons learnt about this case:

Bird is a disruptive innovation which could revolutionize our way of thinking and sharing knowledge & idea

Potential increase of innovation mindset and creativity among students or members of a company

Bird proposes an added-value as a wearable technology in comparison with the existing solutions in the market

Creaming pricing strategy : focus on a niche segment of customers / wealthy clientele

A startup such as MUV Interactive has to raise money in order to develop R&D and marketing activities of their product/service commercialized

Bird is a wearable technology which constitutes nowadays a tendency developed in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the digital environment