1 UNDP Project PPCR (Pilot Program for Climate Resilience) Adaptation to Climate Change to assess institutional potential and improve awareness on climate change in Tajikistan Training for Trainers October 8, 2011 Khorog Protocol to training in GBAO On participatory approach On potential assessment and improved awareness on climate change in Republic of Tajikistan Location: Khorog, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Tajikistan. Participants: see Annex 1. Training participants: the list of participants is in Annex 1 Objective of the training: Improve awareness of the interested parties in climate change in Tajikistan. Review of the core of the problem, analysis of resolutions, definition of the climate change problem to ensure the in-depth understanding of economical, social and ecological problems. Laying the grounds for further improved potential of different stakeholders in the context of adaptation to climate change by using a methodological instrument a participatory approach. Agenda October 8, 2011 - Khorog, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Tajikistan 8:30 9:00 Registration 9:00 9:20 Welcoming words from the Tajik CAREC office. Opening and presentation of participants Project review Objective of the training Presentation of participants and information on their grouping 9:20 10:45 Session 1 Upcoming priorities Plenary discussions and group work 10:15 10: 45 group presentations 10:45 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 13:00 Session 2 Climate change impact review at the oblast level Review of the climate change impact (presentation); 15 min Group work 12: 15 -13:00 Group presentations, 10 mins each 13:00 14:00 Lunch

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UNDP Project PPCR (Pilot Program for Climate Resilience)

Adaptation to Climate Change to assess institutional potential and improve awareness on climate change in Tajikistan

Training for Trainers October 8, 2011


Protocol to training in GBAO On participatory approach

On potential assessment and improved awareness on climate change in Republic of Tajikistan

Location: Khorog, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Tajikistan.

Participants: see Annex 1.

Training participants: the list of participants is in Annex 1

Objective of the training: Improve awareness of the interested parties in climate change in Tajikistan. Review of the core of the problem, analysis of resolutions, definition of the climate change problem to ensure the in-depth understanding of economical, social and ecological problems. Laying the grounds for further improved potential of different stakeholders in the context of adaptation to climate change by using a methodological instrument – a participatory approach.


October 8, 2011 - Khorog, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Tajikistan

8:30 – 9:00 Registration

9:00 – 9:20 Welcoming words from the Tajik CAREC office. Opening and presentation of participants

Project review Objective of the training

Presentation of participants and information on their grouping

9:20 – 10:45





Upcoming priorities

Plenary discussions and group work 10:15 – 10: 45 group presentations

10:45 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 13:00





Climate change impact review at the oblast level Review of the climate change impact (presentation); 15 min

Group work 12: 15 -13:00 Group presentations, 10 mins each

13:00 – 14:00


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14:00 – 15:45





Review of the key PPCR components and their regional relevance Review of the 3 main PPCR components,

Group work

15:45 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 16:45

PPCR components at the oblast level Group presentations – 1 component for each group, each presentation 5-7


16:45 – 17:45





Key actions to advance to adaptation and sustainable development Group work

Plenary discussions

17:45 – 18:00

Other steps and seminar closing

The first session of the training was dedicated to discussing the problems in all the spheres of the country, with primary accent onto social, economic and ecological components. The plenary discussion was on the future priorities for the key sectors. This topic was first discussed in the sphere of ecological problems, then the participants began to discussing more specific issues, such as general economic, and down to certain industries. Some of the discussed problems were accessibility of energy resources and land degradation problems.

Then the participants were offered to split into groups to discuss these issues in more narrow format where each of the problems could be viewed and recorder after consultations with specialists. The first session ended up with the analysis of all social problems and negative aspects in all sector of economy.

The second session was dedicated to discussing already considered problems to identify objectives until 2040. Each participant was given a chance to analyze and coordinate in own group an opinion on how the key national industries shall adapt and change for the upcoming 25-30 years, and how to achieve these goals in practice, not on paper. The groups were discussing various issues related to improved living standards of people and dependence of farmers on bad weather conditions, problems solving with food shortage, prophylactics of diseases and viruses. Al the proposals submitted by participants were given in the form of short proposal and presented by the end of the work.

The third session began with presentation of the Climate change impact in Tajikistan; this presentation showed the consequences of the climate change onto some aspects of human life and analysis of the impact into key economy sectors.

The followed group work to discuss the key climatic impacts, their consequences and available potential, and further potential development for perspective. The participants noted such problems as droughts, floods and increased emergency situations, aggravated pubic health problems and threat to national food security.

The fourth and final part of the training was dedicated to the key impacts on the way to adaptation and sustainable development where participants discussed interaction of the PPCR components with the selected models of future development. The participants

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reviewed certain actions to consider the interests of vulnerable and people with low income, and the issues of gender sensitivity towards women.

The Training

The training began at 8:30 with the registration.

The welcoming words by Mukhabatov Kh.

review the Project description,

-presentation of the participants.

Pic.1. Opening of workshop in Khorog

Presentation by Rakhimov B

-Review of the PPCR Project.

- Project objectives. - Procedural remarks.

-Importance of the participants’ contribution and how their contribution will be used in the Project Plenary discussion The participants were offered to identify current social and economic problems in the region with special focus on ecological and economical problems in the region, the key industries which were identified as priority during the preliminary seminar. All the proposals registered on the flip-chart titled “General Problems in the Region”. The participants were divided into 3 groups with one specialist in each group

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Pic.2. Work in groups

Group work

Session 1 Future priorities by key sectors Social, economic and ecological trends focused on key industries/economy sectors.

1. Each group was given a table to fill-up, 2. Identify current trends in the region and, if needed, other relevant trends in the

region with special emphasis on the key industries defined as priority industries during the preliminary seminar.

3. Group presentations with the filled-up tables.

Pic.3. Facilitation of group work

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Session 2 Review climate impacts on the oblast level Draft objectives for the future as desirable and probable vector of future development of the regions until 2040.

1. Understanding on how the industries shall change during this timeframe and

how to identify the selected objectives

2. Create descriptive part from the filed up tables.

3. Presentation by groups

Pic.4. Presentations of findings by groups Session 3 Presentation by Rakhmonov B. on climate change impact in Tajikistan. Review of the key PPCR components and their relevance to the region Define future potential climatic impacts and necessary actions and potential

1. Understand and define climate change consequences in the frames of their

objectives and description of the region.

2. Define accessible and necessary potential as important steps to address the impacts

3. Define key additional goals/actions necessary to address (adapt and mitigate) climate change impacts.

4. Group presentation.

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Pic.5. Work in groups during rd session of the workshop. Presentation of finding Session 4 Key impacts to improved adaptation and sustainable development

Assessment of sustainability of the future system and critical actions.

1. Fill up the form.

2. Concentrate on objectives and the needs relevant to the PPCR investments

3. Select objectives (up to 3) until 2040 by using these actions, accessible potential and the needs to create concise key strategies for mid- and long-term perspective

All findings developed by participants are presented in Annex 2. Training closure: final remarks were made by Mukhabbatov Kh. – he underlined most important outcomes of the workshop, thanked participants for their work and announced the end of the training.

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Annex 1

List of participants

№ Name Organization Contact details Signature

1 Gulomnabiev D DTMK, GBAO region 93 515 42 12

2 Amonbekov А. GBAO, Public education


93 546 80 57

3 Mavlonazarova А. JSC “Nazira” 93 588 21 16

4 Abdulnazarov Z. Land planning committee,


93 531 66 01

5 Neghmatov Z. HQ on Emergencies and

Civil Defense, GBAO

93 527 16 39

6 Navruzshoev К. Hydrometeorological

Service, GBAO

93 571 10 30

7 Сафаркулова Г. Khorog State University 93 600 31 93

8 Абдурахмонова Н. Khorog State University 93 559 85 42

9 Nafasshoeva F. Finance head Department of


93 404 90 54

10 Abdulloeva F. Khorog State University 93 544 86 88

11 Nazarbekova S. School №1, Khorog 93 833 49 23

12 Sudurova Kh. School №1, Khorog 93 469 46 52

13 Saltanatova S. Construction Department of


93 501 93 57

14 Atolikshoev D. Representative of the

Ministry of energy and

industry in GBAO

93 588 23 52

91 732 77 94

15 Karamkudoev Kh. Lecturer of botany chair of

State Khorog University

93 853 22 37

16 Alinazarova К. Assistant of chair of Khorog

State University

93 540 53 49

17 Satibaldiev U. Lecturer of Khorog State


93 858 22 05

18 Sarkorova А. Assistant of Khorog State


93 547 31 17

19 Komilbekov Kh. Lecturer of Khorog State


93 461 26 75

20 Fakirova R Student of the economical

faculty of Khorog State


93 555 20 82

21 Khucholova G. Botanic Garden, Pamir

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22 Yusufbekov Sh. Specialist of Environment

protection department in


23 Tokhir Navruzov Environment Protection

Department in GBAO

93 598 44 54

24 Nazirov N. Focus International


93 514 34 41

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Annex 2

#1 Ecological problems of Gorno-Badakhshan Oblast

1. Mud flows 2. avalanches 3. landslides 4. earthquakes 5. floods 6. droughts 7. rock falls 8. storm winds 9. hail (southern part) 10. pulsating and jumping glaciers. 11. burst of glacial lakes in the mountains 12. water-borne diseases (typhoid, intestinal diseases) 13. lack and low quality of drinking water 14. lack of cultivated land 15. irrigation and land problems 16. degradation of land available

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#2 Gr.1

Sector Key problems Consequences

Water 1. lack of seasonal rains. 2. lack of water 3. lack of water reservoirs. 4. lack of water pipe networks 5. irrational water use 6. water pollution

-degradation of glaciers (lack of precipitations) -droughts -migration -decreased crops. -aggravated poverty. -diseases -ecosystems degradation -soil erosion

Energy 1. lack of electricity in winter. 2. ineffective use. 3. no access to energy


-economic damage to industries -felling of mountain forests -use of fuel resources -negative health impact -HPES breakdowns

Agriculture 1. droughts. 2. reduced seeds quality. 3. pastures degradation. 4. soil erosion. 5. lack of land 6. lack of mineral fertilizers 7. lack of forage 8. problems in poultry 9. random use of pastures 10.

-reduced agricultural crops -soil erosion and worsened structure -poverty and migration -decreased crops -gullies -lack of food. -reduced cattle. -negative impact on soil

Other: education public health migration

1. low level of specialists 2. poor technical basis 3. low salary 4. lack of teachers.

-lack of qualified staff -reduced quality of works -poor employment -lack of school supplies (stationery, computers etc).

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#3 Gr .2

Sector Key problems Consequences

Water 1. lack of drinking water in remote areas.

2. water pollution 3. irrational water use 4. absence of correct ground water


-diseases -ecological damage -poverty -conflicts, degraded economy. -lack of drinking water -land degradation -irrational water use in Murgab, and ground water.

Energy 1. lack of electricity in autumn and winter

2. obsolete equipment on HPES 3. irrational use 4. no renewable sources of energy 5. old equipment on power

transmission lines 6. slow construction of mini-hydro

-price for electricity is the highest in the country -trees felling, environment pollution -slowed down economic development --irrational use of energy

Agriculture 1. land degradation 2. poor irrigation system quality 3. lack of irrigation water 4. unregulated use of pastures. 5. poorly developed cattle breeding. 6. unused land resources 7. absence of the seeds fund 8.

-low crops. -increased land degradation -irrational use of land -conflicts -aggravated criminal situation -aggravated poverty -decreased economic development -exhaustion of land resources, -decreased living standards.

Other: public health migration unemployment

1. lack of jobs 2. low salary 3. infection diseases 4. pathologies with newborn babies, 5. lack of medications

1. floods, rock falls, avalanches,

glacial mud flows, storm winds, break-though of glacial lakes

lack of jobs due to scarce infrastructure.

-mortality -poverty among vulnerable groups. -suicide cases among poor and vulnerable people. -poor medical service. -victims, destruction of infrastructure, degradation. -migration, drug addiction, alcoholism, organized crime.

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#5 Gr .3

Sector Key problems Consequences

Water 1. lack of drinking and irrigation water

2. water pollution 3. mud flows 4. long-lasting heavy

precipitations. 5. reduced glacial areas. 6. heavy snowfalls 7. absence of renewable

energy sources due to unawareness.

-land degradation, -reduced crops -poor health -increased disease rate -destruction of roads -reduced glacier-fed water, -wash-outs of crop. -

Energy 1. lack of firewood, coal 2. remoteness from main

power transmission lines 3. limited electricity supply. 4. lack of funds to construct

mini-hydro and distribution lines.

-weak production of agricultural and food products. -unused potential of electric energy. -destruction of forest missives,

Agriculture 1. no access to irrigation water 2. increased diseases and

pests. 3. lack of farmland

-reduced crops, -reduced habitats and number of cattle. -lack of food.

Other: public health migration ecology

1. migration of young people and capable specialists.

2. people unaware of ecological sanitary, reasons for emergencies.

3. increased emergencies due to melting of glaciers

-lack of personnel -no innovation ideas for economic development -increased disease rates -environment pollution

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#6 Gr .1

Sector Group 1, goals to 2040 Achieving goals

Water 1. improved drinking water quality 40%

2. improved use of irrigation systems 50%

3. drinking and irrigation water supply 45%

4. ground water lowering 60%

-build new water pipe networks -rational water supply -reconstruction of water supply systems -new irrigation technologies (rain and drip systems) -closed circle water use in industry -water reservoirs in mountain areas -water wells in areas with scarce water -improved CDS

Energy 1. 100% electricity supply 2. reduced use of fuel resources

(firewood, coal) 50%

-construct new power transmission lines -accelerate construction of new mini-hydro stations in elevated areas -construction of alternative energy sources -use modern technologies -build helio – and winmills -biogas

Agriculture 1. food security 70% 2. rational land use 65%

-rational use of irrigated lands -use of drought-resistant plants -improved water supply in the region -crop rotation -regular land cultivation -restoration of salinated and water logged lands

Other: public health migration

1. 100% coverage with medical service 80%

2. reduction of migration 60%

-use of new medicines -new technologies -free of charge medicals for the first aid for poor -new jobs

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#7 Gr .2

Sector Goals to 2040 Achieving goals

Water 1. free access to drinking water 2. improved water cadastre in

the regions 3. 100% operation of water

treatment facilities (drinking water)

-build new water pipe systems, study water resources with the use of investments

Energy 1. 90% supply of population and industry with energy

2. improve the system of specialist preparation in energy sector

3. reconstruct (modernize) operating HPESs

-rational use of energy, alternative sources of energy (solar, wind) -improve higher education (programs, labs, equipment -fair procurement of machinery and parts

Agriculture 1. 80% local supply with agricultural food

2. create seeds fund, 70% local supply of the adapted seeds

3. train people to rationally use land and water resources (look at the latest technologies)

4. improve amelioration practice 100%

-increased crops productivity -agricultural studies -practical training and educational programs -land re-cultivation -improved research works

Other: public health migration unemployment

1. reduce number of unemployed by 60%

2. reduce migration by 80% 3. improved educational system

-new jobs and labor exchange -increased salaries -increased salaries to teachers -improved qualification of teachers in high schools, fair enrollment of students to schools and universities

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#8 Gr .3

Sector Goals to 2040 Achieving goals

Water 1. improved access to drinking water

2. improved water quality 3. water supply to fertile land 4. new technologies of water

treatment in Sugd oblast 5. water metering 6. reduced water loss during


-piped water supply -new water treatment technologies –water pumps, water canals, water reservoir -attract foreign investments -overall irrigation

Energy 1. rehabilitate electric equipment 2. develop renewable energy

sources 3. build mini-hydro stations 4. improved tax and legal basis to

invest in private sector

-procure and replace obsolete equipment -wind-mill parks and heliofields

Agriculture 1. develop private silk worm breeding

2. rational use of arable land 3. use quality seeds 4. procure new equipment 5. train correct land cultivation

practices 6. information center on correct

land cultivation

-groups of observers -seeds fund -sectoral plan -decrease bank interest to agricultural loans -selection of best cattle types -seminars -supply with literature

Other: public health migration

1. create jobs 2. improved legal awareness of

people 3. develop pharmaceutical

products by using local herbs

-develop winery -reduce tax burden -build factories to process raw materials and fabrics -education on consumer rights, civil rights

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#9 Gr .1

Key impacts Natural disasters prevention

Description of consequences

1. mud flows, floods, avalanches landslides droughts, hail , hurricanes

● earthquakes strokes of lightning heavy rains

Accessible potential / adaptation

● resettlement to safer areas ● construct mudflow protection ● equip meteorological stations with correct

equipment ● Planting trees and forests ● Develop drought-resistant plants ● Construct quake-resistant buildings ● Construct lightning conductors

Necessary potential / adaptation

● Resettlement plan ● Financial assistance ● New equipment ● Procure seeds of drought-resistant plants ● Latest technologies and qualified specialists ● Financial support to procure hail-protection systems ● Scientific justification of projects to the quake-proof

structures ● Investment assistance

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#10 Gr .2

Key impacts Droughts

Description of consequences

● Lack of water resources ● Increased disease rates ● Increased migration ● Reduced water stock ● Non-regulated work of waterworks facilities ● Undesirable social phenomenon (suicide, quarrels,

divorces etc.) ● Food deficit ● Land degradation ● Reduced incomes ● Conflicts

Accessible potential / adaptation

● Distribution of land resources ● Water reservoirs ● Due vaccination ● Forests ● Drought-resistant plants ● Locality monitoring

Necessary potential / adaptation

● Increase potential through education (seminars, trainings)

● Support to farmers (financing) ● Use of glaciers and snowfields in exceptional

cases ● Detailed study/analysis of the reasons of droughts

and their cycles ● Create additional water reservoirs ● Draft development strategies

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#11 Gr .3

Key impacts Land degradation

Description of consequences

● Price rise to food products ● Reduction of arable lands ● Malnutrition impacts the national genetic fund ● Reduced crops ● Aggravated food security situation ● Skin diseases ● Hypertension ● Osteoporosis ● Malaria ● Cardio-vascular diseases ● Reduced average life expectancy

Accessible potential / adaptation

● Construct forest protection and drainages ● Introduce water-economy systems in irrigation ● Seminars to local farms on land degradation

prophylactics ● Recover the herbal healing tradition ● Improve qualification of doctors through trainings ● Procure modern medical equipment ● Experience exchange and use the world medical


Necessary potential / adaptation

● Autonomous power supply of hospitals by using renewable energy sources

● Establish organs to use medicinal herbs ● Develop land protection program

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#12 Gr .1

PPCR components Impact onto vulnerable groups of people / gender

Recommendations to PPCR

Improved adaptation potential to climate change

■ Centers for public studies on climate change (seminars, trainings and conferences)

■ The centers are in close contact with jamoats and regional centers

■ Improved meteorological ,monitoring system

○ Investments in jamoats initiatives to prevent climate change impacts

○ Special attention to vulnerable people in mountain areas

Increased climate-resistance in energy sector

■ Clean-up the Kairakum reservoir bed

■ Timely information on the upcoming weather deviations

■ Improved services of hydrometeorological data supply

○ Latest equipment and financial support

○ New equipment procured by the Committee on Emergencies

○ Provide with qualified personnel and investments

Improved services and data on climate, weather and water

■ Draft priority investment plan to rehabilitate Kairakum HPES

■ Systematic data on weather patterns and water run-off

■ Improved water quality monitoring in the reservoir

○ Provide for new technologies and equipment

○ Organize courses and training seminars for specialists

○ Improved dams monitoring and ensure investments

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#13 Gr .2

PPCR components Impact onto vulnerable groups of people / gender

Recommendations to PPCR

Improved adaptation potential to climate change

■ Crete public awareness programs

■ Educational support to poor, single women and large families

○ Training courses to study climate and resistance potential

○ Create info-centers at jamoat levels

○ Draft national program on adaptation to climate change

○ Introduce relevant knowledge to educational institutions

Increased climate-resistance in energy sector

■ Reconstruct and modernize Kairakum HPES

■ Find ways to supply poor families with alternative energy

■ Find ways to supply poor families with energy at best prices

○ Study the reasons of low and high water fluctuations in Syrdarya river

○ Find ways of energy supply to industries under the energy deficit

○ Mine silt from the bed of Kairakum water reservoir

○ In the upstream of rivers Shakhimardan, Sokh and Isfanransai build reservoirs to reduce siltation downstream

Improved services and data on climate, weather and water

■ Improved monitoring and public information supply

■ Re-equip monitoring stations

○ Public information centers at jamoat levels in case of emergencies

○ Improve this service by using mobile service etc

○ Improved financing of hydrometeorological service

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#14 Gr .3

PPCR components Impact onto vulnerable groups of people / gender

Recommendations to PPCR

Improved adaptation potential to climate change

■ Seminars to public on land and civil rights

■ Create female cooperatives on sewing and knitting

○ Training courses on certain trades

○ Self-help and investment groups

Increased climate-resistance in energy sector

■ Rehabilitate the energy education

○ Develop alternative energy

○ Biogas systems

Improved services and data on climate, weather and water

■ Cell phone agricultural forecasts

■ Emergencies notification by using sms-messaging

○ Weather forecast on radio and other means

○ Improved cooperation with the meteorological center

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Goals for 3 years Goals for 5 years

● 90% of electricity supply of Sugd oblast

● Training courses and seminars to specialists

● Information centers at jamoat levels ● Modernize Kairakum HPES ● Develop biogas technologies to

utilize organic wastes ● Clean up of the Kairakum reservoir

bed of silt

● National seeds fund without modified organisms

● Rehabilitate cultivated lands in Sugd oblast

● Special attention to vulnerability in mountain areas

● Climate change study centers. ● Small businesses in mountains to

process fruits with account to climate change

● Study the reasons of land degradation and salination and rise of ground waters