Preparing for Migration and Upgrade to SharePoint 2010 – Advanced Scenarios Danny Burlage CTO Wortell Dalton Knoderer Sales Manager Metalogix Softwa

Migrating To SharePoint 2010

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This presentation describes the different methods for migrating to SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint Online

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Page 1: Migrating To SharePoint 2010

Preparing for Migration and Upgrade to SharePoint 2010 – Advanced Scenarios

Danny BurlageCTOWortell

Dalton KnodererSales ManagerMetalogix Software

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Overview of getting to SharePoint 2010 using out of box upgradeUnsupported and advanced scenarios Metalogix SharePoint Site Migration Manager for SharePoint 2010Addressing the WCM migration scenariosMetalogix Website Migration Manager for SharePoint 2010

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SharePoint 2010How to get there using out-of-box – Option 1

PreUpgradeCheck – stsadm cmdIn-place upgrade All-or-nothing upgrade requires prep workHardware / Software environment needs to be appropriate

64bit Windows Server 2008 OR 64bit Windows Server R264bit SQL Express 2008 OR 64bit SQL 2005 Express

Consider this a minimumSource WSSv3/MOSS 2007 environment needs to have SP2

Standard in-place caution recommended

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SharePoint 2010How to get there – Option 2

Central Admin - DB AttachContent DB, Profile DB, and Project Service DB are all supported

Supports both build-to-build (b2b) and version-to-version (v2v) scenarios*Scoped at the content database level – one at a timeIncludes visual upgrade

*v2v is MOSS 2007 to SP 2010, it does not support WSSv2 or SPS 2003

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SharePoint 2010How to get there - Option 3

PowerShell Cmdlets – DB UpgradeUpgrade-SPContentDatabase

Supports both build-to-build (b2b) and version-to-version (v2v) scenarios*Similar to the Central Admin optionScoped at the database levelSupports parallel db upgrades

Upgrade many DBs simultaneously*v2v is MOSS 2007 to SP 2010, it does not support WSSv2 or SPS 2003

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SharePoint 2010Unsupported scenarios for upgrade

No support for direct WSSv2 or SPS 2003 upgrades No support for side-by-side installs of WSSv3/MOSS 2007 and WSSv4/SharePoint 2010No gradual upgradeNo support for 32bit environments (e.g. Virtual Server)Limited support for co-existenceNo support for migration to SharePoint 2010 Online

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SharePoint 2010Common scenarios

Looking at pilots and POCs for 2010Plan new hardware or staging servers that meet all SharePoint 2010 requirementsSplit/re-factor large content databases (<100gb), site collections, and lists over 5000 itemsLeverage best practices for site structure and template usage – not there yet

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SharePoint 2010How does Metalogix help?

SharePoint Site Migration Manager Direct migrations from MOSS 2007/WSSv3 and SPS 2003/WSSv2 to SharePoint 2010

Granular/gradual migrationsNo service pack or hardware requirementsZero downtime migrationsCo-existence supported (e.g., schedule updates)Re-organize or re-template sitesOngoing management of SharePointSupport for SharePoint Online (BPOS)

Support for migration from existing websites, WCM and ECM systems

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Migrating from MOSS/WSS/SPS to 2010

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SharePoint 2010Taking advantage of the publishing platform

Every organization adopting SharePoint 2010 has some form of WCM investmentMoving HTML content and related resources to SharePoint publishing sites is typically labor intensive

Copy and paste is not viableYou only want to move some content from a subset of pagesLink correction is neededMetadata management

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Website Migration ManagerKey features

Migrate any HTTP- or NTFS-accessible web content to SharePointComprehensive resource managementRich content analysis and reporting capabilitiesAutomated link correctionDelegated metadata managementMigrate content to web partsConnectors for specific API-level migration of specific source systems

MCMS, Vignette, eRoom, Stellent/Oracle CS, SiteScape…

Fully extensible by service providers

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Migrating an Internet Site to SharePoint 2010

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SharePoint 2010Metalogix Vision: Content Lifecycle Management for the Microsoft Collaborative World

Bring content into SharePointFrom ECMs – Documentum eRoom, Oracle Content Server (Stellent), Vignette, InterwovenFrom Exchange public foldersFrom other (or older) SharePoint sitesFrom backupsFrom the webFrom file serversFrom on-premise to BPOS (SharePoint Online)

Manage content in SharePoint

Manage permissions, content and users Identify and remove “dead” accounts Selective restore of individual lists and line items

Archive content with single-instance and federated search

From SharePointFrom ExchangeFrom File Servers

Terminate content under data retention policies

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MOSS 2007

Metalogix Product Offerings

Archiving ProductsProfessional Archive

Manager For ExchangeProfessional Archive

Manager For SharePointProfessional Archive

Manager For Files

Migration ProductsSharePoint Site Migration

ManagerFileShare Migration Manager

for SharePointWebsite Migration Manager

for SharePoint

Administration Products

Universal SharePoint Manager

Backup and Restoration Products

Selective Restore Manager Pro for SharePoint Backups


SharePoint Express

WWS 2.0 / 3.0SP 2003, MSCM,







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Metalogix Software

Founded in 2001Expanded in Q4 2008

By adding of one of the leading Enterprise Archiving Solutions in Europe

Nearly 100 employees and growing2000+ customersOffices in:


Microsoft Gold Partner

Technology Partners

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From the trenches

Amsterdam RAIWSMM 2010 (beta)Sitecore -> SP2010Tried it by hand, with Metalogix and a 3th party toolAutomated scriptsMetalogix: 6 hours

Lessons learned:Not only Migrations also staging and OTAP

Ministerie van ...SSMM 2010 (beta)MOSS 2007 -> SP2010OOTB proces, useful for aligning content

SkyTeamSharePoint OnlineSSMM 2007

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Founded in 1997Nearly 130 employees and growing300+ customersHollandCurrently 12 SP2010 beta projects

Dedicated on the MS platform

Microsoft Gold Partner

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Beta and PEP Partner

Microsoft Online Technology Partner

Active member of the Microsoft S+S Partner Advisory Counsil

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SharePoint 2010Next steps

Enroll in our beta program here:email [email protected] free trial software for WSSv3/MOSS 2007 today

Get the book!Leave your Business Card orVisit Booth 19 – Wortell


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