Product Images Promotion User Guide Copyright © 2013 Mage Solution. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 Product Images Promotion Version: 1.0 Support:[email protected]

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Product Images Promotion User Guide

Copyright © 2013 Mage Solution. All Rights Reserved. Page 1

Product Images Promotion

Version: 1.0

Support:[email protected]

Product Images Promotion User Guide

Copyright © 2013 Mage Solution. All Rights Reserved. Page 2

Contents 1. Configuration: ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Facebook Configuration: ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

General Config: ................................................................................................................................................................... 3

User Page: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Home Page: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6

View Page: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7

1. Create Template Email: ................................................................................................................................................... 8

3. Manage Images Promotion: ............................................................................................................................................ 8

4. Frontend:......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Product Images Promotion User Guide

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1. Configuration: From Admin Panel > Mage Solutions > Product Images Promotion > Setting

Facebook Configuration: - App ID/API Key: Facebook App Id.

- App Secret: Facebook App secret.

Click Facebook API link, create app to get App Id and App Secret.

General Config:

Product Images Promotion User Guide

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- Route to Images Promotion:

- Add Top Link, Top Link Title:

- Customer pictures short description:

- Email template for coupon code: (template 2, see below: Create Template Email)

- Email notice template: (template 1, see below: Create Template Email)

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User Page:

- Terms and Conditions:

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Home Page: Setup for Product Images Promotion page (Page title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description)

- Pictures per Page:

Product Images Promotion User Guide

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View Page:

- Width of main image, Height of main image:

- Width of featured image, Height of featured image:

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1. Create Template Email: From Admin Panel > System >Transactional Emails

Click “Add New Template”

Add notice email template (template 1):

- Template Name: Notice Product Images Promotion

- Template Subject: Notice Product Images Promotion

- Template Content: Copy content from “Notice Product Images Promotion.txt”

Add coupon email template (template 2):

- Template Name: Coupon Code Product Images Promotion Template

- Template Subject: Coupon code for your image

- Template Content: Copy content from “Coupon Code Product Images Promotion.txt”

3. Manage Images Promotion: From Admin Panel > Mage Solutions > Product Images Promotion >All Pictures

- Image: Click to zoom

- Status Action: Approve, Deny, Remove for an image.

- Winner: Set winner for an image

- Coupon code:if you have set winner for an image, you can sent coupon code to owner of the image

(you can create coupon code from default function of magento Promotions > Shopping Cart Price


From Admin Panel > Mage Solutions > Product Images Promotion > All Winner to see all winner


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4. Frontend: - Customer login and go to “My Account”

- Click “Product Images Promotion” on left sidebar

- Customer agree term and condition to use

- Click the avatar image and choose an image file to change avatar

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- Click “Browse…” button to upload your images

- Waits for the process complete

- Customer can crop the image

- Fill “Picture Title” and “Picture Description” and click “Save” button to save the image

- After save, status of the image is “Pending”, wating for admin approve.

- Click title to edit

- Click image to zoom

- After admin approve, customer will receipt an email notice, the image will show in the public list,

click “Product Images Promotion” in the top links to see.

- Click “Hide” to hide this image from public list.

- Click “Show” to show this image from public list.

- Click “Delete” to delete this image

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- If the image is winner image, customer can’t delete and can’t hide the image

- Check “Featured” to show images in the list Featured on detail image page

- Customer can vote, like (facebook like), comment (facebook comment) for images of other customer

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