MercaMadrid: A Visual Topology of the Network of Food Flows This project brings visibility to a large amount of data related to infrastructures such as nutrition, transport, energy, social networks, businesses and financial markets. MercaMadrid's main data visualization consist on an applica- tion made with Processing software. It permets an interactive comunication between the viewer and the data. The applica- tion visualize data from 2005-2010. The application link concepts as origin, tons received, and travelled kilometers of merchandise. It establish realtionships between these concepts and global economy and society from 2005 to 2011. Project developed at Medialab-Prado on the Visualizar'11: Understanding Infrastructures, celebrated from June 14 to July 1, 2011 MercaMadrid's importance as an urban infrastructure contrasts with its slight visibility as a physical and discursive location in the city. This project aims to envis- age MercaMadrid and to establish it as an urban focal point where topics of public interest are discussed.This project aims to shed some light on Madrid food flows through visualization. Using Merca- madrid open data, we plan to answer basic questions about our consumption habits, self-sustainability and how food is distributed on a daily basis. This project analyzes too how production logics have evolved in last years because of changes in our supply chain, based on an anthropological study now in progress. We are particu- larly interested in examin- ing how some of the controversies which, as semiotic-material constants in the city´s ecology, circulate through food flows and contribute to define the political agenda of the city. mercamadridvisualizar.wordpress.com

MeMercaMadrid: A Visual Topology of the Network of Food Flows

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Los desarrolladores de lujo: Victor Díaz Barrales http://victordiaz.github.com/ María Olmeda Franco Estudiante de Arquitectura y Bellas Artes. Especialista en animación y 3d. www.olmeda.artelista.com Ester Gisbert Alemany (AKA estersensehac) Arquitectura, Autoconstrucción, Redes, Experiencias y Tácticas Urbanas. www.arrsa.org Javi Esquillor García Ingeniero aeronáutico, teórico de la sostenibilidad y el territorio, escritor y zurzidor de fronteras a dos ruedas, sobre la marcha. Fabio Silli Arquitecto y planificador territorial, investigador de las dinamicas urbanas y territoriales que nos definen como “sociedad (in)sostenible”. perfil en linkedin Beatríz García Arquitectura web, cibermetría y minería web. Bibliotecaria. 020.92. @torcuataTK David Rodríguez (AKA Tina Paterson) Activista a tiempo completo, cocinero molecular a tiempo parcial y amigo de sus amigos. www.tinapaterson.com Sara Alvarellos Arquitectura, comunicación, ilustración, redes y ciudad. www.trecedejunio.com Martina Minnucci Arquitecta superior especializada en cooperación para el desarrollo de asentamientos humanos en el tercer mundo. Activista urbana, cree en la arquitectura como instrumento para mejorar las sociedades. Arquitecta creativa para mentes mas activas / Hacker Urbano para espacios publicos mas humanos! http://crearchitetturattivamente.blogspot.com/ Carlos Panero Zurbriggen Arquitecto especialista en arquitectura efímera y planificación urbana. [email protected] http://mercamadridvisualizar.wordpress.com/

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Page 1: MeMercaMadrid: A Visual Topology of the Network of Food Flows

MercaMadrid: A Visual Topology of the Network of Food Flows

This project brings visibility to a large amount of data related to infrastructures such as nutrition, transport, energy, social networks, businesses and �nancial markets.

MercaMadrid's main data visualization consist on an applica-tion made with Processing software. It permets an interactive comunication between the viewer and the data. The applica-tion visualize data from 2005-2010. The application link concepts as origin, tons received, and travelled kilometers of merchandise. It establish realtionships between these concepts and global economy and society from 2005 to 2011.

Project developed at Medialab-Prado on the Visualizar'11: Understanding Infrastructures, celebrated from June 14 to July 1, 2011

MercaMadrid's importance as an urban infrastructure contrasts with its slight visibility as a physical and discursive location in the city.

This project aims to envis-age MercaMadrid and to establish it as an urban focal point where topics of public interest are discussed.This project aims to shed some light on Madrid food flows through visualization. Using Merca-madrid open data, we plan to answer basic questions about our consumption habits, self-sustainability and how food is distributed on a daily basis. This project analyzes too how production logics have evolved in last years because of changes in our supply chain, based on an anthropological study now in progress. We are particu-larly interested in examin-ing how some of the controversies which, as semiotic-material constants in the city´s ecology, circulate through food flows and contribute to define the political agenda of the city.
