Measuring Programmer Performance with SourceKibitzer EyeQ

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Measuring Programmer Performance with
SourceKibitzer EyeQ The fastest growing metrics portal for Open Source Projects

"People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge."

Lao-tzu(604 BC 531 BC)

Programming is a creative job

Programmer is like painter

So how to measure
programmers work?

Theoretically it is impossible...

Practically, SourceKibitzer EyeQ does that

EyeQ automatically collects set of key performance indicators

Each indicator sheds the light on performance of the programmer

KPIs: know-how, contribution, activity, complexity, code stability, team-friendliness

Is it really possible? How it works?

Our customers love it:

The metrics used by SourceKibitzer are very helpfull

We at GridGain have used EyeQ to generate reports about our development process and have found them very useful.

Experts think it is innovative:

EyeQ is finalist for SoftwareCEO Innovation Awards

Need to measure your creative programmers?

Let us know about your interest:
1. Email us: [email protected]
2. Skype us: (id: kofman)
3. Call us in USA: +1 (408) 426-8006
4. Call us in Europe: + (372) 517-8945

Thank you for your time.

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SourceKibitzer EyeQ measuring programmer performance
