Masthead Tagline Central Image Plug Puff Barcode Anchorage text Pric e Colour/ Font Left-side third

Magazine conventions

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Page 1: Magazine conventions



Central Image




Anchorage text



Left-side third

Page 2: Magazine conventions

EvaluationI think this magazine isn’t very successful in my opinion I believe this because of the font and colours used. I don’t think that they should of used such a plain background colour; Although on the other hand it is successful as you can see the writing and different sections of the magazine. I believe the magazine have done the cover in this colour as it is a social realist film therefore showing a dull background as it doesn’t need all the pictures and colours like the Hollywood movies have.

I believe this has appealed to the audience of this magazine, who are a social realist audience. Where as I do not believe that it has applied to the wider audience, as if I seen this on a shelf I wouldn’t pick it up or be interested what it is or what is in it.

Page 3: Magazine conventions





Central image


Anchorage text


Left-side third


Page 4: Magazine conventions

EvaluationI feel as if this magazine cover is a successful front cover as it has cover and will stand out on a magazine shelf. As the actress on the front isn’t famous they use the font of ‘21st century girl’ to appeal to the audience. They way they have her forwards and then the backwards setting at the back shows where the film is going to be set, and that it is a social realist British film.

The way they have shown the plugs and skylines attracts the audience as bright colours but not too much away from the main anchorage text and the main picture.

Out of all the three magazine covers I have analysed this Is my favourite and promotes the film ‘Fish Tank’ to me more.

Page 5: Magazine conventions


Left-side third

Central image




Anchorage text


Page 6: Magazine conventions


This magazine cover is successful in my opinion as the font around the central image is bright and bold enough for audiences to look. Due to how famous Ewan McGregor is the main image can be plain as his face alone promotes the film due to his huge success and acting ability.

The left-side third is important on this image and sells the other things in the magazine to me, the price and barcode are in a good small place which isn’t noticeable so you can just focuses on the central imagine and anchorage text around it. The central image is so important and show but still does not over power the ‘Sight and Sound’ skyline.