SMW Presentation, 08 February 2011 The Infi-Knit Project

Macmillan's knitition

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Macmillan Cancer (a UK charity) encouraged people to sign their Government petition, and in return, signatures automatically contributed to a knitted scarf.

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SMW Presentation, 08 February 2011

The Infi-Knit Project

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→There are currently 2 million people in the UK who are living with and affected by cancer.

→One of the biggest challenges facing cancer patients is keeping warm during the winter months.

→Having a cancer diagnosis often means spending long periods at home and the treatment often means they are more likely to feel the affects of the cold.

→This means higher heating and energy bills at a time of financial uncertainty which often surrounds those with cancer who may have had to take time away from their job and career.


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→ Macmillan’s fuel poverty campaign aims to secure more support for people living with cancer with their energy bills from government and energy suppliers.

→ In 2010 the government announced a new scheme called the Warm Home Discount. The scheme, which will be launched in April 2011, will provide a £135 rebate to help key groups at risk of fuel poverty with their energy bills. In November 2010 the government launched a consultation to ask the public who should be eligible for the scheme.

→ We are calling for: People who are terminally ill should automatically get the rebate and People with cancer most at most at risk of fuel poverty should be eligible to apply and prioritised for the rebate

The Campaign

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→Many people don’t understand why people with cancer are at risk of fuel poverty

→Awareness of the proposed Warm Home Discount scheme is extremely low

→The campaign has been running since 2008 and needed to be refreshed

→To influence the consultation we need to show mass support for our calls

Campaign Challenges

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→In order to drive awareness of the fuel poverty issue and galvanise Macmillan supporters to encourage the government to take action, we worked closely with agency LBi to create a rather unusual and different online petition.

→Arguably the most universal image of keeping warm, what could be a more suitable symbol for our campaign against fuel poverty than the humble scarf? We aim to create the World’s longest scarf created through online collaboration.

→Sign the petition and place your knit on the scarf by answering one simple question, “what makes you feel warm?”. The answer is then translated into a pattern which is knitted by our computer-controlled Knit-bot.

The Idea

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→ Interest turned into participation via a fun and engaging interface

→ Novelty value of World’s first virtually-knitted scarf petition

→ Campaign facts displayed during the journey

→ Further actions just a click away

Campaign Architecture: Website Experience

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Site design process

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The knitting machine

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The site – www.infi-knit.org.uk

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1. Email to current supporters

2. Macmillan Facebook pages

3. Macmillan Twitter feed

4. Blog ambassadors

5. Partner sites

Campaign Architecture: Entry Points

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→ Email explains campaign

→ Links to campaign site

→ Audience segment: existing e-


Email to current supporters

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→ Promotion via FB activity

→ Explains campaign

→ Links to campaign site

→ Audience segment: existing followers with

younger bias

Macmillan Facebook pages

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Macmillan Twitter feed

→ Tweet trails campaign

→ Bit.ly link to campaign site and tracking

→ Hashtag adds branding element and awareness

→ Audience segment: existing supporters with

younger bias and interest in fun, socially

responsible campaigns

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→ Blogger and followers post about campaign and

host widget

→ Leverage social influence amongst highly

interested and relevant audience

→ Links to campaign site via editorial and widget

→ Bloggers may amplify campaign via Twitter and


→ Audience segment: socially engaged with

standing loyalty to blogs

→ Blogger and followers post about campaign and

host widget

→ Leverage social influence amongst highly

interested and relevant audience

→ Links to campaign site via editorial and widget

→ Bloggers may amplify campaign via Twitter and


→ Audience segment: socially engaged with

standing loyalty to blogs

Social ambassador

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→ Support from partners like Boots, New Look and

Poundland campaign

→ Links from partner intranet sites to campaign site with


→ Addition of widgets and banners to promote


→ Partners may support campaign through email,

Facebook, Twitter etc.

→ Audience segment: various

→ Support from partners like Boots, New Look and

Poundland campaign

→ Links from partner intranet sites to campaign site with


→ Addition of widgets and banners to promote


→ Partners may support campaign through email,

Facebook, Twitter etc.

→ Audience segment: various

Corporate Partners

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Facebook and Twitter feedback

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Facebook and Twitter updates, links to site

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Knit-stats this morning…

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→ Around 3,500 people signed our woolly scarf petition

→ Over 1,400 people wrote to the consultation team to echo our calls

→ The campaign has already recruited over 2,000 new e-campaigners

→ Generated 4,324,023 new opportunities for people to read about Fuel Poverty Campaign in regional and national press


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→ The completed scarf will be presented to Government at the end of the campaign in March as an ongoing and powerful symbol that many people with cancer are vulnerable to feeling cold and need support with paying their energy bills.

→ We will have a celebrity stunt with the scarf...

The Scarf

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