Logical Volume Manager. An Introduction

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Introduction to LVM and how it is related with other modules like LUKS.

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  • 1. Logical Volume Manager
      • An Introduction

2. Logical Volume Manager What is?

  • LVM(Logical Volume Manager) allows to manage disks in a different way: creates one or more virtual disks with virtual partitions, from physical partitions
  • No limited by physical disk

3. Logical Volume Manager What is?

  • LVM(Logical Volume Manager) allows to manage disks in a different way: creates one or more virtual disks with virtual partitions, from physical partitions
  • No limited by physical disk

4. Logical Volume Manager Concepts

  • Physical Volume(PV) : physical partition from real disk
  • Volume Group(VG) : like a virtual disk
  • Logical Volume(LV) : a partition in a Volume Group
  • Physical Extent(PE) : like a 'cluster' in PV
  • Logical Extent(LE) : like a 'cluster' in LV

5. Logical Volume Manager Concepts

  • Create one or more VG from one or more PV, and then create LVs in each VG

VG /dev/sda1 /dev/vg/lv1 /dev/sda2 /dev/vg/lv2 /dev/vg/lv3 6. Logical Volume Manager PVs

  • pvcreate: creates a PV
  • pvremove: removes a PV
  • pvdisplay: shows information about a PV
  • pvscan: scan all PVs in the system
  • pvck: check a PV for errors

(1) Create one or more partitions with fdisk, with type LVM (2)pvcreate /dev/ 7. Logical Volume Manager VGs

  • vgcreate: creates a VG
  • vgremove: removes a VG
  • vgextend: extend a VG with more PVs
  • vgreduce: drops PVs from a VG
  • vgdisplay: shows info about VG
  • vgscan: scan for all VGs in system
  • vgchange: change VG properties
  • vgck, vgexport, vgmerge, vgsplit, vgrename

8. Logical Volume Manager VGs (1) Create one or more partitions with fdisk, with type LVM (2)pvcreate /dev/sda1 (3)pvcreate /dev/hdb2 (4)pvcreate /dev/hdc3 (5)vgcreate myvg /dev/sda1 /dev/hdb2 /dev/hdc3 9. Logical Volume Manager LVs

  • lvcreate: creates a LV
  • lvremove: removes a LV
  • lvscan: scan for all LVs in a system
  • lvdisplay: shows info about a LV
  • lvrename, lvresize, lvreduce, lvchange

10. Logical Volume Manager LVs (1) Create a VG (2)lvcreate -L -n lvcreate -L10G -n mylv myvg It creates/dev/myvg/mylv(a link to/dev/mapper/myvg-mylv ) mkfs.ext3 /dev/myvg/mylv 11. Logical Volume Manager Snapshots

  • A snapshot is an image of a LV
  • Created instantly
  • Read-only / read-write (LVM2)

lvcreate -s -L -n RW: lvcreate -s -L1G -n mylv-snapshot /dev/myvg/mylv RO: lvcreate -s -L1G -n mylv-snapshot -p r /dev/myvg/mylv 12. Logical Volume Manager Snapshots

  • Snapshot is like a 'pointer' to the same data in original LV
  • Each time data in original LV is modified (or in snapshot if it was created as RW), a copy is done previously in exception table
  • When it becomes full it is automatically disabled

13. Logical Volume Manager Uses of Snapshots

  • To test: create snapshots and then use them as the main partitions
    • If you don't like something, revert to original and drop the snapshots
  • To backup: use a snapshot to create backups
    • This way, you can continue to work while backuping is done, without a problem of having an inconsistency

lvcreate -s -L1G -n snaproot /dev/vg/lvroot run-backup.sh /dev/vg/snaproot lvremove -f /dev/vg/snaproot 14. Logical Volume Manager LVM and other technologies /dev/* /dev/mapper/* /dev/* /dev/* /dev/md0 LUKS RAID 15. Logical Volume Manager LVM and other technologies /dev/* /dev/mapper/* /dev/* /dev/vg/* /dev/* /dev/* /dev/vg/* LUKS LVM 16. Logical Volume Manager LVM and other technologies /dev/* /dev/vg/* /dev/vg/* LUKS LVM 17. Logical Volume Manager LVM and other technologies /dev/vg/* /dev/* /dev/mapper/* LUKS LVM 18. Logical Volume Manager LVM and other technologies /dev/vg/* /dev/vg/* /dev/* /dev/* LUKS LVM RAID 19. Logical Volume Manager LVM and other technologies /dev/* /dev/* /dev/* /dev/vg1/* /dev/* /dev/* /dev/* /dev/vg2/* /dev/vg3/* /dev/vg3/* LUKS LUKS LVM LVM LVM 20. Logical Volume Manager My Laptop /dev/sdaA tmp home swap sbox root var music /dev/sdaB /dev/sdaC LUKS VG-CRYPT VG-UNCRYPT 21. Logical Volume Manager The End That's all, folks!