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Link Building Glossary: Your Fast Start Learning To Generate Your Backlinks

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Link Building Glossary: Your Fast Start Learning To Generate Your Backlinks

With this Link Building Glossary, you would get to master the intricacies of link building to get better PageRank and free organic traffic.

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Link Building Glossary: Your Fast Start Learning To Generate Your Backlinks


In hypertext systems, a link is a reference to another page.

This kind of links are occasionally labelled hot links since they get you to other document when you simply click on them.

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Link Building Glossary: Your Fast Start Learning To Generate Your Backlinks

Link Building

Link Building is the methodical process of making link-worthy content to create one-way and reciprocal backlinks to increase search engine ranking in the search engine result pages for each of the webpages.

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Link Building Glossary: Your Fast Start Learning To Generate Your Backlinks


Inbound links are links received by a web node (website page, directory, internet site, or top level domain) from another web node.

Backlinks are sometimes identified as back links, incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links.

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One-way Backlinks

One-way Inbound links are Backlinks that are pointing in one way only from website A to website B.

Search engines would consider this as a vote to the destination web site B and hence this will certainly assist in improving the Pagerank of website A.

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Outbound LinksThese are links that go out from a website A to website B. Outbound links are a drain on a site’s total PageRank as they leak PageRank. To mitigate any possible losses, try to make certain outbound links are reciprocated.

The result from reciprocal links can be either a loss or gain to your PageRank as it depends on the PageRank of the web pages at each end and the number of links out from those webpages.

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Reciprocal Links

These are Inbound links that are pointing to each other from web site A to website B and the other way round. These have lower value in comparison to one-way inbound links.

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Internal Links

These are links linking the webpages within a internet site.

These kinds of links do contribute to the distribution of link juice to each of the webpages as well as for simplicity of navigation.

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External Links

These are backlinks and reciprocal links that are not internal links.

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Deep Linking

Building backlinks to other than the domain home page is named deep linking.

This assist to increase the ranking of other webpages in your website when you employ the keyword as the anchor text for the backlinks.

When combine with internal links, deep linking helps in the ranking and all round navigation of your site.

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PageRank is a numeric value that shows how important a web page is on the web.

Google thinks that when one page links to another web page, it is appropriately giving a vote for another page.

The more votes a page has, the more important it becomes.

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PageRankThe worth of the votes are decided by the relevance of the page that cast the vote.

Google only rank each web page and not the site and they are ranked from PageRank 0 to 10, the higher the number the better is the ranking.

Each link to a web page is a vote for that page.

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PageRankPageRank is determined by On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization

On Page Optimization (30% Importance) is determined by the 4 meta tags and content.

Off Page Optimization (70% Relevance )is decided by the inbound links, domain age, site authority.

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Search Engine Ranking

The pages the search engines return to satisfy a query are known as search engine results pages.

Your search engine ranking would certainly decide the order of the placement of your web pages in the search results.

Now this completes all the basic Link Building Glossary.

Link Building Glossary: Your Fast Start Learning To Generate Your Backlinks

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Link Building Glossary: Your Fast Start Learning To Generate Your Backlinks

With this Link Building Glossary, you would get to master the intricacies of link building to get better PageRank and free organic traffic.

Link Building • Boost Your PageRank & Organic Traffic http://www.unisuccess-space.com/link-building.html

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Link Building Glossary: Your Fast Start Learning To Generate Your Backlinks

Thank You…Giap