LIIAR Analysis Of An Existing product.

LIIAR Analysis of Kerrang Magazine

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Page 1: LIIAR Analysis of Kerrang Magazine

LIIAR Analysis Of An Existing product.

Page 2: LIIAR Analysis of Kerrang Magazine

LIIAR Analysis of Front Page: Kerrang!

LanguageThe masthead of the magazine is placed behind the two featured artists bust is still made visible and recognisable by leaving the ‘K’ clear view. This is a common convention used in the production of magazines. It is used as a method of putting the artist forward of the magazine’s name because the artists are the most important part of the magazines. The cover is very busy, a common feature with some music magazines but the name of the band; Tenacious D, is splattered boldly across the centre of the cover making it visible against the masses of text. On the left, there is the common convention of putting the exclusive stories there. This is an obvious design feature to attract buyers attention when they are stacked against other magazines on the shelf.

InstitutionKerrang! Is produced by the international Bauer Media Group. They are a German Based Company that are known for producing popular magazines like ‘Q’ and ‘Take a Break.’ They are also owners of various Music Channels such as; Kerrang! TV, Q TV, 4Music, The Box and many more popular names.

IdeologyKerrang! Is one of the main names in Metal journalism and therefore reports on a lot of the mainstream bands and can sometimes focus on some bands regularly leaving out some of the upcoming artists that could use some publicity.

Page 3: LIIAR Analysis of Kerrang Magazine

LIIAR Analysis of Front Page: Kerrang!

AudienceKerrang! is targeted at anybody who is associated with the Metal Genre and associated sub genres like; Rock, Nu-Metal, Rap-Rock etc. by covering the mainstream artists, they ensure that they can keep providing information about bands that readers will be drawn to.

RepresentationTo begin with, the masthead is covered in lines that give the impression of cracked or smashed glass. Also, edges of the letters have look as if they have been torn out from somewhere. This could be a visual representation of the sound levels that correspond with the metal genre. It could also interpreted as the mould breaking styles of music that have been created by Meal over the years.

Tenacious D have been Dubbed ‘The Kings’ by the magazine and are seen wearing crowns and robes. These robes are read because red is associated with power and royalty love and lust. Tenacious D contain some musical themes that are orientated towards adult audiences which contain lyrics about sex and love. To complement this, the background is red to contrast the use of white bold text.

Page 4: LIIAR Analysis of Kerrang Magazine

LIIAR Analysis of Front Page: Kerrang!

LanguageThe masthead is seen again here across the top still held against the red banner seen on the front page. This is followed by the ‘Contents’ Heading and the issue date and number. Underneath this, there is an image of on of the other featured artists accompanied with a competition to win an exclusive product. Further beneath this, is a letter from the editor. This is commonly placed here because it will be seen by readers because it is on the first page. If it were to be placed towards the rear of the magazine, it is less likely for it bee seen by readers. On the right hand side of the page, the contents are displayed in full to direct the reader on where to look for each of the sections.

In in contents tab, each section is categorised by black and yellow boxes stating the heading in each one. Within these, there is a brief explanation stating what stories are in each section.

InstitutionKerrang! Is produced by the international Bauer Media Group. They are a German Based Company that are known for producing popular magazines like ‘Q’ and ‘Take a Break.’ They are also owners of various Music Channels such as; Kerrang! TV, Q TV, 4Music, The Box and many more popular names.

IdeologyKerrang! Is one of the main names in Metal journalism and therefore reports on a lot of the mainstream bands and can sometimes focus on some bands regularly leaving out some of the upcoming artists that could use some publicity.

Page 5: LIIAR Analysis of Kerrang Magazine

LIIAR Analysis of Front Page: Kerrang!

AudienceKerrang! is targeted at anybody who is associated with the Metal Genre and associated sub genres like; Rock, Nu-Metal, Rap-Rock etc. by covering the mainstream artists, they ensure that they can keep providing information about bands that readers will be drawn to.

RepresentationThe contents page holds the same theme as the front cover, i.e. the red banner is still at the top signifying the red of Tenacious D. the same type font is used in the lettering maintaining the metal theme.

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LIIAR Analysis of Double Page: Kerrang!


In the spread, standard ruling has bee used as in the way that the first page has been taken up by the title for the feature. Underneath this, is the introductory statement describing the article. On the right of this, there is the first paragraph of the article. The second page holds the band photo that is most likely to hold the rest of the shoot on the adjacent pages.

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LIIAR Analysis of Double Page: Kerrang!

InstitutionKerrang! Is produced by the international Bauer Media Group. They are a German Based Company that are known for producing popular magazines like ‘Q’ and ‘Take a Break.’ They are also owners of various Music Channels such as; Kerrang! TV, Q TV, 4Music, The Box and many more popular names.

IdeologyKerrang! Is one of the main names in Metal journalism and therefore reports on a lot of the mainstream bands and can sometimes focus on some bands regularly leaving out some of the upcoming artists that could use some publicity.

Page 8: LIIAR Analysis of Kerrang Magazine

LIIAR Analysis of Double Page: Kerrang!


the double spread again brings across the theme of the artists Tenacious D in the way that their name has been centred in a red tag. The royalty theme is again displayed with an old style font mimicking one used in the times of chivalry. The word “Rock” has been emphasised to bring out the style of music they play. They are again displayed as kings fashioned in robes and crowns wielding their guitars.

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LIIAR Analysis of Double Page: Kerrang!