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lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

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Save your costing reduce 40% - 70% ?

Page 2: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Introduction:lhandal Energy Solutions Sdn Bhd was conceived out of the goal of becoming a pioneer in the newly established sector of

renewable energy and energy optimization. Since its conception, a variety of technologies have been adapted for the

Malaysian and Singapore market that does our goal justice.!!

The company represents well respected manufacturers from Australia, Germany, Denmark, Austria, the United States of

America, amongst others and further develops and manufactures its own range of energy efficient Hybrid Heat Recovery

Systems. This is necessary due to the fact that the direct utilization of the imported products did not provide for the local

operating environment and as such compromise on system performance when applied directly. ! !

After having proved our technology and specialized system designed for various key properties around Malaysia and

Singapore, Ihandal has now become the preferred partner to a majority of hospitality groups for all their energy saving needs.

Large hospitality groups including Tune Hotels Group, Mayland Group (Based in Hong Kong), IGB Berhad, Seri Pacific, Puteri

Pacific are just some of the clients that have chosen Ihandal Energy.

Today the company has established a stronghold in the Malaysian market offering hot waterenergy

solutions for the domestic as well as the commercial and industrial market. A recent feat is to be the first heating system in

Malaysia and Singapore to be awarded “Pioneer Status” for Energy Efficiency and Innovation by the Malaysian Industrial

Development Authority”, meaning that all ours clients enjoy a 100 percent income tax rebate for the entire capital cost.

With over 30 key large scale properties already using Ihandal’s solutions within a 2 year period, it serves as a testament to the

dedication, knowledge, ability, and trust that Ihandal prides itself upon.!

Page 3: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Pendahuluan:lhandal Energy Solutions didirikan dengan tujuan menjadi pelopor terkini dalam sektor energi dengan konsep

mengoptimalisasikan pemakaian hemat energi. Sejak dikerjakan konsep ini, berbagai teknologi telah disesuaikan untuk

pangsa pasar di Malaysia & Singapura yang menjadi perhatian kami.

Perusahaan mempelajari dari produsen lainnya dari Australia, Jerman, Denmark, Austria, Amerika Serikat yang

mengembangkan dan memproduksi berbagai teknologi hemat energi yang dikenal sebagai Hybrid Heat Recovery Systems.

Hal ini diperlukan karena pemanfaatan secara langsung produk impor terkadang tidak sesuai bagi kondisi lingkungan kita dan

perlu banyak penyesuaian pada sistem bila diterapkan secara langsung.

Setelah terbukti berhasil teknologi kami dan sistem khusus yang dirancang untuk penyesuaian berbagai permasalahan utama

di seluruh Malaysia dan Singapore, Ihandal kini menjadi mitra pilihan bagi sebagian besar dari kelompok perhotelan untuk

semua kebutuhan hemat energi mereka. Grup perhotelan besar termasuk Tune Hotels Group, Mayland Group (Berbasis di

Hong Kong), IGB Berhad, Seri Pacific, Puteri Pacific adalah beberapa dari klien yang telah memilih menggunakan Ihandal


Perusahaan telah mendapatkan kepercayaan pasar di Malaysia sebagai solusi hot waterenergy untuk domestik maupun

pasar komersial dan industri. Perusahaan kami diberikan prestasi “ Pioner” yang pertama pada sistem pemanas di Malaysia

dan Singapura untuk Efisiensi Energi dan Inovasi oleh Otoritas Pengembangan Industri Malaysia, yang berarti bahwa semua

klien kami menikmati 100 persen potongan pajak penghasilan untuk seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan.

Dengan lebih dari 30 Properti skala besar sudah menggunakan solusi Ihandal dalam jangka waktu 2 tahun, ini membuktikan

sebagai dedikasi, pengetahuan, kemampuan, dan percaya atas Ihandal.!

Page 4: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

After sales serviceIhandal prides itself of providing its customer with the highest level of service and after-sales

service. We have accessible in-house trained service technicians and supervisors. With more

than 20 full time service professionals, we offer 24 hours immediate site response to all our

clients in Malaysia.

Preventive Maintenance & ServiceAgreements are tailor made for each system solution though one of the benefits of our

systems is minimal maintenance at most.

However, we have also established an optional remote monitoring system that is one of a

kind. It has the ability to measure the energy used if any, temperature output, pressure and

flow, which will help our technicians/engineers in our office diagnose the problem before

dispatching a team with the needed replacement parts. This is a innovative solution that is

unique to our Hybrid Heating Systems.!

Page 5: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Pelayanan Purna JualUntuk layanan purna jual Ihandal memberikan pelayanan pelanggan dengan tingkat kepuasanyang tinggi. Kami memiliki teknisi layanan dan supervisor lebih dari 20 orang yang terlatihsecara profesional di Malaysia dan kami menawarkan 24 jam respon langsung ke semua klienkami disana.

Maintenance & ServiceSalah satu keunggulanan manfaat dari sistem kami adalah perawatan secara minimal dankami juga telah memiliki sistem pemantauan dari jarak jauh. Ia memiliki kemampuan untukmengukur energi yang digunakan, keluaran suhu, tekanan dan aliran, yang akan membantuteknisi kami / insinyur di kantor kami mendiagnosa masalah sebelum pengiriman tim dengansuku cadang yang dibutuhkan. Ini adalah solusi inovatif yang unik untuk Sistem PemanasanHybrid kami.!...

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Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Product Development!Ihandal will continue to search for products and technologies globally that can support the company’s effort to expand its business

in the market. In situations where components or products are not available and/or are not currently cost effective, the company

commits to channel its efforts to develop and manufacture such components or products in the near future. We are currently

actively pursuing the application of a grant from SMIDEC to set up our own manufacturing facilities to aid in further reducing the

costs and making our technologies more accessible to a wider range of consumers.!

Heat Pump – Besides having direct access to world market leaders of heat pump technologies, Ihandal has joined forces with

well-known OEM manufacturers of airconditioning Components and products to produce efficient heat pumps to perform optimally

in the climatic conditions and the requirements for the Asian market. The heat pumps range from small domestic, to large

commercial / industrial as well as for pool heating applications, however using world-renowned parts such as compressors from

Copeland Scroll, variable speed drives from Danfoss and pump solutions from Grundfos.!

Heat Recovery System – Utilizing the waste heat from the air-conditioner condenser unit or other energy equipments and

channelling it to heat up water is a very economical way of energy usage. We developed the heat recovery system for tapping

waste energy from aircondition-,Chiller- refrigeration-, compressor- or diesel engine plants. The concept is today being recognized

by large players within the refrigeration industry and being supported by full warranty on compressor units involved. To make this

concept a reality, the controller is an integrated part of the concept and which will ensure maximum energy recovery and at the

same time protect the equipment at both the hot water and the refrigeration side!!

Hybrid Heating Systems – Combines multiple energy efficient heat sources to produce a overall solution that is faultless

and zero energy leaks and wastage in its design and operation. More details can be found in technology write-up. !

Page 7: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Pengembangan Produk!

Ihandal selalu mencari produk dan teknologi secara global yang dapat mendukung upaya perusahaan untuk mengembangkan

usahanya di pasar. Dalam situasi di mana komponen atau produk tidak tersedia dan / tidak saat ini dengan biaya yang efektif,

perusahaan berkomitmen untuk berupaya untuk mengembangkan dan memproduksi komponen atau produk tersebut dalam waktu

dekat. Kami sedang aktif mengejar penerapan hibah pengetahuan dari SMIDEC untuk kami mendirikan fasilitas manufaktur sendiri

untuk membantu lebih mengurangi biaya dan membuat Teknologi kami lebih mudah diakses ke semua konsumen.!

Pompa Panas - Selain memiliki akses langsung ke pemimpin pasar dunia teknologi untuk pompa panas, Ihandal telah bergabung

dengan produsen OEM yang terkenal dengan Komponen Penyejuk dan produsen pompa panas yang efisien untuk tampil

maksimal di berbagai kondisi iklim untuk kebutuhan pasar Asia . Penggunaan Pompa panas berkisar dari skala kecil dalam negeri,

hingga skala besar komersial / industri ,serta untuk kolam renang yang memerlukan pemanasan, dan menggunakan alat terkenal

di dunia seperti kompresor dari Copeland Scroll, variabel kecepatan drive dari Danfoss dan solusi pompa dari Grundfos.!

Sistem Heat Recovery - Memanfaatkan limbah panas dari unit kondensor AC atau peralatan energi lainnya dan menyalurkannya

untuk memanaskan air adalah cara yang sangat ekonomis penggunaan energi. Kami mengembangkan sistem pemulihan panas

untuk menekan energi limbah dari aircondition-,Refrigeration- Chiller mesin compressor- atau diesel. Konsep ini sekarang diakui

oleh pemain besar dalam industri pendingin dan didukung oleh garansi penuh pada unit kompresor yang terlibat. Untuk membuat

konsep ini menjadi kenyataan, controller merupakan bagian terintegrasi dari konsep dan yang akan memastikan pemulihan energi

maksimum dan pada saat yang sama melindungi peralatan baik di air panas dan sisi pendingin !!

Sistem Pemanasan Hybrid - Menggabungkan sumber panas yang efisien beberapa energi untuk menghasilkan solusi

keseluruhan yang sempurna dan kebocoran nol energi dan pemborosan dalam desain dan operasi. Rincian lebih lanjut dapat

ditemukan dalam teknologi dibawah. !

Page 8: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Who is Ihandal Energy?Ihandal is an energy saving solutions provider that prides itself on its engineering abilities. It offers customized Mechanical and Electricalsolutions for each prospective client to produce maximum energy and operation savings in areas such as water heating and airconditioning, the two largest energy consumers in a building.

How does Ihandal work?1. Ihandal undertakes a detailed energy audit on all areas that have energy savings potential.2. Results of study is processed by team of engineers and respective solutions that are required are custom designed to meet the site’srequirements.3. A “Guaranteed Savings Proposal” is submitted to client.4. Upon acceptance, Ihandal undertakes all necessary work to be completed with small initial cost to owner.5. Upon one month’s operation of Ihandal’s solution, an audit is done to verify the savings.6. The Client either buys the system outright or proceeds with a savings sharing contract, where a percentage of the savings is paid toIhandal on a monthly basis. The percentage and term and agreed upon a project basis.

Key Operational Advantages of Ihandal’s Solutions:• 86% reduced heat and energy losses• 550% operating efficiency compared to 80% (conventional heating solutions)• 5-10 years comprehensive warranty with consistent performance• Minimal System Maintenance• 75% reduction in system footprint• 100% Investment Tax Allowance + 20% Annual Depreciation for 5 years

Page 9: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Siapa Ihandal Energy?Ihandal adalah penyedia solusi penghematan energi dengan kemampuan engineering. Ia menawarkan solusi Mekanikal dan Elektrikal yangdisesuaikan untuk setiap klien guna menghasilkan penghematan energi dan operasi maksimum di berbagai bidang seperti pemanasan airdan pendingin udara, dua factor energi terbesar di dalam gedung.

Bagaimana cara kerja Ihandal ?1. Ihandal melakukan audit energi secara rinci pada semua daerah yang memiliki potensi penghematan energi.2. Hasil penelitian diolah dengan tim insinyur dan mencari solusi yang diperlukan secara khusus dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhansitus.3. " Dijamin Proposal Penghematan" yang disampaikan kepada klien.4. Setelah diterima, Ihandal melakukan semua pekerjaan yang diperlukan selesai, dengan biaya awal ringan kepada pemilik.5. Setelah operasi satu bulan solusi Ihandal itu, audit dilakukan untuk memverifikasi tabungan.6. Klien bisa membeli sistem langsung atau bagi hasil dengan kontrak bagi Penghematan, di mana persentase penghematan dibayarkankepada Ihandal secara bulanan. Persentase dan panjang dan disepakati dengan perjanjian di awal.

Key Operational Advantages of Ihandal’s Solutions:• menghindari kerugian 86% berkurang panas dan energi• efisiensi operasional 550% dibandingkan dengan 80% (solusi pemanasan konvensional)• garansi 5-10 tahun yang komprehensif dengan kinerja yang konsisten• Pemeliharaan Sistem Minimal• pengurangan 75% dalam sistem footprint• 100% Investasi Tax Allowance + 20% Penyusutan tahunan selama 5 tahun

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The Ritz Carlton Kuningan, Jakarta

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The Ritz Carlton Kuningan, Jakarta

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Client Previous System Annual Savings (RM / %)

Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur Electric Element RM 131,573.52 / 72.3 %

Boulevard Hotel Mid Valley LPG Boiler RM 155,000.00 / 81.6 %

Cititel Hotel Mid Valley Heat Machine RM 164,088.64 / 67.2 %

Cititel Hotel Penang Chiller Heat Recovery RM 139,216 / 73.6 %

Puteri Pacific Hotel Johor Bahru Diesel Boiler RM 159,260 / 69.5 %

One World Hotel Petaling Jaya Natural Gas Boiler RM 80,000 / 42.3 %

Grand Dorsett Hotel Subang Jaya Heat Machine RM 135,000 / 75%

Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur Diesel Boiler RM 1,100,000 / 90%

Proven Track-Record:! !Ihandal’s solutions have been adopted in small residential developments to a 1000-roomliving quarters. It is this flexibility in design that has given Ihandal the edge. Here are somenotable examples of implementations across Malaysia.!

Page 14: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Tune Hotels LCCT

Tune Hotels Jalan Burma

Tune Danga Bay Johor Bahru

Tune Hotels Kulim

Tune Hotels Ipoh

Tune Hotels Kota Bahru

Tune Hotels KL Extension

Tune Hotels Cyberjaya

Tune Hotels Alor Setar

Ascott Cyberjaya

Boulevard Hotel Mid Valley

Cititel Hotel Mid Valley

Cititel Hotel Penang

One World Hotel BandarUtama

Grand Dorsett Hotel Subang

Silka Hotel Plaza Phoenix

Gleneagles Hospital Jalan Ampang

Gleneagles Hospital Extension


Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur

Oriental Hotel Penang Road

Penang Swimming Club

Puteri Pacific Johor Bahru

Star City Hotel Kota Kinabalu

Grand Alora Hotel Alor Setar

Grand Inn Hotel Macalister Roa

Light Hotel Penang

Equatorial Hotel Penang Executive


Equatorial Hotel Ho Chi Minh City

Empire Hotel Subang Jaya

Equatorial Melaka

Equatorial Cameron Highlands

Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya (Former

Equatorial Bangi)

1 Sendayan Club House Seremban

Doubletree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur

Hilton Hotel Kuching

Page 15: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 16: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 17: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 18: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 19: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 20: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 21: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 22: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 23: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 24: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 25: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 26: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 27: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 28: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 29: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 30: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 31: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 32: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 33: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 34: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 35: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho

Page 36: lhandal Energy Solutions Energy Saving Solutions Provider

Widyanto Duta Nugroho LINE : widyanto || WhatsApp / SMS: 08568525068 || Y!M : [email protected] ||

GTalk : [email protected] || 02193658144 / 02133565928 || http://bit.ly/widyantodutanugroho