JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop

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Time to talk your JavaScript to the next level. Join us as we take a normal jQuery document.ready block and start to break it into objects, use the prototype model, investigate scope, and self-executing JavaScript blocks.We'll be guided in our journey by Mario and his friends, as well as a full-demo and source code, complete with a poor-man's animation of Luigi kicking ass with a fireball. We'll also run through the basics of Backbone.js and which parts to use and avoid based on your application.And because you're a PHP developer, we'll see how JavaScript object-oriented principles would look like if they were written in PHP.http://weaverryan.github.com/php-js-playground/https://github.com/weaverryan/php-js-playground

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Page 1: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop


Ryan Weaver@weaverryan

Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 2: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop

7 tips for writing JavaScript like a jerk

+What to take and leave in


Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 3: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop

Who is this dude?• Co-author of the Symfony2 Docs

• KnpLabs US - Symfony consulting, training, Kumbaya

• Writer for KnpUniversity.comscreencasts

• Fiancee of the much more talented @leannapelham -----> June 9th, 2012!


Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 4: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop

Chapter 1: Java$criptQuery

Look mom, I’m a JavaScript professional

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

Page 5: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop

1. jQuery(document).ready(...)2. 1500 lines, with deeply nested anonymous functions3. Profit! $$$

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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Too soon?... sry fb, luv u kthxbye

Thursday, May 24, 12

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The brains behind this presentation...

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<div class="mario box"> .mario <div class="luigi box"> .luigi <div class="kick-butt">...</div> <a href="#" class="peach box"> .peach </a> </div></div>

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jQuery(document).ready(function() { var $luigi = $('.event-details .luigi');

$luigi.click(function() { $(this).addClass('active'); return false; });});

Let’s kick some arse!

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0 - The starting point


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Princess Pro-tip

Instead of listening to this guy drone on, just find, fork and play with the code



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‣ Click either .luigi or .peach‣ the .luigi wrapper gets the active class

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Mario’s bad JavaScript tip #1:

Ignore the jQuery “event” object, it’s probably stupid...


http://bit.ly/php-js-demo01 - The jQuery Event

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Events happen

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1) You click!2) An event travels up the tree

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Browser eventversus

jQuery event

‣ The browser event contains all the information about what happened

‣the jQuery event cleans up cross-browser compatibility ugliness

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$luigi.click(function(event) { // ...});

‣ event.target: The actual element that received the click

‣ event.currentTarget: The element that this listener was attached to

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$luigi.click(function(event) { // ...});

Our listener is registeredon .luigi

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If you click .peach:event.target: .peachevent.currentTarget: .luigi

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If you click .luigi:event.target: .luigievent.currentTarget: .luigi

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* unless you screw with scope, which we’ll see!

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$luigi.click(function(event) { // these are the same! $(event.currentTarget) .addClass('active'); $luigi.addClass('active');});

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Preventing the damn “#” on the URL

$luigi.click(function() { $(this).addClass('active'); return false;});

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Princess Pro-tip

return false stops propagation, and is a great way to screw

with your teammate’s events


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$luigi.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault();

// ...});

... but if you like your coworkers...

The event keeps traveling up the DOM

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Bad JavaScript moral #1:

jQuery’s event object is a dangerous source of useful

information and control

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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Mario bad JavaScript tip #2:

Avoid using objects: they threaten to organize your code...

and are creepy...


http://bit.ly/php-js-demo02 - Basic jQuery Objects

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A PHP object

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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class MagicBoxes{ public function initializeClick($wrapper) { // ... }}

$magicBoxes = new MagicBoxes();$magicBoxes->initializeClick('something');

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A JavaScript object

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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var MagicBoxes = { someProperty: 0,

initializeClick: function($container) { // ... }};


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Just like with PHP, you can choose to organize your code

into objects and functions

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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var MagicBoxes = { initializeClick: function($container) { $container.find('.luigi') .click(this._handleLuigiClick); },

_handleLuigiClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $luigi.addClass('active'); }};jQuery(document).ready(function() { var $wrap = $('.mario-world'); MagicBoxes.initializeClick($wrap);});

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Princess Pro-tip

Be careful with objects, they can

increase readability, which threatens job


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Objects: Advantages

‣ All of the logic of this “mini-app” is wrapped up inside a named object

‣ The jQuery document.ready is skinny: contains simple, descriptive calls to the object

‣ The object methods are reusable

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// hola! I’m just a local variablevar MagicBoxes = { // ...};

// I’m a global variable, available anywherewindow.MagicBoxes = {


Object Scope

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window.foo = 'foo-window';console.log(foo);// prints "foo-window"

bar = 'bar-global';console.log(window.bar);// prints "bar-global"

the “window”

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Bad JavaScript moral #2:

Using global objects risks organizing your code into

separate, distinct units

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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Mario’s bad JavaScript tip #3:

JavaScript’s “prototype” object model is too scary to use


http://bit.ly/php-js-demo03 - Intro to the JS Prototype

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Everything is an object

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var object1 = { fooProperty: 'foo!'}

console.log(object1.fooProperty);// prints “foo!”

An object with a property

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var alsoAnObject = function() { return 'foo-return!'};alsoAnObject.barProperty = 'bar!';

console.log(alsoAnObject.barProperty);// prints “bar!”

console.log(alsoAnObject());// prints “foo-return!”

Also an object with a property

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In PHP, we can create a class and then instantiate many


@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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class MagicBoxes{ public function __construct($option) { // ... }}

$magicBoxes1 = new MagicBoxes('foo');

$magicBoxes2 = new MagicBoxes('bar');Thursday, May 24, 12

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How can we do this in JavaScript?

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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Imagine if we could do this craziness in PHP

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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$magicBox = function($var) { $this->var = $var;

$this->initialize();};$magicBox->prototype->initialize = function() { var_dump($this->var);};

$magicBoxObj = new $magicBox('something');// causes "something" to be printed

ImaginationLand PHP code

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Yep, that’s how it works in JavaScript!

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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#1: Create a function

window.MagicBoxes = function($container) { this.$el = $container; this.initialize();};

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#2: Add things to your future object

MagicBoxes.prototype.initialize = function() { var $luigi = this.$el.find('.luigi'); $luigi.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault();

$(this).toggleClass('active'); });};

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#2: Add things to your future object

MagicBoxes.prototype.initialize = function()

The “prototype” is a magic place where you stick “future” things that will become a

part of the eventual new object

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#3: Instantiate your new object

jQuery(document).ready(function() { var $mario = $('.mario-world'); var magicBoxApp = new MagicBoxes($mario);});

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#4: Beers!

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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Princess Pro-tip

Your speaker is a liar and a thief.

Using the prototype is for sissies!

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Bowser rebuttal

Don’t listen to her!A gentleman and scholar named Garrison Locke is going to teach us the prototypical object model of JavaScript

tomorrow at 11:30 AM

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Peach come-back

No you didn’t! Mario and I both agree that using objects in JavaScript is all weird! Viva the 1500 line jQuery


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Bowser final word

Seriously, this is why I fight against you guys

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Bowser final word

Your ignorance may seem blissful, but you work as a

detriment towards the larger cause of evolving

and learning asa community

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Bowser final word

Thank God Garrison Locke will be teaching us Object-

oriented JavaScript tomorrow at 11:30 AM.

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Bowser final word

He’s a much better speaker than this guy

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Ryan does damage control on his presentation

Dude, I’m right here

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Purple is a manly color

You really like that shirt...

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Bad JavaScript moral #3:

Don’t use jQuery’s prototype or go to Garrison Locke’s

presentation tomorrow if you want unreadable JavaScript

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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Mario’s bad JavaScript tip #4:

“this” probably always means “this”... don’t ask questions


http://bit.ly/php-js-demo04 - Scoping Concerns

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$magicBox = new MagicBoxes('foo');$foo = new Foo();

// imaginary PHP function// this calls $magicBox->doSomething()// BUT, forces $this to actual be $foo inside// that object. Madness!call_func($magicBox, 'doSomething', $foo);

ImaginationLand PHP code

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With JavaScript objects, “this” may not always be what you

think it is

@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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window.Boxes = function($container) { this.$el = $container;

var $luigi = this.$el.find('.luigi'); $luigi.on('click', this._luigiClick);};

Boxes.prototype._luigiClick = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.luigiFights($(this));};

Boxes.prototype.luigiFights = function($luigi) { $luigi.toggleClass('active');};

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Boxes.prototype._luigiClick = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.luigiFights($(this));};

Is it our Boxes object?

Or is it the DOM element that triggered the jQuery event?

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Boxes.prototype._luigiClick = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.luigiFights($(this));};

“this” is actually the DOM element that triggered the jQuery event

so “this” will not work pun intended...

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window.Boxes = function($container) { this.$el = $container;

var $luigi = this.$el.find('.luigi'); $luigi.on( 'click', $.proxy(this._luigiClick, this) );};

Boxes.prototype._luigiClick = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.makeLuigiFight($(event.currentTarget));};

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window.Boxes = function($container) { this.$el = $container;

var $luigi = this.$el.find('.luigi'); $luigi.on( 'click', $.proxy(this._luigiClick, this) );};

$.proxy forces _luigiClick to have “this” as this

object when called

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Boxes.prototype._luigiClick = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.makeLuigiFight($(event.currentTarget));};

event.currentTarget returns the element that was

registered on this event (formerly “this”)

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Mario’s bad JavaScript tip #5:

Avoid jQuery.extend so that you can repeat yourself as much as

possible: DRY*


* definitely repeat yourselfhttp://bit.ly/php-js-demo

05 - jQuery extendsThursday, May 24, 12

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PHP ImaginationLand// foo has printFoo() method on it$foo = new Foo();

// bar has a printBar() method on it$bar = new Bar();

// now $fooBar has both methods!$fooBar = extend($foo, $bar);$fooBar->printFoo();$fooBar->printBar();

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var foo = { foo: function() { return 'foo-string'; }};var bar = { bar: function() { return 'bar-string'; }};

var fooBar = $.extend(foo, bar);console.log(fooBar.foo(), fooBar.bar());

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Writing bad JavaScript tip #6:

Avoid using “delegate” events, and instead constantly worry

about re-attaching events to new elements


http://bit.ly/php-js-demo06 - Delegate events

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this.$el.on( 'click', '.luigi', $.proxy(this._luigiClick, this));

this.$el.find('.luigi').on( 'click', $.proxy(this._luigiClick, this));

Can you see the difference?

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this.$el.find('.luigi')on( 'click', $.proxy(this._luigiClick, this));

Since the event is registered specifically on

“.luigi”, if any new “.luigi” elements are added, they will not

response to this event

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this.$el.on( 'click', '.luigi', $.proxy(this._luigiClick, this));

The event is registered on the wrapper, but looks for “.luigi”. If new “.luigi” elements are added to the

wrapper, they will automatically trigger the


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$('.foo').live('click', ...);

really just means this

$('body').on('click', '.foo', ...);

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Mario’s bad JavaScript tip #7:

Self-executing JavaScript blocks are just plain scary looking


http://bit.ly/php-js-demo07 - Self-executing blocks

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PHP Imaginationland

$dbConn = ''; // initialize this

$ourPreparedObject = (function($db) { $a = 5; $b = 10; $db->execute('...');

// ... a lot more complex stuff

return $someObject;})($dbConn);

$ourPreparedObject->callSomething();Thursday, May 24, 12

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window.MagicBoxes = (function($) {

return { // do a bunch of craziness };})(jQuery);


JavaScript Real Life

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window.MagicBoxes = (function($) {

return { // do a bunch of craziness };})(jQuery);


This is just a function...

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window.MagicBoxes = (function($) {

return { // do a bunch of craziness };})(jQuery);


Then we execute it, and pass in an argument

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window.MagicBoxes = (function($) {

return { // do a bunch of craziness };})(jQuery);


The function does any craziness it wants, but returns something

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window.MagicBoxes = (function($) {

return { // do a bunch of craziness };})(jQuery);


which we assign to a variable and then use

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And that’s it!

‣ Makes isolated chunks of code

‣ Used by most JavaScript libraries to isolate their code from yours

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@weaverryanThursday, May 24, 12

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Mario’s bad JavaScript tip #8:

Don’t use, or over-use Backbone.js


http://bit.ly/php-js-demo08 - A Backbone View

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‣ Set of tools for creating heavy front-end applications:

* views* models* router

What is Backbone?

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A formalized method for creating a JavaScript object that “manages” a

DOM element

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We’ve been building an object that’s very similar to a Backbone view

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var MagicBoxes = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click .luigi': '_luigiClick' },

initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, '_luigiClick') },

_luigiClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(event.currentTarget) .toggleClass('active'); }});var magicBoxApp = new MagicBoxes({ el: $('.mario-world')});

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var MagicBoxes = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click .luigi': '_luigiClick' },

initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, '_luigiClick') },

_luigiClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(event.currentTarget) .toggleClass('active'); }});var magicBoxApp = new MagicBoxes({ el: $('.mario-world')});

That sure is a simple way to bind to events. And thanks to “delegate” events, when the

DOM updates, the events still fire on new elements!

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var MagicBoxes = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click .luigi': '_luigiClick' },

initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, '_luigiClick') },

_luigiClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(event.currentTarget) .toggleClass('active'); }});var magicBoxApp = new MagicBoxes({ el: $('.mario-world')});

initialize() is automatically called by Backbone.

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var MagicBoxes = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click .luigi': '_luigiClick' },

initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, '_luigiClick') },

_luigiClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(event.currentTarget) .toggleClass('active'); }});var magicBoxApp = new MagicBoxes({ el: $('.mario-world')});

_.bindAll is from underscore.js - it does the same job as jQuery.proxy: guarantees that “this” is

this object in that function

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var MagicBoxes = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click .luigi': '_luigiClick' },

initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, '_luigiClick') },

_luigiClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(event.currentTarget) .toggleClass('active'); }});var magicBoxApp = new MagicBoxes({ el: $('.mario-world')});

We attach a real DOM element to the view by

passing it into a pre-made constructor as “el”. In the object, it’s available via


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A formalized object that just holds key-value data on it

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var Character = Backbone.Model.extend();

var mario = new Character({ 'name': 'Mario'});var peach = new Character({ 'name': 'Peach', 'status': 'captured'});

// change some datapeach.set({ 'status': 'rescued'});

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peach.on('change', function(changedModel) { var name = changedModel.get('name'); console.log(name + ' was updated!');});

// will cause "Peach was updated" to logpeach.set({ 'status': 'rescued'});

Events make them wonderful

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var Character = Backbone.Model.extend();var App = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, '_updateName'); this.model.on('change', this._updateName); this._updateName(); },

_updateName: function() { var name = this.model.get('name'); this.$('.name').html(name); }});

var mario = new Character({ 'name': 'Mario'});

var app = new App({ el: $('.mario-world'), model: mario});

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var Character = Backbone.Model.extend();var App = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, '_updateName'); this.model.on('change', this._updateName); this._updateName(); },

_updateName: function() { var name = this.model.get('name'); this.$('.name').html(name); }});

When the model changes, we can update the DOM anywhere that we’re listening for

that change

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Backbone is a great solution

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But do you have a problem?

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‣ Easy event binding

‣ An object-oriented structure that’s setup for you already

‣ “Patterns” to follow as you get comfortable

Views: Easy win

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‣ There are 2 types of Views:

1) Views applied to existing elements in the DOM (like our example)

2) Views that are given an empty element, and then render using client-side templates and model data

Views: Who Renders?

Easy Win


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‣ A highly interactive app that communicates to a PHP API that is never responsible for rendering any HTML

When to use Models + Views

Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 111: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop


‣ An app where PHP renders HTML

‣ An app where the API isn’t robust

When *not* to use Models + Views

Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 112: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop


‣ If your PHP application renders HTML and you also try to use Backbone Views that render HTML, you’ll need duplicate templates

‣ Do one or the other


Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 113: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop


You can potentially duplicate a lot of work both on the client and server sides:

‣ validation‣ models‣ templates


Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 114: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop


‣ Not really comfortable with a fully-client side application? Use Backbone views attached to existing DOM element

‣ Feel pretty awesome about doing everything in the browser? Dive in :)

Find your Comfort Zone

Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 115: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop


Ryan Weaver@weaverryan

Thursday, May 24, 12

Page 116: JavaScript Best Practices, Backbone.js, and Mario for the PHP Develop

... and we love you!

Ryan Weaver@weaverryan

Ryan Weaver@weaverryan


Thursday, May 24, 12