Italian for techies by Morena Fiore @mfujica

Italian for Techies

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Italian for techies by Morena Fiore @mfujica

Do you know any Italian?

Getting the basics right

- PC – PC - Mac – Mac - Are you a Mac or a PC? – Sei un Mac o un PC? - Mouse – Mouse - iPhone – iPhone - Skype - Skype

- Designer – Designer - Developer – Programmatore - Illustrator – Illustratore - Information Architect – Architetto dell’Informazione

I am Morena and I am a Web DeveloperMi chiamo Morena e sono una Programmatrice

Switch it off and back on again Spegnilo e riaccendilo

Getting off on the right foot...

What team do you support? Per che squadra tifi?

Would you like an espresso? Vuoi un caffe’?

Shall we go to the pub? Andiamo al pub?

I don’t like Rihanna, I prefer Nirvana Non mi piace Rihanna, preferisco i Nirvana

Settling in...

Do we have to support IE6? Supportiamo IE6?

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature Non e’ un errore, funziona cosi

This is a way of seeing it... Questo e’ un punto di vista...

Mastering Italian

How much money should I pay you to get promoted? Quanto devo pagarti per essere promosso?

I am looking for a job... Cerco lavoro...

Would you like to come to a Bunga Bunga party? Vorresti venire a una festa Bunga Bunga?

Thank you! Morena Fiore @mfujica

Images Credits

• http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2789/4299629449_af4aab48c8_o.jpg• http://www.english.rfi.fr/sites/images.rfi.fr/files/aef_image/2011-02-15T130135Z_17133074

92_GM1E72F1MI501_RTRMADP_3_ITALY-BERLUSCONI-TRIAL.JPG• http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cGjOhp5VDiM/TSPcEUj8aPI/AAAAAAAAAUk/d93cj0wsAiM/

s1600/beer.jpg• http://files.myopera.com/Dimilla/albums/5352262/tazzina%20di%20caffe.jpg• http://www2.macleans.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/72952367.jpg• http://www.wallpapersdb.org/original/3414/• http://catswallpaper.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/cat-on-beach.jpg• http://www.freeimageslive.com/galleries/sports/moods%20emotions/pics/

no_way_signP1012669.jpg• http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2x4551932/

girl_with_big_bowl_of_spaghetti_bolognese_is098sn2j.jpg• http://static6.depositphotos.com/1022597/546/i/950/depositphotos_5463091-Euro-

coins.jpg• http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Xrwsgc7vxc0/S8uMSnE4JmI/AAAAAAAABEY/o81yXee_7I0/
