Innovation Partnership Program IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IPP _V7.1_4-15-12

IPP Briefing Deck

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Innovation Partnership ProgramIN PARTNERSHIP WITH

IPP _V7.1_4-15-12

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X PRIZE Foundation & Singularity University

The X PRIZE Foundation

and Singularity University

have teamed up to deliver

an extra ordinary

Innovation Partnership

Program (IPP).IPP is designed to drive innovation and breakthroughs in companies

that are scalable, repeatable, and applicable to your needs. To help

companies transition from “linear” “exponential” organizations

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Why Do Large Companies Have Difficulty Innovating?

1. Technological change is too fast &


2. True innovation comes from

“orthogonal thinking”

3. Companies are too risk averse, and

breakthroughs require significant risks

4. Breakthroughs disrupt current lines of


5. Companies have too many “experts”

who are typically stove-piped and linear


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Singularity University (SU) is the leading institution for teaching exponentially growing technology. SU focuses on what’s in the lab today and coming to market in 2, 5 and 10 years.

Founding Partners: Autodesk, NASA, Google, Cisco, Nokia, Kauffman Foundation, Genentech

Programs: Graduate Studies Program & Executive Programs

Faculty: A deep network of technologists and innovators from the top labs, companies and entrepreneurial groups.“If I were a student, this is where I

would want to be.”

- Larry Page, CEO, Google

What is Singularity Univ?

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The X PRIZE Foundation: World

leader in incentive competitions and

crowd sourced innovation. X PRIZE

partners with leading companies to

drive global competitions for the

radical benefit of humanity.

Focus Areas: Life Sciences; Energy;

Exploration; Education, Global Dev.

Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA

Prize Sponsors & Partners: Google,

Qualcomm, Nokia, NASA, Cisco,

Shell, DOE, Express Scripts,


What is X PRIZE?

“Every time I come to an X PRIZE event I am high for days afterwards. There is nothing like hearing so many great ideas and looking into the eyes of people that really are making such a huge difference.”

- James Cameron, Filmmaker, Explorer,

XPF Trustee

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IPP is the best of SU & X PRIZE, put together into a powerful, inspiring, results-oriented program designed for C-suite and innovation executives.

Meets 2x per year, for 4 Days (Thurs – Sun)

Goal: Change the way we think from Linear Exponential

What is Innovation Partners Program (IPP)?

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Day 1&2: Exponential Thinking – Growth of 7 Key Technology Areas

• Understand the velocity of key technologies (in the lab, coming to market)

• Empowered with the understand that “Anything is Possible”

Day 3 & 4: Incentivized Competition & Crowd-Sourced Innovation

• Understand how the Crowd can help you innovate & remain cutting edge

• Reduce your R&D costs 100-fold by taping into surplus cognitive genius

• Come away with clear, objective targets and a Plan to implement

The Program Overview

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Day 1 & 2 is focus on delivering a coordinated overview of 7 key

exponentially growing technologies. Providing insight into what is in

the lab today, and coming to market over the next 2, 5, and10 years.






Day 1 & 2: Exponential Technologies Content

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• Exponential Thinking: Understand the power of

exponentially growing technologies

• Exponential Trends: Recognize exponential trends and learn

how to apply them.

Day 1 & 2: Objectives - Thinking

• Convergence: Where will

convergence create opportunities?

• Discussion/Reflection: How will this technology affect our key

products and growth? Solve key corporate


How will this technology help us solve

Grand Challenges that our company,

employees and customers care about?

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• IPP matches each company with two “teaming

partners” from other industries to facilitate the

discussion/reflection time;

• This curated effort provides insight & perspective

as colleagues from outside your industry help you

look at problems/opportunities in a new light.

Day 1 & 2: Curated Teaming

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• Day 3 & 4 are modeled after the X PRIZE Visioneering

process – an effective way to identify market failures, set

audacious/achievable goals and drive radical

breakthroughs. Educational content focuses on:

– Incentivized Competition: Learn how to design an

Incentive prize and how such a prize can be used to drive

desired breakthroughs in your company or industry;

– Crowd-sourced Innovation: Learn how to leverage “Global

Genius” – How do you get the world’s smartest people to

help you solve your problems at 1/100th the cost in a

fraction of the time?

Day 3 & 4: Incentive Competitions & Crowd Sourcing

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“No matter who you are, most

of the smartest people work

for someone else.”

- Bill Joy, 1990Following are the “Exponential Organization tools” now available for companies to leverage global genius to solve their problems at a fraction of the time and cost, with no overhead.

(1) Incentive Competitions (5) Gamification

(2) DIY Communities (6) Microwork

(3) Machine Learning Data Competitions (7) Crowd Ideation

(4) Crowd Wisdom

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Incentivized Competitions• Prizes for breakthroughs• Data competitions

DIY Community for R&D• R&D at factions

of traditional costs• Tapping into the

passion of the maker movement

Social Ideation • New product development• Community feedback

and engagement

Crowd Wisdom• Prediction market

Cloud Workforce & Operations• Global micro-workers• Outsourcing via competitions• Distributed manufacturing• Sales of spare resources

Crowd funding• Product presale• Market testing

The Latest Landscape:Crowdsourcing

Models, Ideas & Cases

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• Each participating company will

identify 2 or 3 areas where a

breakthrough would create maximum

benefit. These target areas would then


Generate ~2 X PRIZE Concepts that

could drive meaningful breakthroughs

for your company and industry.

Day 3 & 4: Objectives

Evaluate the top “Exponential Organizational Tools” of use to your company to solve your top problems. Then learn the tools, meet the implementers and use the solutions.

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4 Days of Intensive Immersion

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Opportunity – 30 Innovation Partners

• 30 Select Companies

• 3 Executives per company

• Total of 90 industry leaders

• Collaboration to drive breakthroughs

• Cross industry expertise and pollination

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Key Benefits:

1. Access & Connection: SU’s deep network of technologists,

innovators, faculty and alumni can be brought to bear on specific

challenges and issues of interest to your company (an “on-demand


2. Solution Focused “Turn-key” Approach: Show up with your

biggest problems and we will take you through a process to help

drive new solutions, and turn then into your biggest opportunities.

3. Maximize ROI on Your Sr. Executive’s Time: The 4-day IPP

represents one of the most efficient and powerful ways to deliver

tools and a vision to very busy Senior Executives.

What Will You Get Out of theInnovation Partnership Program?

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Key Benefits: (continued):

4. IPP offers a platform to educate up to 18 Senior Executives

(over a 3 year period) in a consistent and immersive fashion

5. Offers the opportunity to develop powerful collaborations with

29 other innovation Partners.

6. Will result in concrete “innovation objectives/techniques” for

your industry, company & key product lines.

7. A set of educational products that can be brought back to HQ to be

shared; (Option for a 1-day “overview” at HQ)

* 7 Key Tech Areas: AI & Robotics, Networks & Sensors, Digital Medicine, 3D Printing/Manufacturing, Synthetic Biology, Security and Energy.

What Will You Get Out of theInnovation Partnership Program?

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Exp. - Organization1. Incentive


2. Gamification

3. DIY Communities

4. Machine Learning Data Competitions

5. Microwork

6. Crowd Ideation

7. Crowd Wisdom

Linear Exponential

Exp. - Technology1. Computation &

Infinite Computing

2. Networks

3. Artificial Intelligence

4. Robotics

5. Synthetic Biology

6. Digital Medicine

7. 3D Printing

Innovation Partners Program (IPP)

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Participating Innovation Partners

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Membership Level Options

Level 1

- Term: 3 years (2 sessions/year, Fall & Spring)

- 3 Executives per session (can be a mix of executives & clients)

- Total of 18 Execs over 3 years

- Price: $250,000 / year

Level 2

- Term: 3 years (2 sessions/year, Fall & Spring)

- 5 Executives per session (can be a mix of execs & clients)

- Total of 30 Execs over 3 years

- Corporate HQ Session: SU & X PRIZE Foundationwill come and provide a 1-day session (once per year)at your Corporate HQ, with the support of your attending executives to help share the program knowledge.

- Price: $375,000 / year + Travel/Accommodations

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Thank you.For more information, please contact:

Peter H. Diamandis


