Programming in RobotC Introduction to

Introduction to RobotC

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An introduction to RobotC given by the Say Watt robotics team. The example files shown here are also posted online: http://github.com/SayWatt

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Page 1: Introduction to RobotC

Programming in RobotC

Introduction to

Page 2: Introduction to RobotC

Setting Menu Level

Open Up the Advanced Options

Page 3: Introduction to RobotC

Connecting Bluetooth

Page 4: Introduction to RobotC

Connecting Bluetooth

Page 5: Introduction to RobotC

Connecting Bluetooth


Page 6: Introduction to RobotC

Connecting Bluetooth

Page 7: Introduction to RobotC

Connecting Bluetooth

Page 8: Introduction to RobotC

Sample Programs

RobotC: File -> Open Sample Program

Say Watt: http://github.com/SayWatt

Page 9: Introduction to RobotC

First ProgramLet’s make the robot move!

task main() {motor[leftMotor] = 100;motor[rightMotor] = 100;


motor[leftMotor] = 0;motor[rightMotor] = 0;


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task main() {

Tells RobotC: Start Here!

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motor[leftMotor] = 100;

motor[rightMotor] = 100;

Make leftMotor andrightMotor go forward

at full speed.

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Wait 2000 milliseconds.(2 seconds)

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motor[leftMotor] = 0;

motor[rightMotor] = 0;

Make leftMotor andrightMotor stop.

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Tells RobotC: We’re done.

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Up Next: Touch Sensor

task main() {motor[leftMotor] = 100;motor[rightMotor] = 100;

while(SensorValue(touch) != 1) {wait1Msec(50);


motor[leftMotor] = 0;motor[rightMotor] = 0;


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while(SensorValue(touch) != 1) {

“Keep looping through thisuntil the value of‘touch’ equals 1.”

Checks this

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What’s Next?

Try to make these changes:1. Move backwards for 2 sec.

after the button is pressed.

2. Try turning around and goingthe other way.

Page 18: Introduction to RobotC

Light Sensortask main() { motor[leftMotor] = 100; motor[rightMotor] = 100;

while(SensorValue(light) <= 45) { wait1Msec(50); }

motor[leftMotor] = 0; motor[rightMotor] = 0;}

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Call Function Function Does JobFunction Returns


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Basic Functionsvoid startMotors() { motor[leftMotor] = 100; motor[rightMotor] = 100;}

void stopMotors() { motor[leftMotor] = 0; motor[rightMotor] = 0;}

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Passing Valuesvoid setMotors(int speed) { motor[leftMotor] = speed; motor[rightMotor] = speed;}



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Light Sensor Function

bool checkLightSensor() { if(SensorValue(light) <= 45) { return true; }else { return false; }}

True / False

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Line Following

Use the light sensorto follow a white


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3.00 Joystick Bug

Open the JoystickDriver.c

Change line 123 to:const int kMaxSizeOfMessage = 19;

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Analog Sticks



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Returns a bool.

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Basic Joystick Code

task main() { while(true) { getJoystickSettings(joystick);

motor[leftMotor] = joystick.joy1_y1; motor[rightMotor] = joystick.joy1_y2;

wait1Msec(20); }}

Page 29: Introduction to RobotC

“Joystick Drift”

Page 30: Introduction to RobotC

Fixing Driftint leftMotorValue = joystick.joy1_y1;int rightMotorValue = joystick.joy1_y2;

if(abs(leftMotorValue) < 20) { leftMotorValue = 0;}

if(abs(rightMotorValue) < 20) { rightMotorValue = 0;}

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Wait For Start

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Wait For StartSetup

