AUNG THET PAING (MR.) ENERGY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMITTEE MYANMAR ENGINEERING SOCIETY (MES) Introduction of MES and Current status of Energy Efficiency in Myanmar MECON Kick-off meeting King Monkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Campus 26 th June 2013, Bangkok, Thailand

Introduction session 1 - Myanmar

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Activities of MES on the promotion of Energy Efficiency

Aung Thet Paing (Mr.)Energy and Renewable Energy CommitteeMyanmar Engineering Society (MES)Introduction of MES and Current status of Energy Efficiency in MyanmarMECON Kick-off meetingKing Monkuts University of Technology Thonburi Campus26th June 2013, Bangkok, Thailand

1About MESMyanmar Engineering Society (MES) is the professional civil society for all engineering discipline Founded in 1995Total Member: 36,788Corporate Member Companies: 72Central Committee member: 75Election of Central Committee : every two yearsLatest election was held in 2013 January.

2About MESMES has 6 branch offices around the countryMES has 21 technical divisions and 33 committeesEnergy and renewable energy committeeinvolved with the consulting/ advisory role for energy related matters including energy Efficiency & Conservation, energy management and renewable energy. 3About MESObjectivesDevelopment of Engineering ProfessionCompetitivenessHuman Resource DevelopmentCapacity BuildingIndustrial Development of Nation4About MESMyanmar Engineering Society (MES) has been assigned as the counterpart to coordinate energy related activities with guidance from the Ministry of Energy for many years. MES also closely working with Asean Centre for Energy (ACE) in the regions energy co-operations and policy matters. U Win Khaing, the president of Myanmar Engineering Society is also one of the members of National Energy Management Committee (NEMC).

5Special Activities of MESMyanmar National Building CodeMyanmar Engineering Council LawEnvironmental ConservationQA/QC for High rise building Committee on Myanmar Transportation StudiesEnergy and Renewable Energy

6Trainings for Human Resource DevelopmentFundamental of Engineering (FE)Programmable logistic Controller (PLC)Mechanical & Electrical Competency (M & E )MATLAB Programming Circuit Theory and Basic ElectronicBasic Workshop Mechanical Natural Disaster Management (GIS)

JFEE Welding TrainingSkills Upgrading TrainingProfessional Training for Young EngineersBasic Control Technology CourseNSSA Welding TrainingBasic Digital Survey

7 Pathway to PE in MyanmarGraduate Engineer1-Registered GraduateEngineerTwo Year Working as Graduate Engineer ,Gaining ExperiencesRegistered Engineer Assessment Examination 2-Registered EngineerRegistered Engineer5 Year Working as Registered EngineerProfessional Assessment Examination3-Professional Engineer8Seminars, Workshops


JFEE Welding Training to Japan

10Surveying of Sagaing Earthquake affected pagodas

11Workshops on Disaster Risk Reduction with INGOs

12Rehabilitation Works to Nargis Victims

13Training for Safer Shelter Constructions

14School Cum Shelters

15`Safe Drinking Water ProjectLien Aid (Singapore) and Myanmar Engineering Society

16MKRC & WKRC ProjectMES + SEEDS Asia (Japan)


Young Engineers Excursions Trip18Energy & Renewable Energy Resource CentreOpening Ceremony of Energy & Renewable Energy Resource Centre, 15 Dec, 2007

19Biomass Gasification for Electricity Project, Da Goon Daing Village, Twan-Tay Township


Tidal power generation in Ayeyarwaddy Region



ASEAN Energy Awards Received by Myanmar

23ASEAN Energy Awards Received By Myanmar 2002 Kanbawza Bank, Yangon, (Special Submission)Winner 2005 Popa Mountain Resort, (Tropical Building)Winner 2006 Rural Electrification with Rice Husk Gasifier, (RE project)2nd Runner-up 2007 Mingalar Garden Resort-Pyay, (Tropical Building)Winner 2008 Tidal Power Project-Kanbalar, (RE project)1st Runner-up 2008 Bay of Bengal Resort-Ngwe Saung, (Tropical Building)1st Runner-up24 2009 Shwe Inn Tha Floating Resort, Tropical Building,Winner 2009 Belle Resort, Chaung Tha, Tropical Building,2nd Runner-up 2009 Rural Electrification with Mini Hydro Power Project (Ma Mya Dam) RE Project,Winner 2010Multi Purpose Biomass Gasifier of Myanmar, (RE Project)1st Runner-up 2010Solar Lighting and Solar Water Pumping Project at Auk Pyun Wa Village, (RE Project )2nd Runner-up

2510 April, 2009:Electric Car Industry, S/Dagon, Yangon

Site Visit (for ASEAN Energy Award)26


ASEAN Energy Awards Night7th August 200828

29Energy Promotion for Rural Village in Myanmar Project


31MTPEC (Multi-country Training Program for Energy Conservation)Energy Efficiency regulationsEnergy Efficiency best practicesEnergy Services CompaniesLabeling programmeSite visits in JapanASEAN energy awards BOJ for EEB and EM for buildings and industriesEnergy audits on industries PROMEECPromotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation32Energy Audit on Industry SectorMann Petroleum Refinery (Site visit & Audit) November 2001Mann Petroleum Refinery (Follow up) December 2004Kyankhin Cement Plant (Site visit & Audit) November 2006Mayangone Textile Factory No. (1) (Site visit & Audit) November 2008Myanmar Automobile & Diesel Engine Industries (Site visit & Audit) October 2009PROMEECPromotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation33Trainings, Workshops & SeminarsBuilding Energy Audit Training. 13-17 January 2003, YangonWorkshop on the working group for benchmarking and energy audit guideline development project. 28 Feb 2003 to 1 March 2003, YangonPromotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation (PROMEEC) for major industries in southeast Asia, 24 November 2006, MyanmarEE&C workshop on ASEAN major industries, 1 December 2008, Chatrium Hotel, YangonPROMEECPromotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation34AEMASAsean Energy Management Scheme








The Improvement of Industrial Energy Efficiency in MyanmarProject Components for 5 years time frameImprovement of policy and regulatory frameworks, incentive schemes, support programsCapacity BuildingDemonstrations and up-scaling

Role of MES: To provide technical expertise

42MECON ProjectEffective Energy efficiency Policy implementation targeting New modern energy consumers in the Greater Mekong Sub-region43Current Status of Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency in Myanmar44Key factsUp trend in Energy Demand Government is trying lift-up the energy supply to fulfill the energy sufficiencySubsidies on energy prices will be decreaseOpportunity to promote energy efficiency at the beginning of mass energy consumption45GDP(PPP):USD 51.9 Billion (2011)GDP Composition by Sector:Agriculture- 36.4 %Industry-26 % Services-37.6 % Literacy: about 92 % About Myanmar46To maintain the status of energy independenceTo promote wider use of new and renewable sources of energyTo promote energy efficiency and conservationTo promote use of alternative fuels in household Energy Policies Framework48 Petroleum Electric Power (Hydropower) Energy Efficiency(4) Coal(5) Nuclear(6) Biomass and Fuel-wood(7) Renewable Energy

Ministry of EnergyMinistry of Electrical Power Ministry of IndustryMinistry of MinesMinistry of Science and TechnologyMinistry of ForestryMinistry of Agriculture and IrrigationMinistry of Science and Technology* Ministry of Energy is a Focal Point of the Myanmar Energy Sector CooperationsInstitutional Arrangements in the Energy SectorRelated Organizations (Non Government)(1) Myanmar Engineering Society(2) Renewable Energy Association MyanmarFormation of National Energy ManagementCommittee


50Duties of National Energy Management Committee (NEMC)Formulate National Energy Policy. National Energy Security StrategyTo draft Necessary Law, Rules & Regulations to Implement AbovePrivatization of State-Owned Energy SectorsDevelopment of Electrical Sector by Short & Long Term PlansUsing Coal(CCT) for Power GenerationGenerating Electricity Using RE resources (Rural electrification )Providing Adequate power for IndustriesTo Prioritize Oil and Gas for Domestic DemandsTo Promote FDI for the Energy DevelopmentTo Adopt Convenient Pricing Policy for Consumers & InvestorsTo promote Energy Efficiency & Conservation in Industry, Transportand Household SectorsTo participate in ASEAN Civilian Nuclear Power Activities51Energy and Electric Power Status521Crude Oil (Offshore & Onshore)(Proven + Probable)648.59 MMBBL2Natural Gas (Offshore & Onshore)(Proven + Probable)166.13 TSCF3Hydro108,000 MW4Coal711 Million Metric Tons5Biomass52.5 % of total land area covered with forestpotential available annual sustainable yield of woodfuel-19.12 Million Cubic Ton6Wind365.1 TWH per yearCoastal strip of 2832 Km with South-westerly wind -9 months North-easterly wind -3 months7Solar Power51973.8 TWH per year8Geothermal93 LocationsPRIMARY ENERGY RESOURCES IN MYANMARSource: Energy Planning Dept, Ministry of Energy

Source: Asia Development Bank (ADB)54

Source: Asia Development Bank (ADB)55

Source : Ministry of Electric Power, April 201356

Access to Electricity (% of population)57

Estimated Growth in Power DemandSource: Asia Development Bank (ADB)58

Source: Ministry of Electric Power 59Economic and Investment Opportunities in Power Sector

Regulatory Frame Work in Power Sector

The government subsidized in electricity business for many years Ministry of Electric Power, take the responsibilities ofregulator.


Now, Government invite Foreign Direct Investment and localinvestors to invest in power generation.

60YearRegisteredVehiclesRoadLength (KM)20014451676973220024616927384320034763507826620049603419071320059785229285920069915661040582007102437211173720081997358125355200920678391279422010229867713005020112331663142395Statistical data of Vehicles & RoadMyanmar has about 142395 Km of road networks. The length of various categories of road are as under:

Union Highways18740 kmTownship network road19045 kmMajor city road and other roads 26427 kmVillage and boundary area roads 78183 km

Among these roads , under the Ministry of Construction is about 39241 km.Source: Public Works, Ministry of ConstructionCountryVehicles per 1000 peopleMyanmarIndonesia Thailand18250370Source: ADB, October 2012 61Role of Oil & Gas in MyanmarProven gas reserves total 11.8 trillion cubic feet (tcf) with huge potential for discovery. Offshore gas is the countrys most important source of export revenues, currently supplying Thailand with a new gas pipeline planned to the PRC. A third of the countrys ($13.6 billion) in foreign direct investment is in the oil and gas sector (as of September 2011).Myanmar is one of the five major energy exporters in the region, particularly of natural gas.Myanmar has proven oil reserve of 2.1 billon barrels. (BP2012) (Malaysia 5.9 billon barrels, Indonesia 5.8 billon barrels, Vietnam 4.4 billon barrels,


Mining SectorMINERAL RESOURCESMyanmar is endowed with natural resources and extensive varieties of mineral resources and a well established centuries old mining industry.


Source: Ministry of Mines64


Source: Ministry of Mines66

Location Map of Coal Deposits & Coal Mines in MyanmarMyanmar is known to have numerous coal occurrences within the country. The existence of these are along the Ayeyarwady and Chidwin River Basins as well as in the southern part of the country. Myanmar has a total of 16 major coal deposits throughout the country.The total coal resources in place are estimated at about 711 milliontons in 2005.The Kalewa coal deposit was first discovered in 1886 and it had adequate reserve to offer reasonable prospect for development as an energy base. However, only one coal powered-plant in Myanmar was recently constructed at Tikyit of Shan State in 2005.Source: Ministry of Mines

68YearProduction State OwnedJVOpertaion Private2010-20111734.848.8761.00925.002015-20162326.0050.001086.001190.002020-20212761.0050.001406.001305.002025-20264593.0055.003218.001320.002030-20315654.0055.004264.001335.00Coal Production ForecastTons in ThousandSource: Energy Planning Department (EPD). Ministry of Energy69

70Activities on Energy Efficiency71Objective/TargetTo advance energy security, energy efficiency and conservation are important objectives of Myanmars energy policy. In line with ASEANs target, the government aims to save 5% of the total primary energy consumption by 2020 and 8% by 2030, compared to the base year 2005.72LimitationsThere is no legal and regulatory framework for energy efficiency, no statistical data and no dedicated dept or organization at the national level in the past.Ministry of Energy (MOE) is the focal point for energy sector coordinationResearch and Development Center under the Ministry of Industry (MOI) addresses energy efficiency.Consequently, Myanmar lacks a consolidated plan for energy efficiency.Now, NEMC and EDC are taking the role in Energy development and Energy efficiency at the national level.73Steps toward Energy EfficiencyCapacity building, TrainingPolicy and guide linesDedicated Dept/Agency for EE Information on Energy useEnergy Management practice Technology advancement

74Some EE activitiesMOE, MOI, and the Myanmar Engineering Society undertake a number of activities related to energy efficiency activities, including seminars and workshops for capacity building and participation in the ASEAN Energy Award Program and ASEAN Energy Manager Accreditation Scheme. Other initiatives have been construction of an energy-efficient urea fertilizer plant at Kyawzwa and a start in replacing privately-owned vehicles 40 years old or more. Under the Ayeyarwaddy-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy, Myanmar cooperates with the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency of Thailand concerning energy statistics, promotion of energy efficiency in rural villages,38 and training in energy auditing.75Energy Promotion for Rural VillageImproved cook stoves: more efficient than traditional ones

Fuel sticks and briquettes: made from rice husks, sawdust and charcoal dustControl Fuel Wood Consumption76TOTAL PRIMARY ENERGY SUPPLY BY TYPE (2010)

CO &PP Natural Gas Coal Hydro Biomass


Energy Efficient Stoves

79Energy Promotion for Rural Village in Myanmar Project (Sukalat Village, Kungyangon Tsp,)ACMECS Project


Vietnam80A team of the Thai delegates from Silpakorn University, and Chiang Mai University) visited Su Kalat Village, Kungyangon Tsp, Myanmar and held a meeting, seminar & exhibition, demonstration on an alternative energy technology and energy efficiency at Sukalat Village, and MRTV-4 recorded the activities and it was shown several times in national TV.Distributed the energy efficiency stoves (300 Nos.) to the villagers.Three public seminars was conducted and attended by more than 300 persons.




ASEAN Energy Awards Received by Myanmar

84EE projects

85ConclusionEager demand for energyHas limitationsBest time for Myanmar to learn and implement Energy Efficiency practice widelyExpecting MECON research outcomes will provide a lot of important info for the EE policy implementations


THANK YOUMyanmar Engineering SocietyHlaing Universities Campus,Hlaing Township , YangonMyanmarTel: + 951 519673 ~ 76Fax: + 951 519681Web site: www.mes.org.mmEmail: [email protected]