Intro to HTML5 Game Programming James Williams Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

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Presented at Devoxx, Nov 14, 2011.

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Page 1: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

James Williams

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 2: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

About Me• Author of Learning HTML5 Game Programming• Google+: +jameswilliams• Twitter: @ecspike• StartupBus Alum


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 3: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

StartupBus• Originated as an idea to drive from SF to SXSW• Developing a startup idea along the way• Community building and networking• StartupBus is coming to Europe!• http://startupbus.com/europe


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 4: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

Other HTML5 Talks• Introduction to SVG

–Filip Van Laenen (Nov 14th @ 9h30)• Cross Platform Game Programming with PlayN

–Lilli Thompson (Nov 14th @ 21h00)• Intro to HTML5 Game Programming - WebGL

–Me (Nov 16th @ 12h00)• Working Off the Grid: HTML5 Offline

–Sam Dutton (Nov 16th @ 14h00)


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Agenda• HTML5 Basics• Canvas• SVG• WebGL• Deployment


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HTML5 Basics

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What is HTML5?• Evolution of the HTML spec• New APIs and features dealing with

–audio and video–canvas–storage–workers–web sockets


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Application Cache• Permits applications to run offline• Caching strategies:


• Manifest file must be changed to update cache.


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Sample AppCache FileCACHE MANIFEST

# version 1



FALLBACK:/ /offline.html




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Web Workers• Runs abitrary JavaScript on a background thread• Workers can pass messages to/from the host

pagevar worker = new Worker('task.js');

worker.onmessage = function(event) { alert(event.data); };worker.postMessage('data');

/* in task.js */self.onmessage = function(event) {self.postMessage(“Msg: “+event.data)


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WebSockets• Similar to TCP sockets• Permit bi-directional communication• Data can take any form• Functions/Handlers:



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Storage• WebStorage


• WebSQL• IndexedDB


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WebSQL• Not supported by Firefox or IE• Uses a SQLite-like language for DB access• Not formally supported by the W3C


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IndexedDB• Endorsed by the W3C• Uses a NoSQL-like language for DB access• Transactional• Reminiscent of MongoDB and CouchDB


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WebStorage• Supported by most browsers• Usually capped at 5MB• Key/value pairs• Setting values:localStorage.setItem(“a”, 42);localStorage[“a”] = 42;localStorage.a = 42;

• Retrieving values:stuff = localStorage.getItem(“a”)stuff = localStorage[“b”]stuff = localStorage.b


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Notifications API• Surfaces Growl-like notifications• Implemented in Chrome onlywindow.webkitNotifications.requestPermission();

• window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission();

– 0 allowed– 1 denied

• Notification types–Simple–HTML


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Audio Tag• API to play audio in HTML5 pages• Not well-suited for multiplexed sound• Audio format support is spotty<audio controls>

<source src="s.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /> <source src="s.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />

Your browser does not support the audio element.



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WebAudio API• API for processing and synthesizing sound• Allows playing multiple sounds• Overcomes shortcomings of the audio tag


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Video Tag• Permits video playback without a plugin• Video codec support is not consistent• Can specify multiple files to ensure support• Native controls and scrubbing<video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="m.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

<source src="m.ogg" type="video/ogg" />

Your browser doesn’t support the video tag.



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RequestAnimationFrame• http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-

for-smart-animating/window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback, element){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); };})();


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Canvas2DJames Williams

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Agenda - Canvas• What is Canvas2D?• Drawing Shapes• Paths• Fonts• Pixel Manipulation• Working with Video• Creating a Tic-Tac-Toe Game


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What is Canvas 2D?• Immediate mode drawing API• Capable of using images and video• Scriptable with JavaScript


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Drawing a Canvas<html> <head></head>

<body> <canvas id=’c’ width=”400” height=”400"/>




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Getting a Canvas2DContext• Hook to draw on the canvasvar canvas = document.getElementById(“c”);var ctx = c.getContext(“2d”);

• Capable of saving and restoring state• Capable of applying 2D matrix transformations


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Drawing Objects• beginPath• arc / arcTo / bezierCurveTo / quadracticCurveTo• moveTo• lineTo• lineWidth• rect• closePath• stroke


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Transformations• scale( x, y)• rotate (radians)• translate (x, y)• transform (a, b, c, d, e, f)


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Working with Images• Canvases and images are mostly interchangable•drawImage(image, dx, dy)

•drawImage(image, dx, dy, dw, dh)

•drawImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh)


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Pixel Manipulation•createImageData(sw, sh)



•putImageData(imagedata, dx, dy, [...])


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Creating Tic-Tac-Toe• Known in the UK as “Naughts and Crosses”• Played by 2 players on a 3x3 grid• Goal is to get 3 of the same object in a row


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Drawing X’sself.drawXSprite = function (x, y) {

var ctx = self.context;

// Save the canvas state and translate



ctx.lineWidth = 2;










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Drawing O’sself.drawOSprite = function(x, y) {

var ctx = self.context;

// Save the canvas state and translate



ctx.lineWidth = 2;


ctx.arc(100,100, 90, 0, 2*Math.PI);


// Restore canvas state




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Drawing the Game Boardself.drawGameBoard = function() {

var ctx = self.context;

ctx.rect(200, 0, 1, 600);

ctx.rect(400, 0, 1, 600);

ctx.rect(0, 200, 600, 1);

ctx.rect(0, 400, 600, 1);




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Tic-Tac-Toe AI - MiniMax• Alternates trying to select the best possible move• Recursively runs checking all paths• Depth first search• Can exceed limit in JS memory


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MiniMaxfunction(board, currentPlayer) {

if (this.currentDepth == this.depthLimit) return 0;

if (TTT.checkForWin(board) == currentPlayer) return 1;

if (TTT.checkForWin(board) == this.getOtherPlayer(currentPlayer))

return -1;



var clone = TTT.cloneGameBoard(board);

var moves = TTT.generateMovesFromBoard(clone, currentPlayer);

// truncated

return bestMove;



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Creating Copy Me• Inspired by the game Simon• The computer plays a series of tones• The player must play them in the correct order• Uses Trident.js to animate the squares


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Trident.js• JavaScript timeline animation library• Allows for timelines to be interleaved• Can animate any attribute accessible from JS• Supports a number of easing functions• https://github.com/kirillcool/trident-js


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CopyMe - Drawing Squaresself.drawSquares = function() {

var ctx = self.context;



ctx.shadowColor = "gray";


ctx.fillStyle = self.redColor;

ctx.shadowOffsetX = 5;

ctx.shadowOffsetY = 10;


ctx.rect(200,0, 200,200);



/* other squares truncated */


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CopyMe - Timelinesself.setupTimelines = function() {

// colors to interpolate

self.redColor = "rgb(200,0,0)";

/* other colors truncated */

self.timelines = new Object();

var redTimeline = new Timeline(this);


{ property: "redColor",

goingThrough: { 0:"rgb(200,0,0)", 0.5: "rgb(255,0,0)", 1:"rgb(200,0,0)" }, interpolator: new RGBPropertyInterpolator()}


/* truncated */


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CopyMe - Drawing Text• In CSS file@font-face {


src: url('../ttf/ReenieBeanie.ttf') format("TrueType");


• In JS fileself.drawGameText = function() {

var ctx = self.context;

ctx.font="36px ReenieBeanie, serif";

ctx.fillText("Copy Me", 250,250);

ctx.fillText("Round " + self.currentRound, 250,300);



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SVGJames Williams

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Agenda - SVG• What is SVG?• Components• Painting and Compositing• Animation• Raphael.js• Creating a Video Poker Game


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What is SVG?• Stands for Scalable Vector Graphics• Very mature API• Uses XML to create objects• Comparable to Canvas2D API• Maintains full scene graph in the DOM• Well suited for low count-low movement games


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SVG vs Canvas• Canvas requires data structures to track drawing• With SVG, drawing is the data structure• Canvas can draw hundreds of sprites • SVG can get bogged down with the same



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Raphaël.js• JavaScript library to create SVG scenes• Supports all major browsers including IE 6+• Built-in easing functions for animation• Built-in hooks for mouse interaction and gestures• http://raphaeljs.com


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Raphaël.js - Paper• Comparable to the canvas tag• Anchor for all drawing instructions

//adds a new svg tag to the DOMvar paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200);

//adds a svg tag in the element with id “p”var paper = Raphael("p", 320, 200);


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Raphaël.js - Elements• Rectanglesvar rect = paper.rect(x, y, width, height, [radius]);

• Circlesvar circ = paper.circle(x, y, radius);

• Ellipsesvar ellipse = paper.ellipse(x, y, rx, ry);

• Imagesvar image = paper.image(filename, x, y, width, height);

• Arbitrary data can be attached with data(key, val)


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Raphaël.js - Text• Textvar text = paper.text(x, y, textString);

• Formatted Textvar txt = r.print(x, y, textString, font, fontSize);

• Cufón packages TrueType/Freetype fonts for use with Raphael

• http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/


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Color • Can be specified by

–name (“red”, “blue”, “grey”)–shorted hex color (#0F0)–hex color (#00FF00)–rgb/rgba–hsb/hsba–hsl/hsla

• Can be animated


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Easing and Animation• Any attribute can be animated• Provide functions that define animation• Linear• BackIn / BackOut• Bounce• Acceleration• Deceleration• New easing functions can be created


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Events• Can take SVG objects as targets• The following are supported

–drag–mouseup / mousedown / mouseover / mousemove–touchstart / touchmove / touchend / touchcancel–mousehover–click / dblclick

• Listeners are removed by calling the “un” versionExample: box.mouseunhover(function)


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SVG Paths• Text strings that describe how to draw objects• Properly created paths can scale infinitely• Operations

–moveto–lineto (several variants)–curveto (several variants)–arc –closepath

•// Draws a line from 10,10 to 90,90var c = paper.path("M10 10L90 90");


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Creating Video Poker• Single player casino game• Payout based on the bet * the final hand• Uses a standard 52 card deck (svg-cards)• Uses a mix of Coffeescript and JavaScript• Underscore.js helps with evaluating


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Creating Buttonsclass Button

constructor: (@options) ->

if @options.dims isnt undefined

@rect = paper.rect(0,0, @opts.dims.x, @opts.dims.y, 10)

else @rect = paper.rect(0, 0, 150, 50, 10)

if (@opts.color isnt undefined)

@rect.attr({fill:@opts.color, stroke:'#000'})

else @rect.attr({fill:'blue', stroke:'#000'})

@text = // truncated @text.attr({fill:'white'})

setText: (text) -> // truncated

setOnClick: (@func) ->





window.Button = Button 57

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Drawing a Cardself.drawCard = function() {



if (self.cardBack == undefined)

self.cardBack = paper.image( /* truncated */)

if (self.cardFront == undefined)

self.cardFront = paper.image(/*truncated */)

self.cardFront.attr("opacity", 0.0)



self.cardFront.click(function() {

// toggle state for card

self.state = !self.state;




} 58

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Evaluating Poker Hands• The Card “class” has built-in properties for:

–ordinal value–suit

• groupBy (underscore)• pluck (underscore)


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EvaluatorcheckStraight: (hand) ->

vals = _.pluck(hand.cards, "val")


startValue = vals[0]

for i in [0...5]

return false if startValue+i isnt vals[i]

return "Straight" if vals is [1, 10, 11, 12, 13]

return "Straight"

checkFourKind: (hand) ->

sorted = _.groupBy hand.cards, @ordinalHandler

quad = @findLength(sorted, 4)

return "FourKind" if quad.length isnt 0


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Agenda - WebGL• What is WebGL?• What is Three.js?• Lighting, Shaders, and Materials• Creating Meshes• GLSL• Exporters• Animation• Debugging


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What is WebGL?• Low-level 3D graphics context• Hardware accelerated• Supported by most modern browsers• Syntax is based on OpenGL ES 2.0


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Getting a WebGLContext• Hook to draw on the canvasvar canvas = document.getElementById(“c”);var ctx = c.getContext(“experimental-webgl”);


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What is Three.js?• Abstraction layer over WebGL• 3D scenegraph library• Capable of rendering to


• Exporters for popular 3D formats• http://github.com/mrdoob/three.js


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Initializing Three.jsfunction init() {

var HEIGHT = 480, WIDTH = 640;

// create a renderer, camera, and scene renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();

renderer.setSize (WIDTH, HEIGHT);

camera = /* truncated */

// create scene

scene = new THREE.Scene(); // add objects to scene elem.appendChild(render.domElement);


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Camera• Eye point• Field of vision• Near / Far planes• Target(LookAt) point• Up vectorcamera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(

FOV, ASPECT, NEAR, FAR, [target]


• Advanced Camera types


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Creating Meshes• Geometry• Mesh• Built-in geometries• Vertexnew THREE.Vertex( new Three.Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));

• Facenew THREE.Face3(0,1,2);


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Creating Meshesgeometry = new THREE.Geometry();




var triangle = new THREE.Mesh(geometry,

new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {

color: 0x00ff00 } )



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Creating Meshesplane = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.Plane( 200, 200 ),

new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xe0e0e0 } )


scene.add( plane );scene.add(triangle);


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Lighting• Ambient• Point• Directional• SpotLightnew THREE.AmbientLight(hexColor);

new THREE.PointLight(hexColor, [intensity], [distance]);

new THREE.DirectionalLight(hexColor, [intensity], [distance], [castShadow]);

new THREE.SpotLight(hexColor, [intensity], [distance], [castShadow]);


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Shading• Flat• Lambertian• Gouraud• Phong


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Materials• MeshBasicMaterial• MeshLambertMaterial• MeshPhongMaterial• MeshShaderMaterial• Common Properties

–color / ambient–specular–shininess–opacity–mappings–blending


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What is GLSL?• High-level language with C-like syntax• Targets the GPU and graphics pipeline• A GLSL program consists of

–fragment shader–vertex shader

• Content of shaders passed around as strings• Shaders can be generated at run-time


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Vertex Shaders• Run once per vertex in a mesh• Can alter color, position, texels, etc at that vertex• Example shader:<script id="shader-vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> void main(void) {

gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);




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Fragment(Pixel) Shaders• Run once per pixel in a mesh• Can produce effects such as bump and env

mapping• Example shader:<script id="shader-vs" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> void main(void) {

gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 );



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Shader Demo Code

function drawTriangle() { var geometry, geoMaterial; shaderMaterial = new THREE.MeshShaderMaterial({ vertexShader: $('#v').get(0).innerHTML, fragmentShader:$('#f').get(0).innerHTML, vertexColors: true }); /* truncated */ var triangle = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, shaderMaterial );


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Shader Variables• uniform• varying• attribute• Types:

–bool–int–float–vec2 / vec3 / vec4–mat2 / mat3 / mat4–sampler2D, etc


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Constructing New Shader Typesstruct MyMaterial {

vec4 ambient;

vec4 diffuse;

vec4 specular; float shininess;



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Communicating with Shadersvar uniforms;

uniforms = {

time: {type:"f", value:0.0}

}shaderMaterial = new THREE.MeshShaderMaterial({

uniforms: uniforms,





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Custom Shaderuniform float time;

void main(){

float r = cos(time); float g = sin(time);

float b = tan(time);

gl_FragColor = vec4(r, 1.0 - g , b, 1.0);



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Texturing• Can load from images or use canvas data•var texture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "tex.jpg" );

•texture = new THREE.Texture(image)

• Basic shapes precalculate texture coordinates


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2D Texture Coordinates



(0,0) (1,0)


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Texturing Examplevar texture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "200407-bluemarble.jpg" );

var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xFFFFFF, ambient: 0xFFFFFF, map:texture } );

sphere = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.Sphere(32, 32, 32), material




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Vertex Shader for 2D texturing/* Vertex Shader */

attribute vec4 a_position;

attribute vec2 a_texCoord;

varying vec2 v_texCoord;

void main() {

gl_Position = a_position;

v_texCoord = a_texCoord;



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Fragment Shader for 2D texturing/* Fragment Shader */

precision mediump float;

varying vec2 v_texCoord;

uniform sampler2D s_texture;

void main() {

gl_FragColor = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord);



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Loading Modelsfunction drawCube() {

var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();

loader.load( {model: "cube.js", callback: createScene1 });


function createScene1(obj) {

obj.materials[0][0].shading = THREE.FlatShading;

mesh = THREE.SceneUtils.addMesh( scene, obj, 250, 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

obj.materials[0] );} 89

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AnimationArmature - 3D representation of bones, ligaments, and tendons

• Forward kinematics• Inverse kinematics• Keyframes/Morph targets


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MorphTargetsvar time = new Date().getTime() % duration;

var keyframe = Math.floor(time / interpol ) + offset;

if ( keyframe != currentKeyframe ) { mesh.morphTargetInfluences[lastFrame]=0;

mesh.morphTargetInfluences[currentFrame] =1;


lastFrame = currentFrame;

currentFrame = keyframe;}


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MorphTargetsmesh.morphTargetInfluences[ keyframe ] = ( time % interpol ) / interpolation;

mesh.morphTargetInfluences[ lastFrame ] = 1 - mesh.morphTargetInfluences[keyframe];


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Creating Conway’s Game of Life• Zero-player game• Cellular automation• Our version is 3D• Ported from Java with Prototype


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Game of Life - Loading Modelfunction drawScene(m) {

window.suzanne = m;

grid = new CellsGrid(new LifeProperties("{}"));


function loadModel() {

var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();

loader.load( { model: "suzanne.js",callback:drawScene });


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Game of Life - Creating a Cellinitialize: function(x,y,z) {

this.age = 0;

this.alive = (Math.random()<0.1) ? true:false;

this.makeMaterial(); this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(

window.suzanne, this.material


/* Set x, y, z positions this.mesh.position.x = ...



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Circle Visualizer • Extension to Google+• Presents shared circles in a new way• Other contributor: +JustinOrmont• Code is barely two days old


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Creating the Texturesfor url in @imageURLs

img = new Image()

img.onload = () ->

count += 1 #truncated

self.generateTexture(this, verticleOffset)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Creating the Texturescanvas = document.createElement("canvas")

ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")

# get image and place it on the canvasctx.drawImage(image, locX, locY, width, height)


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Creating the TexturesprocessedImg.onload = () ->

texture = new THREE.Texture(processedImg)

texture.needsUpdate = true

self.textures.push(texture) self.imagesLoaded++

if self.imagesLoaded == self.imageURLs.length



self.doneLoadingImages = true


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WebGL Inspector• Allows you to step through render instructions• View texture assets and GLSL programs• Capture individual frames• Can be embedded or installed as Chrome

extension• http://benvanik.github.com/WebGL-Inspector


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Stats.js• FPS - frames per second• MS - how many millis it took to render the frame• MB - the allocated megabytes

• Github: https://github.com/mrdoob/stats.js


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DeploymentJames Williams

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Agenda - Deployment• Chrome WebStore• TapJS• MacAppStore / Bodega• PhoneGap• Ubuntu Software Center


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Chrome Web Store• $5(~3.60EUR) developer signup fee• 95% of list price goes to the developer• Supports

– in-app payments– one-time purchase– subscriptions (monthly and yearly)

• Payment requires Google Checkout Account• More info: http://code.google.com/chrome/



Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Web Store Manifest File{

"name": "HTML5 Video Poker",

"description":"A video poker game created with CoffeeScript, HTML5 Audio, and SVG",



"16": "HTML5_Badge_16.png",

"32": "HTML5_Badge_32.png",

"128": "HTML5_Badge_128.png"



"launch": {






Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 110: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

TapJS• Limited Facebook integration• Player Accounts, Leaderboards and badges• Free subdomain to host your app • Simply fill out a (really long) form and zip your

files• Accepts the following file types

–html–css–js–jpg, gif, and png–mp3 and ogg


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 111: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

Mac App Store/Bodega• Mac App Store

–Requires OS X 10.6.6 or higher(Snow Leopard)–70/30 revenue split–Restrictions on API access–Sandboxing rules–http://developer.apple.com/programs/mac/

• Bodega, alternate OS X app store–Requires OS X 10.5.8 or higher(Leopard)–93/7 revenue split–http://appbodega.com/Developers.php


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 112: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

Ubuntu Software Center• Very popular Linux distro• Development Options:

–Quickly and PyGTK–Mono–Java–Qt

• Supports both free and commercial apps• 80% (Dev) / 20% (Canonical) split• Requires PayPal for commercial apps• More info: http://developer.ubuntu.com/


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 113: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

PhoneGap• HTML5 App platform with native hooks• Can access native features like:


• Nitobi acquired by Adobe• Supports: iOS, Android, BB, WP7, WebOS• PhoneGap Build


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 114: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

Thanks for coming• Blog: http://jameswilliams.be/blog• Google+: +jameswilliams• Twitter: @ecspike• http://github.com/jwill


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Page 115: Intro to HTML5 Game Programming

Thanks for coming!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011