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Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises

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Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises Jared Ladner, Geocent

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Page 1: Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises

NOTICE: Proprietary and Confidential This material is proprietary to Geocent. It contains trade secrets and confidential information which is solely the property of Geocent. This material is solely for the Client’s internal use. This material shall not be used, reproduced, copied, disclosed, transmitted, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Geocent. © 2009 All rights reserved



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Page 2: Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises

Web  Service  Accuracy  in  DoD  Networks  

The  Importance  of  WS-­‐Reliability  and  WS-­‐Addressing  in  DoD  Networks  

Page 3: Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises


•  Presenter:  Jared  Ladner  •  Company:  Geocent  

•  CerGficaGons:  – SOA  Systems:    SOA  CerGfied  Architect  – Sun  Systems:    SCJD,  SCWCD,  SCBCD  

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•  Web  Services  in  DoD  Environments  •  Network-­‐Centric  Warfare  

•  Global  InformaGon  Grid  

•  WS-­‐Reliability  

•  WS-­‐Addressing  

•  Web  Services  in  DoD  

•  Examples/Demos  

Page 5: Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises

Web  Services  in  DoD  Environments  

•  Service  OrientaGon  plays  a  big  role  DoD  “SOA  is  so  strategic,  in  fact,  that  SOA  underlies  how  the  DoD  expects  

to  achieve  its  mission  in  the  21st  century”  ZapThink    

•  DoD  is  an  organizaGon  of  outstanding  complexity  

•  Mission  CriGcal  Services  

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Web  Services  in  DoD  Environments  

Page 7: Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises

Net  Centric  Warfare  

•  Robust  network  for:  improved  informaGon  sharing,  and  shared  situaGonal  awareness    

•  InformaGon  as  Strategic  Military  Asset  – The  right  informaGon,  at  the  place,  at  the  right  Gme  

•  Goal  is  to  achieve  Agile  InformaGon  •  Represents  a  fundamental  shiT  in  military  culture,  away  from  powerful  compartmentalized  war  machines  and  toward  interconnected  units  operaGng  cohesively  

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Global  Informa<on  Grid  

•  InformaGon  as  Strategic  Military  Asset  –  InformaGon  is  needed  at  the  right  Gme  

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WSDL  and  SOAP  

WSDL  and  SOAP  were  never  designed    to  model  complex  interacGons.  The  limitaGons  include  no  standard  ways  to:  

•  Define  a  "unit  of  work"  spanning  mulGple  operaGon  invocaGons  (begin  /  end)  

•  Specify  the  sequence  in  which  operaGon  needs  to  be  invoked  

•  Correlate  operaGons  invocaGons  as  part  of  a  unit  of  work  

•  Specify  the  intent  of  a  SOAP  message  

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Message  Type  

SOAP  AcGon  

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Target  Endoint  

SOAP  AcGon  

Calling  URL  Reply  URL  Fault  URL  

Unique  Message  ID  

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Endpoint  Reference  •  Provides  for  Dynamic  Endpoints  

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•  Provides  transport  neutrality  –  IdenGty  Web  Service  Endpoints  – Secure  End-­‐to-­‐End  endpoint  idenGficaGon  in  messages  

•  Support  message  transmission  through  processing  nodes  such  as:  – endpoint  managers  – Firewalls  – gateways  

Page 14: Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises

DoD’s  Need  for  WS  Accuracy  

•  Cyber  Warfare  –  informaGon-­‐centric  guerrilla  tacGcs    

•  Security  •  Predictability  

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Web  Services  Best  Prac<ces  in  DoD  

•  Interoperability  •  StandardizaGon    •  Discoverability  •  Interpretability  •  Reliability  •  Policies  •  Addressing  

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Page 17: Importance of WS-Addressing and WS-Reliability in DoD Enterprises


•   DoD's  Net-­‐Centricity  approach  moves  SOA  into  ba^le  formaGon,  ZD  Net,  By  Dana  Gardner  

•  Network-­‐Centric  Warfare,  Wikipedia  

•  Global  InformaFon  Grid,  Wikipedia  

•  Web  Service  Addressing,  W3C  

•  WS  Addressing,  ebPML.org  

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